
Extension modal

AEM UI extension modal {align="center"}

AEM UI extension modal provide a way to attach custom UI to AEM UI extensions.

Modals are React applications, based on , and can create any custom UI required by the extension, including, but not limited to:

  • Confirmation dialogs
  • Error messages
  • … or even a full-blown, multi-view React application!

The modal experience is defined by the extension App Builder React app defined under the web-src folder. As with any React app, the full experience is orchestrated using that render .

At least one route is required to generate the initial modal view. This initial route is invoked in the extension registration’s onClick(..) function, as shown below.

  • ./src/aem-ui-extension/web-src/src/components/App.js
import MyModal from './MyModal';
import MyModalResults from './MyModalResults';
function App(props) {
  return (
      <ErrorBoundary onError={onError} FallbackComponent={fallbackComponent}>
            Define the entry route to the modal.

            For modals opened from Action Bar extensions.
            Depending on the extension point, different parameters are passed to the modal.
            This example illustrates a modal for the AEM Content Fragment Console (list view), where typically a :selection parameter is used to pass in the list of selected Content Fragments.
            Where as Header Menu extensions do not use a selection parameter.
            exact path="aem-ui-extension/:selection/my-modal"
            element={<MyModal />}

          {/* Define any other routes the modal may need */}
            exact path="aem-ui-extension/my-modal"
            element={<MyOtherModalView />}


Extension registration

To open a modal, a call to guestConnection.host.modal.showUrl(..) is made frm the extension’s onClick(..) function. showUrl(..) is passed a JavaScript object with key/values:

  • title provides the name of title of the modal displayed to the user
  • url is the URL that invokes the React route responsible for the modal’s initial view.

It is imperative that the url passed to guestConnection.host.modal.showUrl(..) resolves to route in the extension, otherwise nothing displays in the modal.

  • ./src/aem-ui-extension/web-src/src/components/ExtensionRegistration.js
function ExtensionRegistration() {
  onClick() {
    // Create a URL that maps to the React route to be rendered in the modal
    const modalURL = "/index.html#/aem-ui-extension/my-modal";

    // Open the modal and display the React route created above
      title: "My modal title",
      url: modalURL

Each route of the extension, that isn’t the index route, maps to a React component that can render in the extension’s modal.

A modal can be comprised of any number of React routes, from a simple one-route modal to a complex, multi-route modal.

The following illustrates a simple one-route modal, however this modal view could contain React links that invoke other routes or behaviors.

  • ./src/aem-ui-extension/web-src/src/components/MyModal.js
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { attach } from "@adobe/uix-guest"
import {
} from '@adobe/react-spectrum'
import Spinner from "./Spinner"
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom"
import { extensionId } from "./Constants"

export default function MyModal() {
  // Initial modal views for Action Bar extensions typically pass in the list of selected Content Fragment Paths from ExtensionRegistration.js
  // Get the paths from useParams() and split on delimiter used
  let { selection } = useParams();
  let contentFragmentPaths = selection?.split('|') || [];

  // Asynchronously attach the extension to AEM.
  // Wait or the guestConnection to be set before doing anything in the modal.
  const [guestConnection, setGuestConnection] = useState()

  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      const guestConnection = await attach({ id: extensionId })
  }, [])

  if (!guestConnection) {
    // If the guestConnection is not initialized, display a loading spinner
    return <Spinner />
  } else {
    // Else the modal is ready to render!
    return (
        <Provider theme={defaultTheme} colorScheme='light'>
            Use the React Spectrum components to render the modal UI.
            Using React Spectrum ensures a consistent, accessible, future-proof look-and-feel and speeds up development.
            <Content width="100%">
                <Flex width="100%">
                        This is the contents in the modal!
                        Anything can be created in this return statement!

                        The selected Content Fragments are: { contentFragmentPaths.join(', ') }
                        Modals must provide their own Close button, by calling: guestConnection.host.modal.close()
                    <ButtonGroup align="end">
                        <Button variant="primary" onPress={() => guestConnection.host.modal.close()}>Close</Button>

Close the modal

AEM UI extension modal close button {align="center"}

Modals must provide their own close control. This done by invoking guestConnection.host.modal.close().

<ButtonGroup align="end">
    <Button variant="primary" onPress={() => guestConnection.host.modal.close()}>Close</Button>