
Customize the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Client Data Layer with AEM Components customize-data-layer

Learn how to customize the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Client Data Layer with content from custom AEM Components. Learn how to use APIs provided by AEM Core Components to extend and customize the data layer.

What you are going to build

Byline Data Layer

In this tutorial, let’s explore various options for extending the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Client Data Layer by updating the WKND Byline component. The Byline component is a custom component and lessons learned in this tutorial can be applied to other custom components.

Objectives objective

  1. Inject component data into the data layer by extending a Sling Model and component HTL
  2. Use Core Component data layer utilities to reduce effort
  3. Use Core Component data attributes to hook into existing data layer events

Prerequisites prerequisites

A local development environment is necessary to complete this tutorial. Screenshots and video are captured using the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK running on a macOS. Commands and code are independent of the local operating system unless otherwise noted.

New to AEM as a Cloud Service? Check out the following guide to setting up a local development environment using the AEM as a Cloud Service SDK.

New to AEM 6.5? Check out the following guide to setting up a local development environment.

Download and deploy the WKND Reference site set-up-wknd-site

This tutorial extends the Byline component in the WKND reference site. Clone and install the WKND code base to your local environment.

  1. Start a local Quickstart author instance of AEM running at .

  2. Open a terminal window and clone the WKND code base using Git:

    code language-shell
    $ git clone git@github.com:adobe/aem-guides-wknd.git
  3. Deploy the WKND code base to a local instance of AEM:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage
    note note
    For AEM 6.5 and the latest service pack add the classic profile to the Maven command:
    mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Pclassic
  4. Open a new browser window and login to AEM. Open a Magazine page like: .

    Byline Component on Page

    You should see an example of the Byline component that has been added to the page as part of an Experience Fragment. You can view the Experience Fragment at

  5. Open your developer tools and enter the following command in the Console:

    code language-js

    To see the current state of the data layer on an AEM site inspect the response. You should see information about the page and individual components.

    51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Data Layer Response

    Observe that the Byline component is not listed in the Data Layer.

Update the Byline Sling Model sling-model

To inject data about the component in the data layer, let’s first update the component’s Sling Model. Next, update the Byline’s Java™ interface and Sling Model implementation to have a new method getData(). This method contains the properties to be injected into the data layer.

  1. Open the aem-guides-wknd project in the IDE of your choice. Navigate to the core module.

  2. Open the file Byline.java at core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/models/Byline.java.

    Byline Java Interface

  3. Add below method to the interface:

    code language-java
    public interface Byline {
         * Return data about the Byline Component to populate the data layer
         * @return String
        String getData();
  4. Open the file BylineImpl.java at core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/models/impl/BylineImpl.java. It is the implementation of the Byline interface and is implemented as a Sling Model.

  5. Add the following import statements to the beginning of the file:

    code language-java
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import org.apache.sling.api.resource.Resource;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
    import com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.util.ComponentUtils;

    The fasterxml.jackson APIs are used to serialize the data to be exposed as JSON. The ComponentUtils of AEM Core Components are used to check if the data layer is enabled.

  6. Add the unimplemented method getData() to BylineImple.java:

    code language-java
    public class BylineImpl implements Byline {
        public String getData() {
            Resource bylineResource = this.request.getResource();
            // Use ComponentUtils to verify if the DataLayer is enabled
            if (ComponentUtils.isDataLayerEnabled(bylineResource)) {
                //Create a map of properties we want to expose
                Map<String, Object> bylineProperties = new HashMap<String,Object>();
                bylineProperties.put("@type", bylineResource.getResourceType());
                bylineProperties.put("name", this.getName());
                bylineProperties.put("occupation", this.getOccupations());
                bylineProperties.put("fileReference", image.getFileReference());
                //Use AEM Core Component utils to get a unique identifier for the Byline component (in case multiple are on the page)
                String bylineComponentID = ComponentUtils.getId(bylineResource, this.currentPage, this.componentContext);
                // Return the bylineProperties as a JSON String with a key of the bylineResource's ID
                try {
                    return String.format("{\"%s\":%s}",
                        // Use the ObjectMapper to serialize the bylineProperties to a JSON string
                        new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(bylineProperties));
                } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Unable to generate dataLayer JSON string", e);
            // return null if the Data Layer is not enabled
            return null;

    In the above method, a new HashMap is used to capture the properties to be exposed as JSON. Notice that existing methods like getName() and getOccupations() are used. The @type represents the unique resource type of the component, it allows a client to easily identify events and/or triggers based on the type of component.

    The ObjectMapper is used to serialize the properties and return a JSON string. This JSON string can then be injected into the data layer.

  7. Open a terminal window. Build and deploy just the core module using your Maven skills:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd/core
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle

Update the Byline HTL htl

Next, update the Byline HTL. HTL (HTML Template Language) is the template used to render the component’s HTML.

A special data attribute data-cmp-data-layer on each AEM Component is used to expose its data layer. JavaScript provided by AEM Core Components looks for this data attribute. The value of this data attribute is populated with the JSON String returned by the Byline Sling Model’s getData() method, and injected into the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Client Data layer.

  1. Open the aem-guides-wknd project into the IDE. Navigate to the ui.apps module.

  2. Open the file byline.html at ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/wknd/components/byline/byline.html.

    Byline HTML

  3. Update byline.html to include the data-cmp-data-layer attribute:

    code language-diff
      <div data-sly-use.byline="com.adobe.aem.guides.wknd.core.models.Byline"
    +   data-cmp-data-layer="${byline.data}"

    The value of data-cmp-data-layer has been set to "${byline.data}" where byline is the Sling Model updated earlier. .data is the standard notation for calling a Javaâ„¢ Getter method in HTL of getData() implemented in the previous exercise.

  4. Open a terminal window. Build and deploy just the ui.apps module using your Maven skills:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd/ui.apps
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage
  5. Return to the browser and reopen the page with a Byline component: .

  6. Open the developer tools and inspect the HTML source of the page for the Byline component:

    Byline Data Layer

    You should see that the data-cmp-data-layer has been populated with the JSON String from the Sling Model.

  7. Open the browser’s developer tools and enter the following command in the Console:

    code language-js
  8. Navigate beneath the response under component to find the instance of the byline component has been added to the data layer:

    Byline part of the data layer

    You should see an entry like the following:

    code language-json
        @type: "wknd/components/byline"
        fileReference: "/content/dam/wknd/en/contributors/stacey-roswells.jpg"
        name: "Stacey Roswells"
        occupation: (3) ["Artist", "Photographer", "Traveler"]
        parentId: "page-30d989b3f8"

    Observe that the properties exposed are the same ones added in the HashMap in the Sling Model.

Add a Click Event click-event

The 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Client Data Layer is event driven and one of the most common events to trigger an action is the cmp:click event. The AEM Core components make this easy to register your component with the help of the data element: data-cmp-clickable.

Clickable elements are usually a CTA button or a navigation link. Unfortunately the Byline component does not have any of these but we let’s register it anyways as this might be common for other custom components.

  1. Open the ui.apps module in your IDE

  2. Open the file byline.html at ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/wknd/components/byline/byline.html.

  3. Update byline.html to include the data-cmp-clickable attribute on the Byline’s name element:

    code language-diff
      <h2 class="cmp-byline__name"
    +    data-cmp-clickable="${byline.data ? true : false}">
  4. Open a new terminal. Build and deploy just the ui.apps module using your Maven skills:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd/ui.apps
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage
  5. Return to the browser and reopen the page with the Byline component added: .

    To test our event, we will manually add some JavaScript using the developer console. See Using the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Client Data Layer with AEM Core Components for a video on how to do this.

  6. Open the browser’s developer tools and enter the following method in the Console:

    code language-javascript
    function bylineClickHandler(event) {
        var dataObject = window.adobeDataLayer.getState(event.eventInfo.path);
        if (dataObject != null && dataObject['@type'] === 'wknd/components/byline') {
            console.log("Byline Clicked!");
            console.log("Byline name: " + dataObject['name']);

    This simple method should handle the click of the Byline component’s name.

  7. Enter the following method in the Console:

    code language-javascript
    window.adobeDataLayer.push(function (dl) {
         dl.addEventListener("cmp:click", bylineClickHandler);

    The above method pushes an event listener onto the data layer to listen for the cmp:click event and calls the bylineClickHandler.

    note caution
    It is important not to refresh the browser throughout this exercise, otherwise the console JavaScript is lost.
  8. In the browser, with the Console open, click the name of the author in the Byline component:

    Byline Component clicked

    You should see the console message Byline Clicked! and the Byline name.

    The cmp:click event is the easiest to hook into. For more complex components and to track other behavior it is possible to add custom JavaScript to add and register new events. A great example is the Carousel Component, which triggers a cmp:show event whenever a slide is toggled. See the .

Use the DataLayerBuilder Utility data-layer-builder

When the Sling Model was updated earlier in the chapter, we opted to create the JSON String by using a HashMap and setting each of the properties manually. This method works fine for small one-off components, however for components that extend the AEM Core Components this could result in a lot of extra code.

A utility class, DataLayerBuilder, exists to perform most of the heavy lifting. This allows implementations to extend just the properties they want. Let’s update the Sling Model to use the DataLayerBuilder.

  1. Return to the IDE and navigate to the core module.

  2. Open the file Byline.java at core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/models/Byline.java.

  3. Modify the getData() method to return a type of ComponentData

    code language-java
    import com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.datalayer.ComponentData;
    public interface Byline {
         * Return data about the Byline Component to populate the data layer
         * @return ComponentData
        ComponentData getData();

    ComponentData is an object provided by AEM Core Components. It results in a JSON String, just like in the previous example, but also performs a lot of additional work.

  4. Open the file BylineImpl.java at core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/core/models/impl/BylineImpl.java.

  5. Add the following import statements:

    code language-java
    import com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.datalayer.ComponentData;
    import com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.datalayer.builder.DataLayerBuilder;
  6. Replace the getData() method with the following:

    code language-java
    public ComponentData getData() {
        Resource bylineResource = this.request.getResource();
        // Use ComponentUtils to verify if the DataLayer is enabled
        if (ComponentUtils.isDataLayerEnabled(bylineResource)) {
            return DataLayerBuilder.extending(getImage().getData()).asImageComponent()
        // return null if the Data Layer is not enabled
        return null;

    The Byline component reuses parts of the Image Core Component to display an image representing the author. In the above snippet, the is used to extend the data layer of the Image component. This pre-populates the JSON object with all of the data about the image used. It also does some of the routine functions like setting the @type and the unique identifier of the component. Notice that the method is small!

    The only property extended the withTitle which is replaced with the value of getName().

  7. Open a terminal window. Build and deploy just the core module using your Maven skills:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd/core
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle
  8. Return to the IDE and open the byline.html file under ui.apps

  9. Update the HTL to use byline.data.json to populate the data-cmp-data-layer attribute:

    code language-diff
      <div data-sly-use.byline="com.adobe.aem.guides.wknd.core.models.Byline"
    -   data-cmp-data-layer="${byline.data}"
    +   data-cmp-data-layer="${byline.data.json}"

    Remember we are now returning an object of type ComponentData. This object includes a getter method getJson() and this is used to populate the data-cmp-data-layer attribute.

  10. Open a terminal window. Build and deploy just the ui.apps module using your Maven skills:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd/ui.apps
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage
  11. Return to the browser and reopen the page with the Byline component added: .

  12. Open the browser’s developer tools and enter the following command in the Console:

    code language-js
  13. Navigate beneath the response under component to find the instance of the byline component:

    Byline Data Layer Updated

    You should see an entry like the following:

    code language-json
        @type: "wknd/components/byline"
        dc:title: "Stacey Roswells"
            @type: "image/jpeg"
            repo:id: "142658f8-4029-4299-9cd6-51afd52345c0"
            repo:modifyDate: "2019-10-25T23:49:51Z"
            repo:path: "/content/dam/wknd/en/contributors/stacey-roswells.jpg"
            xdm:tags: []
        parentId: "page-30d989b3f8"
        repo:modifyDate: "2019-10-18T20:17:24Z"

    Observe that there is now an image object within the byline component entry. This has a lot more information about the asset in the DAM. Also observe that the @type and the unique id (in this case byline-136073cfcb) have been automatically populated, and the repo:modifyDate which indicates when the component was modified.

Additional Examples additional-examples

  1. Another example of extending the data layer can be viewed by inspecting the ImageList component in the WKND code base:

    • ImageList.java - Java interface in the core module.
    • ImageListImpl.java - Sling Model in the core module.
    • image-list.html - HTL template in the ui.apps module.
    note note
    It is a little more difficult to include custom properties like occupation when using the . However if extending a Core Component that includes an Image or Page, the utility saves a lot of time.
    note note
    If building an advanced Data Layer for objects reused throughout an implementation, it is recommended to extract the Data Layer elements into their own data layer-specific Javaâ„¢ objects. For example the Commerce Core Components have added interfaces for ProductData and CategoryData since these could be used on many components within a Commerce implementation. Review for more details.

Congratulations! congratulations

You just explored a few ways to extend and customize the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Client Data Layer with AEM components!

Additional Resources additional-resources
