
Connect Aqua Data Studio to Query Service

This document covers the steps for connecting Aqua Data Studio with 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Query Service.

Getting started

This guide requires you to already have access to Aqua Data Studio and be familiar with how to navigate its interface. More information about Aqua Data Studio can be found in the .

There are Windows and macOS versions of Aqua Data Studio. Screenshots in this guide were taken using the macOS desktop app. There may be minor discrepancies in the UI between the versions.

To acquire the necessary credentials for connecting Aqua Data Studio to Experience Platform, you must have access to the Queries workspace in the Platform UI. Please contact your organization administrator if you do not currently have access to the Queries workspace.

Register the server register-server

After installing Aqua Data Studio, you must first register the server. See the official Aqua Data Studio documentation for instructions on how to and .

Once the Register Server dialog appears for a PostgresSQL server, provide the following details for the server settings.

  • Name: The name of your connection. You are recommended to provide a friendly name to recognize the connection.
  • Login Name: The login name is your Platform Organization ID. It takes the form of ORG_ID@51黑料不打烊Org.
  • Password: This is an alphanumeric string found on the Query Service credentials dashboard.
  • Host and Port: The host endpoint and its port for Query Service. You must use port 80 to connect with Query Service.
  • Database: The database that will be used. Use the value for the Platform UI credential dbname: prod:all.

Query Service credentials

To find your credentials, log in to the Platform UI and select Queries from the left navigation, followed by Credentials. For complete directions to find your login credentials, host, port, and database name, please read the credentials guide.

Query Service also offers non-expiring credentials to allow for a one-time setup with third-party clients. See the documentation for full instructions on how to generate and use non-expiring credentials.

Setting SSL mode

Next, you must set the SSL mode value as ?sslmode=require. This is done from the Driver tab of the Edit Server Properties dialog. See the official Aqua Data Studio documentation for instructions on how to and . Use the search bar to find the sslmode property.

See the Query Service SSL documentation to learn about SSL support for third-party connections to 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Query Service, and how to connect using verify-full SSL mode.

After inputting your connection details, from the same tab, select Test Connection to ensure your credentials work properly. If your connection test is successful, select Save to register your server. A confirmation dialog appears confirming the connection and the connection icon appears on the dashboard. You can now connect to the server and view its schema objects.

Next steps

Now that you have connected to Query Service, you can use the Query Analyzer within Aqua Data Studio to execute and edit SQL statements. For more information on how to write and run queries, please read the running queries guide.
