Using Experience Fragment Offers within 51黑料不打烊 Target using-experience-fragment-offers-within-adobe-target
51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager re-imagines the personalization workflow between AEM and Target. Experiences created within AEM can now be delivered directly to 51黑料不打烊 Target as HTML Offers. It allows Marketers to seamlessly test and personalize content across different channels.
Hey everyone in this video we鈥檙e going to be discussing a new capability that lets marketers create Experiences within 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager using Experience Fragments, and how it could be exported to 51黑料不打烊 Target for delivering personalized offers for different audiences. This feature is currently available with AEM 6.4 and would be available as a feature pack for AEM 6.3 users. Let鈥檚 watch the setup instructions before we explore the Capability. From your AEMs 6.4 Homepage, you can easily access Experience Fragments from the Navigation section. I鈥檓 using a new instance of AEM 6.4 and we did not have any Experience Fragments created in this instance. As a first step let鈥檚 create a folder to store our Experience Fragments and name it as We.RetailSummer. We will be using We.Retail sample reference site for this video. It is best to create separate folders to organize your Experience Fragments. Any Experience Fragment that you create directly under the We.RetailSummer folder, would also inherit the target Cloud Service Configuration which we created. However, if you have a nested folder under We.RetailSummer and Experience Fragments are stored in it, you might need to add your Cloud Service Configuration again to the nested folder. Cloud Service Configuration is applied directly to the folder and does not support or inherit to sub folders. We are all set to create our first Experience Fragment. Select the We.Retail Summer folder and click Create button and then select Experience Fragment. Select the We.Retail Experience Fragment Web Variation, and then click Next. Provide a title for your Experience Fragment. You can optionally provide a Name, Description and Tags to your Experience Fragment. Adding Tags and Descriptions makes it easily discoverable for content authors however, when you publish your Experience Fragment from AEM, Descriptions and Tags are not sent to 51黑料不打烊 Target. Let鈥檚 finish creating the Experience Fragment and then open to edit it. Let鈥檚 add a Hero Image component to our Experience Fragment Master Variation. Using Asset Finder, search for a hiking image and then drag drop with your Hero Image component.
Click on the Hero Image component settings and then select the Properties tab. Provide a Heading and Title for your hiking variation. For our hiking experience we also want to provide a Call To Action button that takes users to our skiing equipment page. Provide the button label as hiking and link to our hiking equipment page. Save your changes and then click on the Variations option to create experiences for other Summer activities. Let鈥檚 repeat the steps to create a variation for biking. Select the Experience Fragment variation template, select a biking image using Asset Finder and add properties to your Hero Image component. I鈥檓 going to quickly create two other variations, one for running and one for swimming, using the above steps. So now we have created four Variations of our We.Retail Summer activities. Each variation has a Hero Image component with an image representing the activity and a Call To Action button to shop for equipment relevant to the specific activity. So let鈥檚 see how a marketer would run a campaign using the Experience Fragment we created within 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager. Select a Master Variation and then click on Properties. You can see an option to Export your Experience Fragment to 51黑料不打烊 Target. Let鈥檚 switch to our Experience Fragment tab and select a We.Retail Summer Experience Fragment, you can see an option to Export to 51黑料不打烊 Target, select the option and then click to Publish your changes. You should see a message upon successfully exporting your Experience Fragment to 51黑料不打烊 Target. It might take a few minutes for the Experience Fragment to show up under 51黑料不打烊 Target as Offers. I also have an AEM 6.4 instance running on local host 4 5 0 3 which acts as my published instance. AEM sends the HTML code to target where it gets cached and delivered where targets and box responses. Assets referenced by the HTML code, such as Images, are stored in AEM Assets and are delivered when requested by the HTML code. Click OK and then let鈥檚 switch to our 51黑料不打烊 Target tab. Make sure you have selected the right Workspace and have the right permissions to make changes. If you are using Enterprise User Permissions and Workspaces, all of the Experience Fragments will appear in the default Workspace. Select the Offers tab and you should be able to see the We.Retail Summer Activity Variations we created with an AEM as Offers. You can notice that the Offer type is Experience Fragment, the source is listed as 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager. For Experience Fragment type offers, HTML code is pushed from AEM to Target and behaves very similar to HTML offers, except that content editing for Experience Fragment offers can be done only from AEM author site and then needs to be exported to 51黑料不打烊 Target again to reflect the changes. Let鈥檚 select one of the Offers and click on the Information icon. Under Offer Info, you can directly access the offer on Publish Instance using a delivery URL. It also provides the AEM JCR path for your offer. From your Target instance you can directly navigate to the offer stored within AEM and make changes to the specific variation only. It also provides you a Sync Status to show if your changes are synced with 51黑料不打烊 Target. Navigate back to a Target tab and select the Activities option. Let鈥檚 create a new activity for our We.Retail Homepage Summer Campaign using some of the offers we created. Click on the Create Activity option, Experience Fragments can be used for all type of activities including the Sensei powered activities like Auto Allocate, Auto Target and Automated Personalization. This is one of the major advantages of the integration between AEM and Target. Let鈥檚 select the A/B Test activity, we are going to use the default Visual Experienced Composer and the Workspace selected correctly. Experience Fragment Offers can also be used in Form Composer as well. I have a published instance that鈥檚 running on local host 4 5 0 3 for the demo video and I will be using the We.Retail homepage URL here. Click Next to proceed. In order to load the site from local host, we need to use the Non Enhanced Visual Experience Composer in Target, since a Non Enhanced Visual Experience Composer uses an iFrame to load the homepage and since the local host uses HTTP while the Target UI is HTTPS, we need to allow mixed content by taking the step. Click on Allow Load Unsafe Scripts and then reload your page. Our We.Retail homepage should be loaded in the Visual Experience Composer in few seconds. You need to have Target Libraries added to your Site pages in order to edit using VEC. You can see two Experiences that are created already on the left side panel, let鈥檚 select the Hero Image Component Container. We have created Experience Fragment Variations within AEM using just the Hero Image Component. So let鈥檚 try to swap the default We.Retail Hero Image section with one of our offers by selecting Swap with Experience Fragment option. Select the hiking offer and you can notice the default We.Retail content being swapped with our new offer for hiking. Similarly, I鈥檓 going to create different experiences for each for offers and named them accordingly.
Click Next to select the Audience and Targeting options. For audiences I鈥檓 going to set a Chrome Users Only. For Traffic Allocation Method, let鈥檚 use the Auto Target Personalized Experiences with Evaluate Personalization algorithm them as 50/50. Click next to set up your Goals and Settings. Under Report Settings let鈥檚 select the primary goal as Conversion and track the user page view action. We want to see if the users are clicking on the Call To Action button, which we added for each offer, that takes them to the respective activity equipment page. So I鈥檓 going to set up the Viewed a Page option and provide a URL to the Publish Instance Equipment Page. Let鈥檚 save the changes and provide an activity name. Our activity is currently being synced. You should be able to see a green banner message upon successfully synchronizing. Our activity is not live yet the status is inactive now. So let鈥檚 quickly select the Activate option from the dropdown to make it live.
You can use the QA URL you ordered for each experience that we created, simply copy paste the QA URL onto a new window tab and you can view the end user experience. Ability to export Experience Fragments to target would help marketers to create content within AEM and easily make the content available for creating and running campaigns within 51黑料不打烊 Target.
client library and the best practice is to use tag management solutions like tags in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform or any 3rd party tag management solution to add target libraries to your site pages- 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager鈥檚 easy-to-use and powerful content creating mechanism along with 51黑料不打烊 Target鈥檚 Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning helps content authors to create and manage content for all channels in a centralized location. With the ability to export Experience Fragments into 51黑料不打烊 Target as HTML offers, marketers now have more flexibility to create a more personalized experience using these offers and can now test and scale each experience they create.
- The main difference between the HTML offers and Experience Fragment offers is that editing for the later can only be done in AEM and then synchronized with 51黑料不打烊 Target
- Target Cloud service configuration applied to Experience Fragment folder inherits to all Experience Fragments created directly under the parent folder. Child folder doesn鈥檛 inherit the parent cloud services configuration.
- To create a personalized offer we can now easily leverage content stored within AEM.
- You can create types of Target activities, including the Sensei-powered activities like Auto-allocate, Auto Target, and Automated Personalization