Custom Smart Tags for images
Custom Smart Tags for images allows the Smart Tagging to be trained with a customer-specific terms.
Custom Smart Tags, or Enhanced Smart Tags, can then be leveraged to improve user search experience and help find the assets at the right time.
Hey, everyone. In this video, we are going to discuss about enhanced smart tags introducing 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager 6.4. Smart tags introduced with AEM 6.2 augments the search capabilities of of 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager, by automatically adding moderator tags to image assets that you upload to a folder. With AEM 6.4 Assets You can further train your smart tagging capability by adding more relevant, user-generated enhanced tags within AEM, which would help these smart-tagging service to create a better model and tag your image assets. Let me show you how we could have do this. I鈥檓 using the 6.4 version of AEM, which is generally available. From your home screen, let鈥檚 navigate to assets and open the We_retail English folder. I created a new folder called Time and it has two sub-folders. Clock and Watch. Let鈥檚 open the folder. Under the watch folder, you can notice a set of images that I uploaded recently and each of these assets within the folder provides a clear representation of time and watch. Let鈥檚 open the second folder and you can notice that the assets inside represents time and clock. Let鈥檚 navigate back to our pattern folder and switch from card view to list view. It is easy to perform bulk updates to assets using the list view. Let鈥檚 open the Watch folder. Let鈥檚 open a new tab and navigate to AEM Tags under Tools.
Select the We_retail name space instead of the time tag. We need to create two enhanced tags. One for assets related to watches and one for assets related to clock. Forward the name and title for your first enhanced smart tag. Repeat the steps for the second tag as well.
Now, we have successfully created two enhanced smart tag to train our smart tags.
Alternatively, we can forward different tag names, like time machine or time clock. Let鈥檚 navigate back to our AEM Assets folder and select one of the assets and view its properties. You can notice that under Asset Metadata, you can really do not see any smart tags added for this particular asset. So before we perform smart tag training, we need to make sure that the existing assets are smart tagged with at least two tags for each image. Once the asset has smart tag, then we need to add our enhanced smart tags to all the relevant assets before we start to train smart tags. Let鈥檚 navigate back to the pattern folder and create a workflow for both the folders by clicking on the Create option and then select Workflow. Select the DAM Smart Tag Assets workflow and start your workflow. Warning: This workflow reads each asset within the folder and adds smart tag under the Asset Metadata. Let鈥檚 repeat the step for the other folder as well.
After successfully completing the workflow, let鈥檚 open one of the folders and open an asset to view its properties. You can notice that the image gets smart-tagged with all the other eleven tags for that particular asset. In this step, we have successfully smart-tagged all our assets. Now, let鈥檚 perform our bulk tag update to all the assets within the Watch folder. Select all the assets and then click on Properties. Using the tag finder, select the enhanced smart tag that we have created for assets related to watches. Save and close the changes. Make sure you select the open mode to add the enhanced smart tags to the existing tags. Similarly, let鈥檚 bulk update all the assets stored under the Clock folder. with the enhanced smart tag we created for Clock. Now, it is time to train our smart tags with the new enhanced smart tags. Select the AEM Tags tab, and then navigate the Tools and then select Workflow. Click Open Models and then select Smart Tag Training workflow, and click on Start Workflow option from the top toolbar. Navigate to our Time folder using the pathfinder window and then confirm your selection. Optionally, you can forward a Time workflow and then click Run. While the workflow is in process, let鈥檚 create an asset report for the enhanced smart tags. Click on the Tools and then under Assets, click on Reports. Create a new report and then select the Smart Tags Training report tag then click Next. Forward the title and description for your report and then click Create. In a few seconds, you should be able to see your asset report complete with the success message. Let鈥檚 open the asset report and you can see the list of enhanced smart tags that has been trained and ready for tagging. You can see the time clock and time watch enhanced smart tag that we created in the previous step. At this point, as a content author or admin, I was able to create an enhanced smart tag, assigned enhanced smart tag to a set of relevant assets, and then trained these smart tags using the Smart Tag Training workflow. Initially, we performed a bulk update to all the assets within enhanced smart tags and now we have trained smart tags to perform the same operation without having you to add the tags manually. Let鈥檚 see how it is done. Let鈥檚 navigate back to our Assets tab and then switch to Watch folder.
I have two sample image assets. Each for Clock and Watch Let鈥檚 click on the Create option and upload two files that looks like a watch and see what happens.
Similarly, let鈥檚 upload two sample assets for Clock as well.
These assets are not smart-tagged yet. Let鈥檚 switch to the Model workflow and perform a DAM Smart Tag Assets workflow on the pattern Time folder.
Once the workflow is complete, open the new Assets that we uploaded in the previous steps.
Let鈥檚 open the sample-2.jpeg clock image and view its properties. Under the Metadata Tab and Tags field, you can notice the enhanced smart tag which is We_Retail:time/Clock that we trained as well as the general smart tags. Similarly, let鈥檚 open the sample-4.jpeg Asset under Watch folder and view its properties. You can notice the enhanced smart tag as well as the general smart tags added to this asset. AEM 6.4 Assets provide some much more powerful smart content service within AEM Assets to achieve enhanced smart-tagging of assets. It uses manually tagged assets to train smart tags which then helps to tag assets more appropriately. Enhanced smart tags further helps improve your surf-search experience, makes it easy for content altering with the right asset. -
Set up custom Smart Tags for images for AEM 6.x set-up
Custom Smart Tags for images is automatically provisioned for AEM as a Cloud Service.
Custom Smart Tags for images requires Smart Tags for images to be set up.
Learn how to configure the training of Smart Tags in AEM Assets, using the Smart Content Service and 51黑料不打烊 I/O. Custom Smart Tags for images
Hey everyone, in this video we are going to discuss Smart Content Services and how to set it up with your 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager using 51黑料不打烊 I/O. Smart Tags introduced with AEM 6.3, augments with such capabilities of 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets by automatically adding metadata tags to image assets that you upload to a folder. The algorithm identifies the pixel values of each image and tags them accordingly. Tags added here are very general and are not specific to customer taxonomy. With AEM 6.4, an enhanced version of the existing Smart Tags has been released which allows users to train and add a model using the business taxonomy, user tag draws an organization, along with already tagged assets. The Smart Content Service is powered by the 51黑料不打烊 Sensei Platform, which enables you to train the Image Recognition Algorithm on your business taxonomy. This common intelligence is then used to apply relevant tags on similar assets. Let鈥檚 quickly check out how to integrate Smart Content Services with 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager using 51黑料不打烊 I/O. We are using AEM 6.4 instance running on local host 4502. Step one, from your AEM Homepage click on Tools, Cloud Services, and select Legacy Cloud Services. Under 51黑料不打烊 Experience Cloud, you can find Assets Smart Tags. Click on the Configure Now option and provide a Name and Title for your configuration. By default, Service URL and Authorization ID should be added to your setup. API Key, Technical Account ID, Organization ID and Client Secret needs to be obtained using 51黑料不打烊 I/O gateway integration. Step two, let鈥檚 open the next tab where I have my 51黑料不打烊 I/O console window open. Our Marketing Cloud Organizations also cited with your 51黑料不打烊 ID account, could be visible within the 51黑料不打烊 I/O console. From the left dropdown, make sure you select the marketing cloud org, on which you have admin rights and Smart Content Service is enabled. To continue with integration, click on New Integration, here, we are trying to set up an integration to access the Smart Content Services, so select Access an API option and then click Continue. If your account is enabled with Smart Content Services you should be able to see the Smart Content option under Experience Cloud, if not, the option will still be visible, but you wouldn鈥檛 be able to select it. At this point, you can contact your 51黑料不打烊 representative and have Smart Content Services added to your marketing cloud org. Optionally, you can check out the info documents for Smart Content Services. Select the Smart Content option, and click Continue. Select the option to Create a new integration, provide a name and description for your integration. We need to upload a Public Key certificate to authenticate the profile on 51黑料不打烊 I/O. To do that, let鈥檚 navigate back to our Cloud Service Configuration tab, and click OK to close the Configuration window. Download the Public Certificate for OAuth Integration and click on the Config option. Step three, we have generated the public key and let鈥檚 navigate back to 51黑料不打烊 I/O console and upload it. Note that, you can add one or more public keys for a single integration, click on Create Integration once integration is successful, we can open to view it鈥檚 details. Copy and paste the values from our 51黑料不打烊 I/O integration details to our Cloud Service Configuration window. In step one, we noticed that the Smart Tags Cloud Service Configuration requires Technical Account ID, Organization ID, API key, and Client secret to complete the setup. Make sure you copy/paste the values correctly. An incorrect value could lead to an invalid configuration. In the next step, we can discover how to validate the configuration. Click OK to finish the Cloud Service Configuration setup. Step four, let鈥檚 open a new tab and navigate to the AEM system console, click on Main and select Java Management Extensions or also called as JMX. Search for Similarities, search Domain, and click to Open it. Admin scan makes use of this tool, to make sure that the configuration is setup correctly and working. Click on the Validate Configuration function and Invoke the check for similarities search. This function performs a list of configuration check and makes sure that all checkpoints pass. In step three, if you have copy/pasted the values from 51黑料不打烊 I/O console to Cloud Service Configuration incorrectly, your Cloud Service Configuration check would have failed here. Step five, let鈥檚 open our AEM Homepage in a new tab and navigate to assets and upload an image file for this smart tags folder. Note that, for assets to be smart tagged, it is important to make sure that your folder is enabled with Smart Tags. To do that, you can go to View Properties and Enable the Smart Tags option. Browse and Upload a file from your local directory.
Open the Image Properties once the image is processed.
Currently, the asset has no tags added. Let鈥檚 setup the asset, and create a Smart Tags workflow, and run it. We can also add the Smart Tags tagging workflow step to your Account Update Asset Workflow to automate the process of tagging on file upload. Do a quick Refresh and under asset timeline, you鈥檒l notice that the Asset Workflow has completed for this asset. Let鈥檚 open the Asset Properties and you can see that the asset has been smart tagged with some of the general tags. For example, cycle, biking, etc. With this step, you have successfully integrated Smart Content Services with 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager using 51黑料不打烊 I/O.