
Data Distiller Templates

Data Distiller Templates are exclusive to users who have purchased the Data Distiller SKU. Contact your 51黑料不打烊 representative for more information.

Data Distiller Templates provide a set of powerful dashboards designed to help you gain insights into your audience data. To help you make data-driven decisions and improve targeting strategies, each template offers a structured guide for analyzing specific aspects of audience behavior, segmentation, and identity management.

These templates ensure consistency and efficiency in your analysis workflows by offering actionable insights that help you refine segmentation, reduce redundancy, and enhance engagement. Whether you are aiming to track audience trends, compare audience groups, or analyze identity overlaps, the Data Distiller Templates provide the tools needed to understand your audience better and drive effective marketing campaigns.

To get started, select the Templates tab in the Dashboards Service workspace and choose a template card from the available list.

The Dashboard Services workspace with the Templates tab highlighted.

Available templates available-templates

The templates currently available in the Dashboards workspace are:

Advanced Audience Overlaps advanced-audience-overlaps

Use the Advanced Audience Overlaps dashboard to quickly analyze audience intersections for specific audiences or view all overlaps to uncover valuable insights across your entire audience set. Use these insights to refine segmentation, reduce redundant messaging, and create more targeted campaigns for improved marketing efficiency.

Audience Comparison audience-comparison

The Audience Comparison dashboard allows you to compare key metrics between two audience groups side-by-side. Use this dashboard to analyze important KPIs, such as audience size, identity breakdown, and changes in audience size over time. These insights help you make informed decisions about audience segmentation and improve targeting strategies.

Use the Audience Trends dashboard to analyze audience metrics over time. Visualize trends for audience size, number of identities, and number of single identity profiles to monitor audience evolution, measure growth, and refine engagement strategies effectively.

Audience Identity Overlaps audience-identity-overlaps

Use the Audience Identity Overlaps dashboard to analyze identity overlaps within selected audiences. View identity trends and breakdowns to understand how different identity types relate, enhancing identity stitching and improving customer segmentation accuracy.

Next steps

After reading this document, you have learned about the four Data Distiller Templates available in the Dashboards workspace and how they help you analyze audience data for better decision-making. These templates provide tools for understanding audience intersections, comparing metrics, tracking trends, and analyzing identity overlaps to refine segmentation, reduce redundancy, and enhance engagement.

For more details on each template, refer to the respective guides for Advanced Audience Overlaps, Audience Comparison, Audience Trends, and Audience Identity Overlaps.
