
Job Aids

Learn how to view and consume job aids in Learning Manager.

Job Aids is a repository of training content that is accessible to learners without any enrollment or completion criteria. Learners can refer to these job aids to get assistance for performing any activity or task in an organization.

Job Aids can be consumed independently or along with course consumption in Learning Manager.

An Administrator of your organization can assign job aids to learners. In learner login you can view Job Aids in the My Job Aids widget on the Home page. If there are any job aids assigned to you, you can view them in the My Job Aids widget at the bottom of the Learner鈥檚 page.

Consume job aids consumejobaids

From the My Job Aids widget, click the Job Aid name. The job aid opens up in a fluidic player for your consumption. You can also download job aids by clicking the download icon at the left-lower corner of the player window.

You may also find job aids associated with a course. However, it is not mandatory to complete these job aids while consuming courses.
