
List visitors by their number of page views

This document provides an example of the SQL required to retrieve a list of visitors organized by the number of page views. With 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Query Service, you can write queries that use Experience Events to capture a variety of use cases. Experience Events are represented by the Experience Data Model (XDM) ExperienceEvent class, which captures an immutable and non-aggregated snapshot of the system when a user interacts with a website or service. Experience Events can even be used for time-domain analysis. See the next steps section for more use cases that involve Experience Events to generate visitor reports.

More information about XDM and Experience Events can be found in the XDM System overview. By combining Query Service with Experience Events, you can effectively track behavioral trends amongst your users. The following document provides examples of queries involving Experience Events.


The following example creates a report that lists the 10 IDs of the users who have viewed the most pages.

SUM(web.webPageDetails.pageviews.value) as pageViews
FROM your_analytics_table
GROUP BY endUserIds._experience.aaid.id

The query results are displayed in the table below.

               id                  | pageViews
 457C3510571E5930-69AA721C4CBF9339 |     706.0
 776F85658792C017-6491FE6570382A01 |     700.0
 6BEC9C6AB52E779F-28F5B023113F2C85 |     654.0
 1C0CCFB2DC63611E-6E4A4D4142AEB613 |     642.0
 112EE9A6F3BE29D1-514A6C355A2C9EF6 |     629.0
 CCC75A0E6AC7F2FA-11D58515D370F626 |     624.0
 749F850A44153120-3710C53FA2162349 |     614.0
 2B668C6DDDAF0C505-92EDCC072F7CDDA |     587.0
 7EB7257335935320-101921AF45111FE6 |     586.0
 5F4759CA80DCA9C9-2C0DA93D80D9DBFA |     586.0
(10 rows)

Next steps next-steps

By reading this document, you have a better understanding of how to use Query Service with Experience Events to list users who have viewed the most pages.

See the following use cases to learn about other visitor based used cases:
