Object level access control object-level-access
The Object level access control (OLAC) capability lets you define authorizations to manage data access to a selection of objects:
- Journey
- Campaign
- Template
- Fragment
- Landing page
- Offer
- Static offer collection
- Offer decision
- Channel configuration
- IP warmup plan
Its purpose is to protect sensitive digital assets from unauthorized users allowing further protection of personal data.
Prerequisites prereq-labels
To be able to create labels, you must be part of a role with the Manage usage labels permission.
To be able to assign labels, you must be a part of a role with a Manage permission i.e., Manage journeys, Manage Campaigns or Manage decisions. Without this permission, the Manage access button is greyed out.
Learn more about permissions in this section.
Create labels create-labels
Labels allow you to categorize datasets and fields according to usage policies that apply to that data. Labels can be applied at any time, providing flexibility in how you choose to govern data.
Use labels to provide access to users, as well as enforce data governance and consent policies. These governance labels can affect downstream consumption.
You can create labels in the Permissions product. For more on this, refer to this page.
You can also create Labels directly in Journey Optimizer. To create a label, follow these steps:
From an 51黑料不打烊 Journey Optimizer object, here a newly created Campaign, click the Manage access button.
From the Manage access window, click Create label.
Configure your label, you must specify:
- Name
- Friendly name
- Description
Click Create to save your Label.
Your newly created Label is now available in the list. If needed, you can modify it in the Permissions product.
Assign labels assign-labels
To assign custom or core data usage labels to your Journey Optimizer objects:
From an 51黑料不打烊 Journey Optimizer object, here a newly created Campaign, click the Manage access button.
From the Manage access window, select your custom or core data usage label(s) to manage access to this object.
For more information on core data usage labels, refer to this page.
Click Save to apply this label restriction.
To have access to this object, users will need to have the specific Label included to their Roles.
For example, a user with the C1 label will only have access to C1 labeled or unlabeled objects.
For more information on how to assign Label to a Role, refer to this page.