
Developing with Service Users in AEM Forms

This article walks you through the process of creating a service user in AEM Forms

In previous versions of 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager (AEM), the administrative resource resolver was used for back-end processing which required access to the repository. Use of the administrative resource resolver is deprecated in AEM 6.3. Instead, a system user with specific permissions in the repository is used.

Learn more about the details of creating and using service users in AEM.

This article walks through the creation of a system user and configuring the user mapper properties.

  1. Navigate to

  2. Login as 鈥 admin 鈥

  3. Click on 鈥 User Administration 鈥

  4. Click on 鈥 Create System User 鈥

  5. Set the userid type as 鈥 data 鈥 and click the green icon to complete the process of creating the system user

  6. Search for Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service and click to open the properties

  7. Click the + icon (plus) to add the following Service Mapping

    • DevelopingWithServiceUser.core:getresourceresolver=data
    • DevelopingWithServiceUser.core:getformsresourceresolver=fd-service
  8. Click 鈥 Save 鈥

In the above configuration setting DevelopingWithServiceUser.core is the symbolic name of the bundle. getresourceresolver is the subservice name.data is the system user created in the earlier step.

We can also get resource resolver on behalf of fd-service user. This service user is used for document services. For example, if you want to Certify/Apply Usage Rights etc, we will use resource resolver of fd-service user to perform the operations

  1. Download and unzip the zip file associated with this article.

  2. Navigate to

  3. Upload and start the OSGi bundle

  4. Ensure the bundle is in active state

  5. You have now successfully created a System User and also deployed the Service User bundle.

    To provide access to /content, give the system user (鈥 data ') read permissions on the content node.

    1. Navigate to to
    2. Search for user 鈥 data '. This is the same system user you created in the earlier step.
    3. Double-click on the user and then click the 鈥 Permissions 鈥 tab
    4. Give 鈥 read 鈥 access to the 'content 鈥 folder.
    5. To use the service user to gain access to /content folder use the following code

com.mergeandfuse.getserviceuserresolver.GetResolver aemDemoListings = sling.getService(com.mergeandfuse.getserviceuserresolver.GetResolver.class);

resourceResolver = aemDemoListings.getServiceResolver();

// get the resource. This will succeed because we have given ' read ' access to the content node

Resource contentResource = resourceResolver.getResource("/content/forms/af/sandbox/abc.pdf");

If you want to access /content/dam/data.json file in your bundle, you will use the following code. This code assumes you have given read permissions to the 鈥渄ata鈥 user on the /content/dam/ node

GetResolver getResolver;
try {
   ResourceResolver serviceResolver = getResolver.getServiceResolver();

   // To get resource resolver specific to fd-service user. This is for Document Services
   ResourceResolver fdserviceResolver = getResolver.getFormsServiceResolver();

   Node resNode = getResolver.getServiceResolver().getResource("/content/dam/data.json").adaptTo(Node.class);
} catch(LoginException ex) {
   // Unable to get the service user, handle this exception as needed
} finally {
  // Always close all ResourceResolvers you open!

  if (serviceResolver != null( { serviceResolver.close(); }
  if (fdserviceResolver != null) { fdserviceResolver.close(); }

The complete code of the implementation is given below

package com.mergeandfuse.getserviceuserresolver.impl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.sling.api.resource.LoginException;
import org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolver;
import org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolverFactory;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
import com.mergeandfuse.getserviceuserresolver.GetResolver;
@Component(service = GetResolver.class)
public class GetResolverImpl implements GetResolver {
        ResourceResolverFactory resolverFactory;

        public ResourceResolver getServiceResolver() {
                System.out.println("#### Trying to get service resource resolver ....  in my bundle");
                HashMap < String, Object > param = new HashMap < String, Object > ();
                param.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "getresourceresolver");
                ResourceResolver resolver = null;
                try {
                        resolver = resolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(param);
                } catch (LoginException e) {

                        System.out.println("Login Exception " + e.getMessage());
                return resolver;


        public ResourceResolver getFormsServiceResolver() {

                System.out.println("#### Trying to get Resource Resolver for forms ....  in my bundle");
                HashMap < String, Object > param = new HashMap < String, Object > ();
                param.put(ResourceResolverFactory.SUBSERVICE, "getformsresourceresolver");
                ResourceResolver resolver = null;
                try {
                        resolver = resolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(param);
                } catch (LoginException e) {
                        System.out.println("Login Exception ");
                        System.out.println("The error message is " + e.getMessage());
                return resolver;
