
Terminating a journey

The Stop and Close to new entrances options allow you to terminate live journeys. Closing a journey involves that the arrival of new customers in the journey is blocked and that the customers who already entered in the journey are able to experience it to the end. This is the most recommended way to put an end to a journey as it offers the best experience for customers. Stopping a journey involves that people who already entered a journey are all stopped in their progress. The journey is basically switched off.

Note that you cannot resume a closed or stopped journey.
The concept of journey ending is described in this section.

Closing a journey

You can close a journey manually to ensure that customers who already entered the journey can finish their path but new users are not able to enter the journey.

When closed, a journey will have the status Closed (no entrance). After the default global timeout of 30 days, the journey will switch to the Finished status. See this section.

A closed journey version cannot be restarted or deleted. You can create a new version of it or duplicate it. Only finished journeys can be deleted.

You can close a journey by clicking Close to new entrances while hovering over a journey in the list of journeys.

You can also:

  1. In Home, click on the journey you want to close.

  2. On the top-right, click on the down arrow.

  3. Click Close to new entrances. A dialog box appears.

  4. Click Close to new entrances to confirm.

Stopping a journey

You can stop a journey when an emergency occurred and all processing needs to be ended immediately on a journey.

A stopped journey version cannot be restarted.

When stopped, a journey will have the status Stopped.

You can stop a journey (for example if a marketer realizes that the journey targets the wrong audience or a custom action supposed to deliver messages is not working correctly…) by clicking Stop while hovering over a journey in the list of journeys.

You can also:

  1. In Home, click on the journey you want to stop.
  2. On the top-right, click on the down arrow.

  1. Click Stop. A dialog box appears.
  2. Click Stop to confirm.