
LinkedIn Account Matched Audiences

Journey Optimizer B2B Edition offers the ability to generate LinkedIn Ad audiences through Account Matched Audiences, and is designed to help you fill empty roles in your buying groups. By defining a set of buying group filters, you can maintain a LinkedIn Matched Audience to target prospects who match your buying group parameters. This feature leverages Experience Platform Destinations to manage some aspects of the integration. There is a limit of ten dataflows.

Before you initiate a dataflow from Journey Optimizer B2B Edition, you must have at least one instance of the (Companies) LinkedIn Matched Audience destination connector with a LinkedIn Campaign Manager account configured in your Experience Platform application.

Configure a new LinkedIn account connection linkedin-destination-setup

  1. In Experience Platform, go to Connections > Destinations in the left navigation and select the Catalog tab.

  2. In the catalog, locate the (Companies) LinkedIn Matched Audience connector.

    note tip
    You can quickly find the connector by entering LinkedIn in the search box.
  3. In the connector card, click the More (…) icon and choose Configure new destination.

    Access the (Companies) LinkedIn Matched Audience connector {width="800" modal="regular"}

  4. Select New Account and click Connect to destination.

    Connect a new LinkedIn account {width="500"}

  5. Provide your LinkedIn credentials and sign in.

    After authentication, the LinkedIn account is connected as a destination in Experience Platform.

    Account connection confirmation is displayed {width="400"}

    note important
    At this point, do not enter the Destination details. Only the connection is needed.

Update the account details

The name and description for the LinkedIn account are visible for buying groups in Journey Optimizer B2B Edition. It is a best practice to update this information so that it is easily identifiable for your Marketers working with buying groups. You can change the account details in the Experience Platform or Journey Optimizer B2B Edition UI.

  1. Go to Connections > Destinations in the left navigation and select the Accounts tab.

  2. For the new account that you created, click the More (…) menu and choose Edit details.

    Edit account details {width="800" modal="regular"}

  3. In the dialog, update the name and description.

    Edit the name and description {width="500"}

  4. Click Save.

Activate the account for buying groups

If you already have ten dataflows, you cannot create another. If you are at the maximum, delete one in Experience Platform before you create a new one in Journey Optimizer B2B Edition.
  1. In Journey Optimizer B2B Edition, go to Accounts > Buying groups in the left navigation.

  2. Select the Browse tab.

  3. Click Activate to LinkedIn Destination at the top right.

    Edit account details {width="800" modal="regular"}

  4. Give the dataflow a descriptive name and description (optional).

    After you save it, the name that you specify for the dataflow is prepended with AJOB2B to aid in identifying the dataflow in Experience Platform.

  5. Enter the .

    You can find your Account ID by your Account Name in the Campaign Manager UI.

    Add the dataflow details {width="700" modal="regular"}

  6. Click Select buying group filters and define the parameters of your account audience.

    note important
    At this time, filters cannot be edited after the dataflow is activated. Double-check your work before you activate the dataflow.

    Specify the account audience filtering according to buying groups {width="400"}

    For the Engagement score, the operator Between is inclusive, as are percentage ranges. For example, 5.1 and 5 are both between 5 and 6.

    Empty conditions are treated like Is Any.

    Click Save to add the specified filters.

  7. Click Select LinkedIn destination and choose the configured LinkedIn destination that you want to use.

    Upon activation, this setting creates the dataflow using the destination configuration and a corresponding virtual segment.

  8. Double-check your settings and click Activate at the top right.

    Click Activate again in the confirmation dialog.

    A banner is displayed with a link to your dataflows menu in Experience Platform so that you can check the dataflow record.
