Experiences overview
The Insights Experiences view shows a list of experiences for the connected channel ad account. For Facebook, the experiences are Meta ad names.
The Experiences table is organized using Ad names. Click the settings (cog) icon above the right side of the table to toggle the viewable columns. The filter (funnel) icon above the left side of the table opens the Filter menu where you can select from the Account and Campaign lists to filter the ad names in the table.
Experience details
An experience is a promotional asset that includes visual and interactive content intended for distribution to a specific audience as part of a marketing campaign.
Select an experience (ad name) and view the performance metrics, text attributes, and placements associated with each ad. In the details view, you can analyze an experience鈥檚 metrics based on its ad placement and marketing efforts within a specified date range.
The details view includes a metrics overall ad click-through rate
, cost per action
, and spend
鈥攈ow much of the budget has been on the ad. Since ads can have multiple placements, such as a feed or a banner, you can see a breakdown of the same metrics for each ad placement. Use the left and right arrows under Performance by ad placement to cycle through the placement metrics.
Text attributes
Below the experience preview is a list of Text attributes associated with the ad. When assets and experiences are approved and stored in Content, GenStudio for Performance Marketing generates tags based on their inherent features. See Asset details for details about system metadata.
Ad placements
At the time that you created a campaign with Meta ads, you may have selected where to run your ads based on the campaign objective. Ad placements broaden the audience reach for your ad.
GenStudio for Performance Marketing supports ad formats, such as asset feeds, link ads, and single image or video. The following is a list of ad formats by platform:
Explore home
Explore grid Home
Profile feed
In-stream video
Reels overlay
Right column
Search results
Video feeds
Ads on Facebook reels
Rewarded video
Unsupported placements
GenStudio for Performance Marketing does not support the following ad placements:
- Collaborative
- Catalog/Advantage+ catalog
- Instance Experience
- Carousel
Experience performance
Insights metrics can help you evaluate which experiences contribute to the success of a campaign and which ad placements are most effective.
The following table provides definitions and insights for key digital marketing metrics in the Experiences table view. Each metric includes a brief definition as it relates to ad names, how the metric is calculated, and one or more insights to help understand its significance and impact on an experience.
Click-through rate
divided by impressions
Cost per thousand
Calculation: total amount
divided by reach, then multiplied by 1000Cost per Action
Calculation: total amount
divided by the number of customer actions completedCost per click
Calculation: total amount
divided by clicks
Placement performance
In the Experience details view, the top three metrics reflect the overall performance of the selected experience. However, the Performance by placement section shows the detailed metrics for each ad placement. The following table provides definitions for placement performance metrics:
Click-through rate
divided by impressions
Cost per Action
divided by the number of customer actions completedCost per click
divided by clicks