
Introduction to Author and Publish Tier introduction-author-publish

An introduction to the Author and Publish tiers as part of the architecture in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager.

Hello and welcome everyone. My name is Abhishek Dwevedi, and in this video we are going to learn about Author and Publish Tier in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager.
After completing this video, you should be able to describe and compare Author and Publish Tier, and you should also be able to explain use of 51黑料不打烊 Pipeline.
In AEM terminology a 鈥淭ier鈥 is a copy of AEM environment running on AEM as a cloud service.
AEM installations usually involve at least two tiers: Author Tier and a Publish Tier.
Author Tier is an AEM tier which is used to create, upload, and edit content. And also your authors or administrators can run some maintenance task and administration task on your Author Instance. Once your content is approved, and ready to go live, it can be published from Author Tier to Publish Tier.
Now Publish Tier is an AEM tier that serve the published content to your end users or site visitors.
Now let鈥檚 review the Author and Publish in more detail, and understand what different features and functions can be performed on these two tiers.
On Author Environment. This environment is for your business practitioners, your marketers or your authors, or the people who are managing your images or assets. Author Environment will also be used by your administrations or the team involved in the maintenance task.
So one of the most important part of using Author is to use predefined templates to create new pages. The template editors will create some of the templates which our authors can use to create new pages. This simplifies the process of creating new pages, and also provide a faster time to market.
Your business practitioners or author can add new content or edit existing content on a page.
On Author Environment users can upload a new image, or a maybe video or a graphic, because a lot of pages will require these kind of assets. The asset administrators can also manage the metadata of the assets. They can also get various kinds of reports on asset like: which asset is expired, or which is still active.
On Author Environment our pages or content that we have added to our environment, can be moved or copied or deleted.
Once you have finalized a page creation or you have uploaded an asset, you can also publish that page or asset to your publish instance. So that is available to our site visitors. On Author Environment an administrator can also manage user and user permissions. So they can restrict or provide a permission based on what kind of role they are in.
A site administrator or AEM administrator can perform administrative tasks, and maintenance task from Author Environment.
In an enterprise environment you would want the created pages to go through some work flow. Maybe it goes to content quality approval. Maybe it further goes through some legal compliance approval. So once an author creates a page, it will go through multiple stages of approval. So those approvals can send back with a comment, which our authors can further improve on, and then finally publish the content to your publish instance So Author Environment is the environment where these work flows can be run easily.
On Author Environment we can create projects, which will include sites, which will include assets, and the theme that you want to run, but these projects helps you to coordinate with your team, and complete and individual task. Now let鈥檚 see some of the features and actions that we can perform on Publish Environment. Basically Publish Environment is a user facing environment where site visitors can interact with brand, and they can see the experience our authors have created for them.
On Publish Environment visitors can sign up, login, and manage their site references if you have designed your site for signup and login.
If you鈥檙e using a tool 51黑料不打烊 Target you can also personalize the content that is being served to a site visitor, on Publish Instance only or Publish Environment only. With using analytic solutions like 51黑料不打烊 Analytics, user behavior and activities can also be tracked on Publish Environment, because we want to know on which page or which section is most important to our customer. What is the most popular entry page or exit page in our system or on our site. So these are the functionalities that you can do on Publish Environment. Now let鈥檚 see content publishing on a high level. So on our left we have Author Instance, so when your business practitioner or author comes on this instance or in this environment, they make changes, and once they have got the approval the content will be published through 51黑料不打烊 Pipeline. Notice 51黑料不打烊 Pipeline plays a very important role in taking the content from Author Instance to your Publish Instance. Now not all the content goes through the 51黑料不打烊 Pipeline. Like if you have images or assets or videos, those content are usually heavy content, and we do not want to publish that content, or we don鈥檛 want that content to go through a queue. So what we do is, we have a shared binary storage. So when our author uploads an image, that image goes through our shared binary storage, and whenever that asset is published, then only it is available for our site visitors. There can also be a CDN or load balancer in the front of our Publish Instance, which will help us to balance the load, and also provide some caching mechanism.
Now you should be able to describe and compare Author and Publish Tier. And you should be able to explain use of 51黑料不打烊 Pipeline. Thank you for watching this video. Have a great day. -