
DITA map report from the Map Console id231HF0Z0NXA

51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager Guides comes with a feature in the Map console that enables you to check the overall integrity of your map and generate reports for it.

You can view the topic list, manage the metadata of all references, view the multimedia list and fix all the broken links for the current map from the Reports tab in the Map Console which you can access as follows:

  1. In the Repository panel, open the DITA map file in Map view.

    note note
    You can also open a DITA map directly in the Map console tab from the drop-down on the left top of the home page.
  2. Select the Open in map console icon.


  3. Select Reports from the left panel.

You can locate all the four reports from the Reports panel. Based on your requirement you can select any of the reports as shown here.


The Reports panel provides access to four different types of reports. Each report, along with its accessibility and features, is discussed in detail below.

Topic List report

The Topic List report provides detailed information about your topics, such as the reference type, document state, and author.

You can view the topic list report of a map by performing the following steps:

  1. Select Topic List from the Reports panel. The list of topics present in the DITA map is displayed.


  2. From the Filters panel you can filter your topics based on the Reference type (direct or indirect), Document State (for example if your topics are in Edit, In-Review, or Reviewed state, these are listed) or the Author of the topic.

    note note
    All the filters provide an exhaustive list of options present in the system.
  3. You can also use the following topic filtering options to choose to display the following columns in the list:

    • Title The title of the topic is specified in the DITA map. You can select the topic to edit it.
    • File Name Name of the file.
    • UUID The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the file.
    • File Location The complete path of the topic.
    • Reference Type The type of reference – direct or indirect.
    • Document State The state of the topic.
    • Author The user who worked last on the topic.
    • Parent Map The list of all maps where the topic is directly referenced.
    note note
    Select Refresh to get a fresh list of topics and view any change in your map file or if any reference within your topic file is updated.
  4. Select Download to download the snapshot of all the topics in the DITA map. The excel sheet contains the selected columns and the topics filtered in the Topic List view.

Metadata report

The Metadata report provides a detailed report of your references in the current DITA map such as the reference type, document state, tags, file location etc.

You can view the metadata report of a map by performing the following steps:

  1. Select Metadata from the Reports panel. The list of all references of a map is displayed along with it’s metadata such as tags, document state, custom metadata. To add a new custom metadata column, refer to Add custom metadata columns section.


  2. From the Filters panel you can filter your topics based on the Document State (for example if your topics are in Edit, In-Review, or Reviewed state, these are listed), References (direct or indirect), File Type (Map, Topic, Document, Image, Video and Others) of the reference.

    note note
    All the filters provide an exhaustive list of options present in the system.
  3. You can also choose to view only the Files with no tags or also choose specific tags from the Tags filter to view the files associated with them.

  4. You can also use the following topic filtering options to choose to display the following columns in the metadata list:

    • Title (selected by default) The title of the referenced file is specified in the DITA map. You can select the file to edit it.

      note note
      A checked-out icon also appears near the title of a checked-out file. You can hover over the icon to view the name of the user.
    • File Name The name of the file.

    • File Location The complete path of the file.

    • UUID The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the file.

    • Tags (selected by default) Tags applied on the file.

      note note
      By default, you can view two tags for a file. To view more tags, select Show More. Select Show Less to contract the list again.
    • Document State (selected by default) The current state of the reference file.

    • Reference Type The type of reference – direct or indirect

    • File Type (selected by default) Type of the source file. The available options are Map, Topic, and Image.

    • Locked by The user who has locked the file.

  5. Select Download to download the snapshot of all the references in the DITA map. The excel sheet contains the selected columns and the references filtered in the Metadata view.

Manage metadata in bulk from the Metadata report

You can apply tags on an individual topic or use the bulk tagging feature to apply multiple tags on multiple topics, a DITA map, or on a sub-map. You can also change the document state of all selected topics to the next possible common document state.

Update metadata

To update metadata, perform the following steps:

  1. To update metadata, select the files for which you want to update. You can select the files that are appearing in the Metadata panel, by checking in the check box appearing adjacent to Title. If you want to select all the records, use the Select all tab above the Title bar as shown below.

    note note
    You cannot select any checked-out files. A checked-out icon also appears near the title of a checked-out file. You can hover over the icon to view the name of the user.


  2. Select Manage from the top.


  3. If you want to add any new tags, select new tags from the dropdown list to apply them to all selected topics. You can also delete any tag by selecting the cross icon near the tag.

    note note
    The common tags applied on all the selected topics are listed.
  4. Select a new document state if you want to change the document state of all the selected references. The drop-down displays the common possible state for all selected topics. For example, if the current state of your topics is In-Review, then you can view Draft, Approved, or Reviewed state.

  5. Select Update to update the metadata. A confirmation message is displayed for the metadata whether it is updated successfully or has any failed updates. You also select Download Report to download the snapshot of the report. This snapshot contains the details of the updated status for the selected references.

Add custom metadata columns

This feature enables you to add custom metadata columns as per requirement, which are then displayed in the metadata reports. It also provides enhanced flexibility in metadata reporting. To add new custom metadata column perform the following steps:

  1. To add a custom metadata column, select Settings from the three dots on the top-right corner of the metadata page.


  2. Select Metadata on the left panel of the pop-up that appears.

  3. Add a new custom metadata field as per the requirement using the Add tab.


  4. Specify a specific metadata path and an appropriate title for the same which you want to add in the columns of metadata report. For example a custom metadata with the title language and a specific path is added.

    note note
    If you want to remove a particular metadata column, you can delete it from the list displayed. Additionally, you can edit the Label to alter the display title of column.


  5. Select Save and Refresh the Metadata view. A new custom column Language is added in the list of Columns in the Filter panel.

    note note
    Adding a new metadata column also gets reflected in the Version History panel in the Editor. For more information, view Metadata.


Similarly, you can follow the aforementioned steps to add any new custom metadata fields based on your requirement that are needed in the metadata reports.

Multimedia report

The Multimedia report provides detailed information about the multimedia used in your map, such as the title, type (audio, video, and images), files in which multimedia is used, and the reference type of the files, in which they have been used. You can also view the UUID and the location of the multimedia within the repository. You can view a report of the multimedia by performing the following steps:

  1. Select Multimedia from the Report panel. The list of multimedia present in the DITA map is displayed.

  2. From the Filters panel you can order the list by multimedia or by the names of used in references.

    • When you order by Multimedia, the name of the multimedia is displayed in the first column and then the names of all references in which they have been used, are displayed in another column on the same row. For example, the following screenshot shows the multimedia testSong.mp3 in the first column and two references in which it is used, are displayed in the third column on the same row.


    • If you order by Used In column, you will view the transposed view wherein the names of the references in which multimedia have been used are listed in the first column while the multimedia names are listed in another column on separate rows. For example, the following screenshot shows the names of two references (testing_indirect and Video content Topic) in the first column and the multimedia testSong.mp3 is displayed in the third column on two separate rows.


  3. You can filter your multimedia based on the Multimedia Type, and Reference Type. The list of multimedia files is displayed based on your selection in the drop-down. For example, you can choose to display only the audio references in your DITA map, and a file shows only the audio references used in it.

  4. You can also use the following filtering options to choose to display the following columns in the list:

    • Multimedia (selected by default) The title of the multimedia is specified in the DITA map. You can select the multimedia to edit it.
    • Multimedia Location The complete path of the multimedia.
    • Multimedia UUID The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the file.
    • Multimedia Type (selected by default) Type of the multimedia. The available options are Audio, Video, or Image.
    • Used In (selected by default) The references in which the multimedia has been used. You can select the reference to edit it.
    • Reference Type (selected by default) The type of reference - direct or indirect.
    note note
    Select Refresh to get a fresh list of multimedia and view any change in your map file or if any multimedia within your DITA map is updated.
  5. Select Download to download the snapshot of the all multimedia in the DITA map. The excel sheet contains the selected columns and the multimedia filtered in the Multimedia view.

The Broken links is a useful report which provides you with the details of the broken links present in your current map. You can view the broken links, which can be for DITA topics, multimedia file references, content key references, and so on. You also have the ability to fix them here itself.
The report provides detailed information such as the broken link, link type, files in which reference is used, and the type of files they have been used in.
You can view the report for broken links by performing the following steps:

  1. Select Broken links from the Reports panel. The list of broken links or references present in the DITA map is displayed.

  2. From the Filters panel you can order the list by links or by the names of used in references.

    – When you order by Broken link, the paths of the broken links are displayed in the first column and then the names of all references in which they have been used, are displayed in another column on separate rows. If the same broken link is used in multiple files, then they are displayed on one row and are shown as grouped or sub-rows. For example, the following screenshot shows two broken links in the first column and the reference in which they are used, m_ElectricalSpecs_900.ditamap is displayed in the third column on two separate rows.


    – If you order by Used in column, you will view the transposed view wherein the names of the references in which the broken links have been used are listed in the first column while the broken links are listed in another column on the same row. For example, the following screenshot shows the reference (in which the broken link is used) m_ElectricalSpecs_900.ditamap in the first column and the broken links are displayed in the third column on the same row.


  3. You can filter your broken links based on the File Type and Link Type. The list of broken links is displayed based on your selection in the drop-down. For example, you can choose to display only the content references in your DITA map, and a file shows only the broken content references used in it.

    DITA Topic, DITA Map, File reference, Key reference, Content Reference, Content Key Reference, Image Reference, Multimedia File Reference, and Multimedia Key Reference are available values for Link Type drop-down, and DITA Topic, DITA Map, Document,Image, Video, Audio, and Others are available values for File Type dropdown.

  4. You can also use the following filtering options to choose to display the following columns in the list:

    – Broken Link (selected by default) The path of the broken link is specified in the DITA map.

    – Link Type (selected by default) The type of the links. The available options are DITA Topic, DITA Map, File reference, Key reference, Content Reference, Content Key Reference, Image Reference, Multimedia File Reference, and Multimedia Key Reference.

    – Used In (selected by default) The references in which the broken link has been used. You can select the reference to view it in author mode.

    – File Type (selected by default) The type of reference – DITA Topic, DITA Map, Document,Image, Video, Audio, and Others.

    Select Refresh to get a fresh list of broken links and view any change in your map file or if any broken link within your DITA map is updated.

  5. You can select on the Fix link icon ( ) to fix the broken link.

    note note
    Hover over the broken link path under the Broken Link column to view the Fix link ( ) icon.

    You can fix a link in both views- when you have ordered by Broken Links or by Used In.

    note note
    When you fix a broken link while you have ordered by Broken Links, the link will be fixed in all the files where it is used (which are grouped in a single row).
  6. You need to update the required reference details in the Update Link dialog. The details required in Update Link dialog would depend on the type of reference.
    Once you fix a link, it is not displayed under the list of broken links. Instead, you can view it under the Topic List or Metadata.

  7. Select Download to download the snapshot of all the broken links in the DITA map. The excel file contains the selected columns and the broken links filtered in the Broken Links view.

Parent topic:Introduction to reports
