
51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Admin Console Setup adobe-admin-console-setup

The first step to using Marketo Measure is to create and sign in to your provisioned 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Admin Console. If you have not received the email with login instructions, contact your Marketo Measure Account Representative.

Set up Your 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Admin Console and Identity Provider set-up-your-adobe-admin-console-and-identity-provider

As a product within the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Suite, Marketo Measure uses the full functionality of 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Admin Console for Identity Management. More resources can be .

It is recommended to review the resources, best practices, and options available to you for .

For guidance and review of setting up your Identity Management within the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Admin Console, reach out to your Marketo Measure Account Representative.

To facilitate user authentication and authorization with your Marketo Measure instances, the following steps are required within the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Admin Console:

Setting Up the Marketo Measure Product Card

Upon accessing the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Admin Console, you see your Marketo Measure Product instances present in the Overview section.

Clicking the Marketo Measure Product Card shows you all of your Marketo Measure instances. By default, each Marketo Measure Instance has its own profile prefixed with ‘Marketo Measure’. Any Admins or Users added to this or any other profile within this instance will be able to log in to Marketo Measure.

No action is required to create a profile within the Marketo Measure Product instance(s).

To begin adding users who can access Marketo Measure, refer to the Adding Marketo Measure Admins and Marketo Measure Users section below.

Adding Marketo Measure Admins and Marketo Measure Users adding-marketo-measure-admins-and-marketo-measure-users

The next step is to grant access to the Marketo Measure application by adding users. This can be done in the admins and users directory of the Marketo Measure product card.

User Type
these are administrators and power users of the Marketo Measure Application with full ability to update and manage Marketo Measure-specific configuration options
these are standard users of the Marketo Measure Application with read-only permissions within the Marketo Measure application

When adding a user to their respective group, you see their .

To be a Marketo Measure administrator (in ), a user must be added as a User and an Admin to any Marketo Measure product profile within the Marketo Measure product card.

Signing in to Marketo Measure

After a user has been added to a Product Profile, they’re able to access their Marketo Measure instances by choosing the Sign in with 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ ID option at .
