
Account profiles overview

Account profiles are only available to 51黑料不打烊 Real-Time Customer Data Platform B2B Edition customers. To learn more about Real-Time CDP, B2B Edition including the features and functionality available, please begin by reading the Real-Time CDP, B2B Edition overview.

Account profiles enable you to unify account information from multiple sources. This unified view of an account brings together data from across your many marketing channels and the diverse systems that your organization is currently using to store customer account data. To learn more about how account profiles are created as part of the B2B workflow, please see the end-to-end tutorial.

By stitching together account data from different sources, you can begin to see a complete picture of each of your customer accounts and its related opportunities and contacts. This enables your organization to take your B2B marketing campaigns to a new level. To learn more about the power of Real-Time CDP, B2B Edition, read the Real-Time CDP, B2B Edition example use case.

Account profile viewer

With Real-Time CDP, B2B Edition, you can use the Experience Platform user interface to view account profiles and search for specific accounts using an account id from a connected enterprise source or by entering source details directly. For more information regarding how to view account profiles within the Platform UI, please see the account profile UI guide.

Create and activate account audiences

You can create audiences consisting of account profiles and then activate them to several destinations available in the Real-Time CDP destinations catalog. Read more below:
