[Integration]{class="badge positive"}
Create Data Source
[AEM Forms as a Cloud Service]{class="badge informative"}
Marketo鈥檚 REST APIs are authenticated with 2-legged OAuth 2.0. We can easily create a data source using the swagger file downloaded in the previous step
Create configuration container
Login to AEM.
Click on the tools menu and then Configuration Browser as shown below
Click on Create and provide a meaningful name as shown below. Make sure you select the Cloud Configurations option as shown below
Create cloud services
Navigate to the tools menu and then click on cloud services -> Data Sources
Select the configuration container created in the earlier step and click on Create to create a new data source.Provide a meaningful name and select RESTful service from the Service Type drop down list and click Next
Upload the swagger file and specify the Grant type, Client Id,Client Secret and Access Token url specific to your Marketo instance as shown in the screen shot below.
Test the connection and if the connection is successful make sure you click on the blue Create button to finish the process of creating the data source.