
Helpers gs-helpers

Default Fallback Value default-value

The Default Fallback Value helper is used to return a default fallback value if an attribute is empty or null. This mechanism works for Profile attributes and Journey events.


Hello {%=profile.personalEmail.name.firstName ?: "there" %}!

In this example, the value there is displayed if the firstName attribute of this profile is empty or null.

Conditions if-function

The if helper is used to define a conditional block.
If the expression evaluation returns true, the block is rendered otherwise it is skipped.


{%#if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".edu")%}
<a href="https://www.adobe.com/academia">Check out this link</a>

Following the if helper, you can enter an else statement to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false.
The elseif statement will specify a new condition to test if the first statement returns false.


        {%#if condition1%} element_1
        {%else if condition2%} element_2
        {%else%} default_element


  1. Render different store links based on conditional expressions

    code language-sql
    {%#if profile.homeAddress.countryCode = "FR"%}
    <a href="https://www.somedomain.com/fr">Consultez notre catalogue</a>
    <a href="https://www.somedomain.com/en">Checkout our catalogue</a>
  2. Determine email address extension

    code language-sql
    {%#if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".edu")%}
    <a href="https://www.adobe.com/academia">Checkout our page for Academia personals</a>
    {%else if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".org")%}
    <a href="https://www.adobe.com/orgs">Checkout our page for Non Profits</a>
    <a href="https://www.adobe.com/users">Checkout our page</a>
  3. Add a conditional link

    The following operation will add a link to the ‘www.adobe.com/academia’ website for profiles with ‘.edu’ email addresses only, to the ‘www.adobe.com/org’ website for profiles with ‘.org’ email addresses, and the default URL ‘www.adobe.com/users’ for all other profiles:

    code language-sql
    {%#if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".edu")%}
    <a href="https://www.adobe.com/academia">Checkout our page for Academia personals</a>
    {%else if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".org")%}
    <a href="https://www.adobe.com/orgs">Checkout our page for Non Profits</a>
    <a href="https://www.adobe.com/users">Checkout our page</a>
  4. Conditional content based on audience membership

    code language-sql
    {%#if profile.segmentMembership.get("ups").get("5fd513d7-d6cf-4ea2-856a-585150041a8b").status = "existing"%}
    Hi! Esteemed gold member. <a href="https://www.somedomain.com/gold">Checkout your exclusive perks </a>
    {%else%} if 'profile.segmentMembership.get("ups").get("5fd513d7-d6cf-4ea2-856a-585150041a8c").status = "existing"'%}
    Hi! Esteemed silver member. <a href="https://www.somedomain.com/silver">Checkout your exclusive perks </a>
To learn more about audiences and the segmentation service, refer to this section.

Unless unless

The unless helper is used to define a conditional block. By opposition to the The if helper, if the expression evaluation returns false, the block is rendered.


{%#unless unlessCondition%} element_1 {%else%} default_element {%/unless%}


Render some content based on email address extension:

{%#unless endsWith(profile.personalEmail.address, ".edu")%}
Some Normal Content
Some edu specific content Content

Each each

The each helper is used to iterate over an array.
The syntax of the helper is {{#each ArrayName}} YourContent {{/each}}
We can refer to the individual array items by using the keyword this inside the block. The index of the array’s element can be rendered by using {{@index}}.


{{#each profile.productsInCart}}


{{#each profile.homeAddress.city}}
  {{@index}} : {{this}}<br>


Render a list of products that this user has in their cart:

{{#each profile.products as |product|}}
    <li>{{product.productName}} {{product.productRating}}</li>

With with

The with helper is used to change the evaluation token of template-part.


{{#with profile.person.name}}
{{this.firstName}} {{this.lastName}}

The with helper is useful to define a shortcut variable too.


Use with for aliasing long variable names to shorter ones:

{{#with profile.person.name as |name|}}
 Hi {{name.firstName}} {{name.lastName}}!
 Checkout our trending products for today!

Let let

The let function allows an expression to be stored as a variable to be used later in a query.


{% let variable = expression %} {{variable}}


The following example lets you calculate the total sum of prices for products in the cart with prices between 100 and 1000.

{% let sum = 0%}
    {{#each profile.productsInCart as |p|}}
        {%#if p.price>100 and p.price<1000%}
            {%let sum = sum + p.price %}