
cookieLifetime cookielifetime

This variable lets you override the default lifetime interval for the AMCV cookie.

By default, Experience Cloud ID service cookies expire after 24-months. Set the time interval in seconds.

Syntax: cookieLifetime: *lifetime in seconds*

Code Sample

var visitor = Visitor.getInstance ("Insert Experience Cloud organization ID here",{
   trackingServer: "Insert tracking server here here",  //Same as s.trackingServer
   trackingServerSecure: "Insert secure tracking server here",  //Same as s.trackingServerSecure

   //For CNAME support only. Exclude these variables if you're not using CNAME
   marketingCloudServer: "Insert tracking server here",
   marketingCloudServerSecure: "Insert secure tracking server here",

   //Function variable. Example changes expiration period to 12-months.