Engineer features for machine learning
This document demonstrates how you can transform data in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform into features, or variables, that can be consumed by a machine learning model. This process is referred to as feature engineering. Use Data Distiller to compute ML features at scale and share those features to your machine learning environment. This involves the following:
- Create a query template to define the target labels and features you want to compute for your model
- Execute the query and store the results in a training dataset
Define your training data define-training-data
The following example illustrates a query to derive training data from an Experience Events dataset for a model to predict the propensity of a user to subscribe to a newsletter. Subscription events are represented by the event type web.formFilledOut
, and other behavioral events in the dataset are used to derive profile-level features to predict subscriptions.
Query positive and negative labels query-positive-and-negative-labels
A complete dataset for training a (supervised) machine learning model includes target variable or label that represents the outcome to be predicted, and a set of features or explanatory variables used to describe the example profiles used to train the model.
In this case, the label is a variable called subscriptionOccurred
which equals 1 if the user profile has an event with type web.formFilledOut
, and 0 otherwise. The following query returns a set of 50,000 users from the events dataset, including all users with positive labels (subscriptionOccurred = 1
) plus a set randomly selected user with negative labels to complete the 50,000 user sample size. This ensures that the training data includes both positive and negative examples for the model to learn from.
from aepp import queryservice
dd_conn = queryservice.QueryService().connection()
dd_cursor = queryservice.InteractiveQuery2(dd_conn)
query_labels = f"""
_{tenant_id}.user_id as userId,
SUM(CASE WHEN eventType='web.formFilledOut' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
OVER (PARTITION BY _{tenant_id}.user_id)
AS "subscriptionOccurred",
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY _{tenant_id}.user_id ORDER BY randn()) AS random_row_number_for_user
FROM {table_name}
WHERE (subscriptionOccurred = 1 AND eventType = 'web.formFilledOut') OR (subscriptionOccurred = 0 AND random_row_number_for_user = 1)
df_labels = dd_cursor.query(query_labels, output="dataframe")
print(f"Number of classes: {len(df_labels)}")
Sample output
Number of classes: 50000
Aggregate events to define features for ML define-features
With an appropriate query you can gather the events in the dataset into meaningful, numerical features that can be used to train a propensity model. Example events are seen below:
- Number of emails that were sent for marketing purposes and received by the user.
- Portion of these emails that were opened.
- Portion of these emails where the user selected the link.
- Number of products that were viewed.
- Number of propositions that were interacted with.
- Number of propositions that were dismissed.
- Number of links that were selected.
- Number of minutes between two consecutive emails received.
- Number of minutes between two consecutive emails opened.
- Number of minutes between two consecutive emails where the user actually selected the link.
- Number of minutes between two consecutive product views.
- Number of minutes between two propositions that were interacted with.
- Number of minutes between two propositions that were dismissed.
- Number of minutes between two links that were selected.
The following query aggregates these events:
code language-python |
Sample output
Combine labels and features queries combine-queries
Finally, the labels query and the features query can be combined into a single query that returns a training dataset of labels and features:
code language-python |
Sample output
Create a query template to incrementally compute training data
It is typical to periodically retrain a model with updated training data to maintain accuracy of the model over time. As a best practice for efficiently updating your training dataset, you can create a template from your training set query to compute new training data incrementally. This allows you compute labels and features only from data that was added to the original Experience Events dataset since the training data was last updated, and insert the new labels and features into the existing training dataset.
Doing so requires a few modifications to the training set query:
Add logic to create a new training dataset if it doesn’t exist, and insert the new labels and features into the existing training dataset otherwise. This requires a series of two versions of the training set query:
- First, using the
statement - Next, using the
INSERT INTO {table_name}
statement for the case where the training dataset already exists
- First, using the
Add a
SNAPSHOT BETWEEN $from_snapshot_id AND $to_snapshot_id
statement to limit the query to event data that was added within a specified interval. The$
prefix on the snapshot IDs indicates that thy are variables that will be passed in when the query template is executed.
Applying those changes results in the following query:
code language-python |
Finally, the following code saves the query template in Data Distiller:
template_res = dd.createQueryTemplate({
"sql": query_training_set_template,
"queryParameters": {},
"name": "Template for propensity training data"
template_id = template_res["id"]
print(f"Template for propensity training data created as ID {template_id}")
Sample output
Template for propensity training data created as ID f3d1ec6b-40c2-4d13-93b6-734c1b3c7235
With the template saved, you can execute the query at any time by referencing the template ID and specify the range of snapshot IDs that should be included in the query. The following query retrieves the snapshots of the original Experience Events dataset:
query_snapshots = f"""
SELECT snapshot_id
SELECT history_meta('{table_name}')
WHERE is_current = true OR snapshot_generation = 0
ORDER BY snapshot_generation ASC
df_snapshots = dd_cursor.query(query_snapshots, output="dataframe")
The following code demonstrates execution of the query template, using the first and last snapshots to query the entire dataset:
snapshot_start_id = str(df_snapshots["snapshot_id"].iloc[0])
snapshot_end_id = str(df_snapshots["snapshot_id"].iloc[1])
query_final_res = qs.postQueries(
name=f"[CMLE][Week2] Query to generate training data created by {username}",
"from_snapshot_id": snapshot_start_id,
"to_snapshot_id": snapshot_end_id,
query_final_id = query_final_res["id"]
print(f"Query started successfully and got assigned ID {query_final_id} - it will take some time to execute")
Sample output
Query started successfully and got assigned ID c6ea5009-1315-4839-b072-089ae01e74fd - it will take some time to execute
You can define the following function to periodically check the status of the query:
def wait_for_query_completion(query_id):
while True:
query_info = qs.getQuery(query_id)
query_state = query_info["state"]
if query_state in ["SUCCESS", "FAILED"]:
print("Query is still in progress, sleeping…")
duration_secs = query_info["elapsedTime"] / 1000
if query_state == "SUCCESS":
print(f"Query completed successfully in {duration_secs} seconds")
print(f"Query failed with the following errors:", file=sys.stderr)
for error in query_info["errors"]:
print(f"Error code {error['code']}: {error['message']}", file=sys.stderr)
Sample output
Query is still in progress, sleeping…
Query is still in progress, sleeping…
Query is still in progress, sleeping…
Query is still in progress, sleeping…
Query is still in progress, sleeping…
Query is still in progress, sleeping…
Query is still in progress, sleeping…
Query is still in progress, sleeping…
Query completed successfully in 473.8 seconds
Next steps:
By reading this document you have learned how to transform data in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform into features, or variables, that can be consumed by a machine learning model. The next step in creating feature pipelines from Experience Platform to feed custom models in your machine learning environment is to export feature datasets.