journeysteps events common fields sharing-common-fields
This field group will be shared by the following events: journeyStepEvent and journeyStepProfileEvent.
These are the common XDM fields that Journey Optimizer sends to 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform. Common fields will be sent for every step that is processed in a journey. More specific fields are used for custom actions and enrichments.
Some of those fields are only available in specific processing patterns (action execution, data fetch, etc.) in order to limit the size of events.
entrance entrance-field
Indicates if the user has entered the journey. If not present, we assume that the value is false.
Type: boolean
Values: true/false
reentrance reentrance-field
Indicates if the user has reentered the journey with the same instance. If not present, we assume that the value is false.
Type: boolean
Values: true/false
instanceEnded instance-ended-field
Indicates if the instance has ended (successfully or not).
Type: boolean
eventID eventid-field
Event id in processing, for the step processing. If the event is an external one, the value is its eventId. If the event is an internal one, the value is the internal eventId (such as scheduledNotificationReceived, executedAction, etc.).
Type: string
nodeID nodeid-field
Client node id (from the canvas).
Type: string
stepID stepdid-field
Unique id of the step that is currently being processed.
Type: string
stepName stepname-field
Name of the step that is currently being processed.
Type: string
stepType steptype-field
Type of the step.
Type: string
Possible values:
- Condition
- Action
- Scheduler
- Timer
stepStatus stepstatus-field
Status of the step, representing the status of the step, when its processing has been done (and the step event fired).
Type: string
The status can be:
- ended: the step has no transition and its processing has ended successfully.
- error: the step processing has raised an error.
- transitions: the step is waiting for an event to transition to another step.
- capped: the step has failed on a capping error, raised during an action or enrichment.
- timedout: the step has failed on a timeout error, raised during an action or enrichment.
- instanceTimedout: the step has stopped its processing, because the instance has reached its timeout.
journeyID journeyid-field
ID of the journey.
Type: string
journeyVersionID journeyversionid-field
ID of the journey version. This id represents the identity reference to the journey, in the case of the journeyStepEvent.
Type: string
journeyVersionName journeyversionname-field
Name of the journey version.
Type: string
journeyVersion journeyversion-field
Version of the journey version.
Type: string
instanceID instanceid-field
Internal ID of the journey instance.
Type: string
externalKey externalkey-field
External key extracted from the event to process it.
Type: string
parentStepID parenstepid-field
Step ID of the parent of the current processed step in the instance.
Type: string
parentStepName parentstepname-field
Step name of the parent of the current step.
Type: string
parentTransitionID parenttransitionid-field
Id of the transition which has brought the instance to the processed step.
Type: string
parentTransitionName parenttransitionname-field
Name of the transition which has brought the instance to the processed step.
Type: string
inTest intest-field
Indicated if this journey is in test mode or not.
Type: boolean
processingTime processingtime-field
Total amount of time in milliseconds from the instance step entrance to the end of the processing.
Type: long
instanceType instancetype-field
Indicates the instance type, if it is batch or unitary.
Type: string
Values: batch/unitary
recurrenceIndex recurrenceindex-field
Index of the recurrence if the journey is batch and recurring (first run has recurrenceIndex = 1).
Type: long
isBatchToUnitary isbatchtounitary-field
Indicates if this unitary instance has been triggered from a batch instance.
Type: boolean
batchExternalKey batchexternalkey-field
External Key for batch event.
Type: string
batchInstanceID batchinstanceid-field
this is the batch instance ID.
Type: string
batchUnitaryBranchID batchunitarybranchid-field
if the instance has been triggered from a batch instance, unitary branch ID.
Type: string
ID of the exitCriteria
Type: string
Name of the exitCriteria
Type: string