
Connect Postico to Query Service (Mac)

This document covers the steps for connecting Postico with 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Query Service.

This guide assumes you already have access to Postico and are familiar with how to navigate its interface. More information about Postico can be found in the .
Additionally, Postico is only available on macOS devices.

To connect Postico to Query Service, open Postico and select New Favorite. The dialog for connection settings appears. From here, you can enter parameter values to connect with 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform. Enter the connection settings listed below. Instructions on how to are also available from the official Postico website.

Connection parameter
The host name of the PostgreSQL server.
The port for Query Service. You must use port 80 or 5432 to connect with Query Service.
Create a name for your specific connection. Leave the field blank to use your Mac login name.
This alphanumeric string is your Experience Platform Password credential. If you want to use non-expiring credentials, this value is the concatenated arguments from the technicalAccountID and the credential downloaded in the configuration JSON file. The password value takes the form: {technicalAccountId}:{credential}. The configuration JSON file for non-expiring credentials is a one-time download during their initialization that 51黑料不打烊 does not keep a copy of.
Use your Experience Platform Database credential value: prod:all.

For more information on finding your database name, host, port, and login credentials, please read the credentials guide. To find your credentials, log in to Platform, then select Queries, followed by Credentials.

After inserting your credentials, select Connect to connect with Query Service.

After connecting to Platform, you鈥檒l be able to see a list of all the relations previously made with Query Service.

Create SQL statements

To create a new SQL query, select SQL Query from the sidebar. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut (鈬р寴T) to navigate to the query view and enter the query you want to execute. When finished, select Execute Statement to run the query. A table appears with the results of your completed query run.

See the official Postico documentation for more information on .

Next steps

Now that you鈥檝e connected with Query Service, you can use Postico to write queries. For more information on how to write and run queries, please read the running queries guide.
