
[Beta]{class="badge informative"}

Create a SAP Commerce source connection in the UI

The SAP Commerce source is in beta. See the sources overview for more information on using beta-labeled sources.

The following tutorial walks you through the steps to create a SAP Commerce source connection to bring contacts and customer data using the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform user interface.

Getting started getting-started

This tutorial requires a working understanding of the following components of Experience Platform:

If you already have a valid SAP Commerce account, you may skip the remainder of this document and proceed to the tutorial on configuring a dataflow.

Gather required credentials gather-credentials

In order to connect SAP Commerce to Experience Platform, you must provide values for the following connection properties:

Client ID
The value of clientId from the service key.
Client secret
The value of clientSecret from the service key.
Token endpoint
The value of url from the service key, it will be similar to https://subscriptionbilling.authentication.eu10.hana.ondemand.com.
Your data center location. The region is present in the url and has a value similar to eu10 or us10. For example if the url is https://eu10.revenue.cloud.sap/api you will need eu10.

For more information, please refer to the .

Create a Platform schema create-platform-schema

Before creating a SAP Commerce source connection, you must also ensure that you first create an Experience Platform schema to use for your source. See the tutorial on creating a Platform schema for comprehensive steps on how to create a schema.

Expand the following section to view an example schema.

View schema example
code language-none
  "_extconndev": {
    "addresses": [
        "addressUUID": "{ADDRESS_UUID}",
        "city": "Burnaby",
        "country": "Canada",
        "email": "chandni@acme.com",
        "houseNumber": "27",
        "isDefault": false,
        "phone": "123-456-7890",
        "postalCode": "V3J 1X9",
        "state": "British Columbia",
        "street": "Beresford"
    "changedAt": "1687204041",
    "changedBy": "vero@acme.com",
    "contactNumber": "123-456-7980",
    "corporateInfo": {
      "company": "acme"
    "createAt": "1687204041",
    "createdBy": "vero@acme.com",
    "customReferences": [
        "id": "Sample value",
        "typeCode": "Sample value"
    "customerNumber": "Sample value",
    "customerType": "Sample value",
    "defaultAddress": {
      "addressUUID": "Sample value",
      "city": "North Vancouver",
      "country": "Canada",
      "email": "chandni@acme.come",
      "houseNumber": "34",
      "isDefault": false,
      "phone": "123-456-7890",
      "postalCode": "V7H 2P1",
      "state": "British Columbia",
      "street": "Maple"
    "externalObjectReferences": [
        "externalId": "{EXTERNAL_ID}",
        "externalIdTypeCode": "{EXTERNAL_ID_TYPE_CODE}",
        "externalSystemId": "{EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ID}"
    "markets": [
        "active": false,
        "country": "USA",
        "currency": "USD",
        "marketId": "Sample value",
        "priceinfo": {
          "incoterms": "{INCO_TERMS}",
          "incotermsLocation": "{INCO_TERMS_LOCATION}",
          "priceGroup": "{PRICE_GROUP}",
          "priceListType": "{PRICE_LIST_TYPE}"
        "salesArea": {
          "distributionChannel": "{DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL}",
          "division": "{DIVISION}",
          "salesOrganization": "{SALES_ORGANIZATION}"
    "personalInfo": {
      "firstName": "Chandni",
      "lastName": "Kaur"
  "_id": "/uri-reference",
  "_repo": {
    "createDate": "2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00",
    "modifyDate": "2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00"
  "createdByBatchID": "/uri-reference",
  "modifiedByBatchID": "/uri-reference",
  "personID": "{PERSON_ID}",
  "repositoryCreatedBy": "kevin@acme.com",
  "repositoryLastModifiedBy": "kevin@acme.com"

Connect your SAP Commerce account connect-account

In the Platform UI, select Sources from the left navigation bar to access the Sources workspace. The Catalog screen displays a variety of sources with which you can create an account.

You can select the appropriate category from the catalog on the left-hand side of your screen. Alternatively, you can find the specific source you wish to work with using the search option.

Under the eCommerce category, select SAP Commerce, and then select Add data.

Platform UI screenshot for catalog with SAP Commerce card

The Connect SAP Commerce account page appears. On this page, you can either use new credentials or existing credentials.

Existing account existing-account

To use an existing account, select the SAP Commerce account you want to create a new dataflow with, then select Next to proceed.

Platform UI screenshot to connect SAP Commerce account with an existing account

New account new-account

If you are creating a new account, select New account, and then provide a name, an optional description, and your credentials. When finished, select Connect to source and then allow some time for the new connection to establish.

Platform UI screenshot to connect SAP Commerce account with a new account

Select data select-data

Finally, you must select the object type that you want to ingest to Platform.

Object type
The entities who have subscriptions.
The contact details for customers.

To ingest customer data, select Customers as your object type and then select Next.

Platform UI screenshot for SAP Commerce showing configuration with Customers option selected


To ingest contact data, select Contacts as your object type and then select Next.

Platform UI screenshot for SAP Commerce showing configuration with Contacts option selected

Next steps next-steps

By following this tutorial, you have established a connection to your SAP Commerce account. You can now continue on to the next tutorial and configure a dataflow to bring data into Platform.

Additional resources additional-resources

The sections below provide additional resources that you can refer to when using the SAP Commerce source.

Mapping mapping

Platform provides intelligent recommendations for auto-mapped fields based on the target schema or dataset that you selected. You can manually adjust mapping rules to suit your use cases. Based on your needs, you can choose to map fields directly, or use data prep functions to transform source data to derive computed or calculated values. For comprehensive steps on using the mapper interface and calculated fields, see the Data Prep UI guide.

Mapping configurations for your dataflow will differ depending on your schema and the object type that you select to ingest.


For customer data, SAP Commerce uses the and the endpoints of the SAP Business Partners API to retrieve the data

The following is an example of mapping configurations for SAP Commerce dataflow for customer data:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 11-row-2 12-row-2 13-row-2
Target Field Description
customerNumber The customer鈥檚 number.
corporateInfo The customer鈥檚 number.
customerType The customer type.
createdAt A timestamp indicating when the customer was created.
changedAt A timestamp indicating when the customer was last updated.
markets[*].country The customers markets, retrieved as an array object.
addresses[*].email Emails associated with the customer鈥檚 multiple addresses, retrieved as an array object.
addresses[*].city Cities associated with the customer鈥檚 multiple addresses, retrieved as an array object.
addresses[*].addressUUID ID鈥檚 associated with the customer鈥檚 multiple addresses, retrieved as an array object.
externalObjectReferences[*].externalSystemId Additional data, retrieved as an array object.
externalObjectReferences[*].externalId Additional data, retrieved as an array object.
customReferences[*].id Additional data, retrieved as an array object.
customReferences[*].typeCode Additional data, retrieved as an array object.

The mapping step of the sources workflow.


For contact data, SAP Commerce uses the endpoint of the SAP Business Partners API to retrieve the data.

The following is an example of mapping configurations for SAP Commerce dataflow for contact data:

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2
Target Field Description
contactNumber The contact鈥檚 number.
createdAt A timestamp indicating when the contact was created.
changedAt A timestamp indicating when the contact was last updated.
personalInfo.lastName The contact鈥檚 Last Name.
personalInfo.firstName The contact鈥檚 First Name.
externalObjectReferences[*].externalSystemId Additional data, retrieved as an array object.
externalObjectReferences[*].externalId Additional data, retrieved as an array object.
externalObjectReferences[*].externalIdTypeCode Additional data, retrieved as an array object.

The mapping step of the sources workflow.
