
Sales alert email

A sales alert email signals the hand-off of buying groups to Sales. The email contains a summary of the buying group and information about the buying group members and their activities.

As a marketer, you can configure a sales alert email node in your account journeys to alert your sales team about the completion of the journey for particular buying groups. Within the node, you can specify the email addresses of the sales team or a distribution alias that reaches a set of accounts.

Make sure that your organization’s allowlist is updated so that a Sales alert email can be delivered. For more information, see Protocols for tracking and email delivery.

Email content

Sample sales alert email
Example of a sales alert email using the default template {width="500" modal="regular"}
Buying group information
Buying Group Name
Display name for the buying group.
Account Name
Name of the account.
Engagement score
Engagement score of the buying group, based on active engagement activities in the last 30 days.
Completeness score
Completeness score of the buying group.
Solution interest
Solution interest linked to the buying group’
Status of the buying group.
Buying group highlights
Top engaged members
Top engaged members of the buying group by buying group member engagement score and role.
Topic of interest
Most frequent keywords occurring in the content engagement, based on emails, downloads, chat, PDF review, activity summary, and webinar questions.
Missing roles
Mandatory roles in the template but are missing in the buying group.
Buying group summary
Activity summary (powered by Generative AI)
AI-generated summary of the buying group based on the activities of the members. The activities over the last 30 days are considered.
Key interesting moments
Recent interesting moments related to the members of the buying group.
List of four Buying Members
Details of the top four buying group members by engagement score and role.
Each buying group member
Member name
Name of the buying group member.
Title of the buying group member.
The Buying group role of the member.
Engagement score
Buying group member engagement score. The score is based on active engagement activities in the last 30 days.
Last interesting moment
The recent most interesting moment related to the member.
Most recent activities
The latest two activities related to the buying group member.
Email ID
Email ID of the buying group member.
Phone number
Phone number of the buying group member.

Add a sales alert email action in an account journey

You can set up sales alert email deliveries in an account journey when you add a Take an action node and do the following:

  1. For the Action on target, choose Account.

  2. For Action on accounts, choose Send Sales Alert.

  3. For Select solution interest, choose the solution interest to use for the generated email content.

  4. For Send Email To, enter each email address or alias that you want to include for the delivery.

    Create new email dialog {width="600" modal="regular"}

    After the account journey is published, the sales alert is delivered according to these parameters.
