
Enhance efficiency with smart Help in AI Assistant (Beta)

Experience Manager Guides provides the GenAI-based smart Help, a conversational search feature that helps you find relevant content from 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Guides documentation.

You can ask your questions and get answers in an informative way. The answer to your query is based on the content from the product documentation. This search is entirely conversational. You can ask questions about the various features of Experience Manager Guides or can choose to ask troubleshooting queries. Based on the response, you can also ask further questions. The response also includes links to source documents, which you can refer to for details.

For example, you may want to ask questions like How do I publish a map? You get a response and the links for the related articles. Then, if you want to learn how to use a specific method to publish the output, you can ask questions about it. For example, How do I publish a map to PDF?

When you open AI Assistant on the Homepage, Map console, or Editor, the Help panel opens on the right. In case of Editor, the Authoring panel also appears that give you smart authoring capabilities. For details, view AI Assistant to author documents smartly

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View the Help panel.

Perform the following steps to use the Help panel to find appropriate content and resolve your queries:

  1. Select AI Assistant to open the Help panel.

    note note
    In the global or folder-level profiles, your administrator needs to define the default questions that appear in the panel.
  2. Type the question to find the related content in the Experience Manager Guides documentation. You can select the default question in the panel or type your question in the text box.

  3. Select Send Send icon or press Enter to view the response to your questions.

    Depending on your question, you may view the content, applicable images, and links to the articles.

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    Select the sample question and view the content and images in response.

  4. Select the links to the articles at the end and view detailed information about the answer to your question.

  5. Select Clear conversation clear conversation to remove the conversation history from the panel. You can then start a fresh conversation and find relevant content.

Instead of searching through user guides and reference documents, you can use the Help feature to quickly find relevant answers to your queries. This helps save time and allows you to focus on content creation, resulting in enhanced productivity and efficiency.

Options available for AI Assistant Help responses

When you receive a response from AI Assistant in the Help panel, you can interact with it or provide feedback to enhance its accuracy and reliability. Your feedback helps the Experience Manager Guides team enhance the accuracy and relevance of AI Assistant responses, improving its performance over time.

The following options are available to engage with or provide feedback on the responses provided by AI Assistant Help panel:


  • Copy: Copy the response for use in your documents.
  • Like: Indicate that the response was helpful or accurate. Select the Like icon to like the response and use the Tell us more option to provide detailed feedback.
  • Dislike: Mark the response as unhelpful or incorrect. Select the Dislike icon to like the response and use the Tell us more option to provide detailed feedback.
  • Report: Flag the response for review if it contains errors or inaccurate content. Select the flag icon to open the Report results dialog. Select from the available options or provide a custom feedback.