
[Integration]{class="badge positive"}

Create data elements

[AEM Forms as a Cloud Service]{class="badge informative"}

In the Tags property we added two new data elements(ApplicantsStateOfResidence and validationError).



The ApplicantStateOfResidence data element was configured by selecting Core in the extension drop-down and Custom Code for the Data Element Type as shown in the screen shot below

The following custom code was used to capture the value from the state adaptive form field.

// use the GuideBridge API to access adaptive form elements
//The state field's SOM expression is used to access the state field
var ApplicantsStateOfResidence = guideBridge.resolveNode("guide[0].guide1[0].guideRootPanel[0].state[0]").value;
_satellite.logger.log("Returning  Applicants State Of Residence is "+ApplicantsStateOfResidence);
return ApplicantsStateOfResidence;


The ValidationError data element was configured by selecting Core in the extension drop-down and Custom Code for the Data Element Type as shown in the screen shot below


The following custom code was written to set the validationError data element value.

var validationError = "";
// Using GuideBridge API to access adaptive forms fields using the fields SOM expression
var tel = guideBridge.resolveNode("guide[0].guide1[0].guideRootPanel[0].telephone[0]");
var email = guideBridge.resolveNode("guide[0].guide1[0].guideRootPanel[0].email[0]");

_satellite.logger.log("Got tel in Tags custom script "+tel.isValid)
_satellite.logger.log("Got email in Tags custom script "+email.isValid)

if (tel.isValid == false) {
  validationError = "error: telephone number";
  _satellite.logger.log("Validation error is "+ validationError);

if (email.isValid == false) {
  validationError = "error: invalid email";
  _satellite.logger.log("Validation error is "+ validationError);

return validationError;

Next steps

Create Rules
