
[Integration]{class="badge positive"}

Create Data Source

[AEM Forms as a Cloud Service]{class="badge informative"}

Marketo鈥檚 REST APIs are authenticated with 2-legged OAuth 2.0. We can easily create a data source using the swagger file downloaded in the previous step

Create configuration container

  • Login to AEM.

  • Click on the tools menu and then Configuration Browser as shown below

  • tools menu

  • Click on Create and provide a meaningful name as shown below. Make sure you select the Cloud Configurations option as shown below

  • configuration container

Create cloud services

  • Navigate to the tools menu and then click on cloud services -> Data Sources

  • cloud-services

  • Select the configuration container created in the earlier step and click on Create to create a new data source.Provide a meaningful name and select RESTful service from the Service Type drop down list and click Next

  • new-data-source

  • Upload the swagger file and specify the Grant type, Client Id,Client Secret and Access Token url specific to your Marketo instance as shown in the screen shot below.

  • Test the connection and if the connection is successful make sure you click on the blue Create button to finish the process of creating the data source.

  • data-source-config

Next Steps

Create Form Data Model
