Content Reuse Report id205BB900OQD
Another useful report that you can generate is the Content Reuse Report. This report calculates the average content usage percentage, which is very useful for project managers and business owners to view the amount of content that is being reused.
Perform the following steps to view the Content Reuse Report:
Select the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager logo at the top and choose Tools.
Select Guides from the list of tools.
Select the Content Reuse Report tile.
Select Browse to choose a path where your topics reside or enter the path manually.
The report is generated by scanning the content in the parent and all child folders.
Select Generate Report to get the Content Reuse Report.
The report page is divided into two parts:
Report Summary:
Lists the Average Content Reuse, which is calculated as Content Reuse Instances/Total Topic Count. This report takes into account all first level direct content references and topic references for calculation. The Content Reuse Instances is calculated as the sum total of values in the Number of Times Reused field. The topic that is most widely reused is also listed in the Report Summary. Selecting the topic鈥檚 link in the Most Reused Topic opens the topic鈥檚 preview.
The Details section contains the following columns:
Title: The title of the topic. Selecting the topic鈥檚 title link opens the topic preview.
UUID: The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the file.
Size: Files size in bytes.
Status: The current state of the document - Draft, In-Review or Reviewed.
Number of Times Reused: Number of times the corresponding topic has been reused. This calculated as sum total of entries in Referenced By columns minus 1.
Referenced By: The topics in which the corresponding topic has been referenced. Here, only the direct (first level) references are considered. Multiple topics are separated by comma. The UUID of the referenced file is also mentioned in brackets.Selecting on the topic鈥檚 title link opens the topic preview.
Parent topic:Introduction to reports