Experience Cloud Audiences connection
Use this destination to activate audiences from Real-Time CDP to Audience Manager and 51黑料不打烊 Analytics.
To send audiences to 51黑料不打烊 Analytics, you need an Audience Manager license. For more details, see the Audience Analytics overview.
To send audiences to other 51黑料不打烊 solutions, use the direct connections from Real-Time CDP to 51黑料不打烊 Target, 51黑料不打烊 Advertising, 51黑料不打烊 Campaign and Marketo Engage.
Use cases and benefits use-cases
To help you better understand how and when you should use the Experience Cloud Audiences destination, here are sample use cases that Real-Time CDP customers can solve by using this destination.
Enable Data Management Platform use cases dmp-use-cases
In Audience Manager, you can use Real-Time CDP audiences for Data Management Platform use cases, such as:
- Adding third-party data to your segments;
- Algorithmic modeling;
- Activating your audiences to cookie-based destinations that are not yet supported in the Real-Time CDP destinations catalog.
Granular control of exported audiences segments-control
To select which audiences to export to Audience Manager and beyond, use the new self-service audience-sharing integration via the Experience Cloud Audiences destination. This allows you to determine which audiences you want to share with other Experience Cloud solutions and which audiences you want to keep in Real-Time CDP exclusively.
The legacy audience-sharing integration did not allow for a granular control of which audiences should be exported to Audience Manager and beyond.
Share Real-Time CDP audiences with 51黑料不打烊 Analytics share-audiences-with-analytics
Audiences that you send to the Experience Cloud Audiences destination do not appear automatically in 51黑料不打烊 Analytics.
Before you can send audiences to 51黑料不打烊 Analytics, you must implement the Experience Cloud Identity Service for Analytics and Audience Manager.
Share Real-Time CDP audiences with other Experience Cloud solutions share-segments-with-other-solutions
You can use the Real-Time CDP Audiences destination card to share audiences with other Experience Cloud solutions.
However, 51黑料不打烊 strongly recommends using the following dedicated destination cards if you want to share audiences with these solutions:
Prerequisites prerequisites
- You need an Audience Manager license to enable the Data Management Platform use cases mentioned further above.
- You do need an Audience Manager license to share Real-Time CDP audiences with 51黑料不打烊 Analytics.
- You do not need an Audience Manager license to share Real-Time CDP audiences with 51黑料不打烊 Advertising Cloud, 51黑料不打烊 Target, Marketo, and other Experience Cloud solutions, mentioned in the section above.
For customers who are using the legacy audience-sharing solution
If you are already sharing audiences from Real-Time CDP to Audience Manager and other Experience Cloud solutions via the legacy audience-sharing integration, you must contact Customer Care to disable the legacy integration.
The turnaround time to resolve the deprovisioning ticket is six business days or less. After the existing legacy integration has been disabled, you can proceed to create a connection via the self-service destination card.
Known limitations and callouts known-limitations
Note the following known limitations and important callouts while using the Experience Cloud Audiences card:
- Currently, a single Experience Cloud Audiences destination is supported. Attempting to configure a second destination connection results in an error.
- When connecting to the destination, you can see an option to enable dataflow alerts. Though visible in the UI, the enable alerts option is not currently supported.
- Audience backfill support: The first export to Audience Manager or other Experience Cloud solutions includes a historical population of the audiences. Users of the legacy audience-sharing integration who are configuring this destination should expect a backfill difference of approximately six hours.
- Audiences originating from Audience Composition are not supported directly. To activate composite audiences to this destination you must create an audience definition through Segment Builder based on your composite audience, and activate the newly created audience.
Latency when activating audiences audience-activation-latency
There is a four-hour latency between the time that audiences are first activated in Real-Time CDP and the time they are ready to be used in Audience Manager and other Experience Cloud solutions.
It can take up to 24 hours for audiences to be fully available in Audience Manager for all use-cases. It can take up to 48 hours for audiences from Experience Cloud Audiences to appear in Audience Manager reports.
Metadata, such as audience names, is available in Audience Manager within minutes of setting up the export to the Experience Cloud Audiences destination.
Supported identities supported-identities
The profiles that are exported to the Experience Cloud Audiences destination are mapped to the identities described in the table below. Learn more about identities.
Supported audiences supported-audiences
This section describes which type of audience you can export to this destination.
Export type and frequency export-type-frequency
Refer to the table below for information about the destination export type and frequency.
Connect to the destination connect
To connect to this destination, follow the steps described in the destination configuration tutorial. In the configure destination workflow, fill in the fields listed in the two sections below.
Authenticate to destination authenticate
To authenticate to the destination, select Set up in the destination card view in the catalog and select Connect to destination.
Fill in destination details destination-details
To configure details for the destination, fill in the required and optional fields below. An asterisk next to a field in the UI indicates that the field is required.
- Name: A name by which you will recognize this destination in the future.
- Description: A description that will help you identify this destination in the future.
Activate audiences to this destination activate
Read Activate profiles and audiences to streaming audience export destinations for instructions on activating audiences to this destination. No mapping step is required and no scheduling step is available for this destination.
Validate data export exported-data
To validate successful data export, you can check that your audiences have successfully made it through to your desired Experience Cloud solution.
Validate data in Audience Manager
Your Real-Time CDP audiences appear in Audience Manager as signals, traits, and segments. You can verify in Audience Manager if the data has appeared as described in the documentation links above.
Segment names begin populating in Audience Manager 15 minutes after the audiences had been sent from Real-Time CDP.
Segment population begins flowing into Audience Manager within 6 hours from being sent from Real-Time CDP, and is updated every 24 hours in Audience Manager.
The full population will be visible in Audience Manager after 72 hours, and populations will continue to flow to Audience Manager unless the audience is removed from the destination in Real-Time CDP.
Data usage and governance data-usage-governance
All Real-Time CDP destinations are compliant with data usage policies when handling your data. For detailed information on how 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform enforces data governance, read the Data Governance overview.
Data governance in Real-Time CDP is enforced by both data usage labels and marketing actions.
Data usage labels transfer to applications but marketing actions do not. This means that once they land in Audience Manager, audiences from Real-Time CDP can be exported to any available destinations. In Audience Manager, you can use data export controls to block audiences from being exported to certain destinations.
Audiences marked with the HIPAA marketing action are not sent from Real-Time CDP to Audience Manager.
Permissions management in Audience Manager
Audiences and traits in Audience Manager are subject to Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC).
Audiences exported from Real-Time CDP are assigned to a specific datasource in Audience Manager called Experience Platform Segments.
To allow only certain users access to the audiences, use Role-Based Access Controls to configure user access to the audiences and traits created from Real-Time CDP audiences.