
View configured dashboards

If your organization has multiple dashboards available within 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform, you can review the dashboard inventory within the user interface (UI).

To view the dashboards that your organization has configured, select Dashboards in the left navigation and then select the Browse tab.

A list of all dashboards available on your Platform instance is displayed under the Browse tab. This includes integrated dashboards created by your organization that have been configured through third-party applications.

The Browse tab within the dashboards section of the UI.

You can view an individual dashboard by selecting the name of the dashboard from the list.

Browse tab with a name of a dashboard highlighted.

When selected, the dashboard opens either in the Platform UI or in a fully integrated application workspace that requires you to log in using the necessary credentials.

Create custom dashboards

51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Dashboards enables you to build and manage custom dashboards where you can create, add, and edit bespoke widgets to visualize key metrics relevant to your organization. See the user defined dashboards guide for complete instructions on creating and configuring custom dashboards.
