

Different sets of materials may contain similar information that needs to be customized in select places. Keys allow you to include variable information to when working with DITA.

Sample files that you may opt to use for this lesson are provided in the file keys.zip.

Enable Keys

  1. Upload the set of provided sample files.

    a. Load the zip file.

    b. Refresh the AEM environment.

    c. Select the file for extraction.

    Select Zip

    d. Click Extract Archive in the top toolbar.


    e. In the dialog, choose the specific location for files to be extracted, such as a folder called Keys.

    f. Click Next.

    g. Skip any conflicts as they will not exist for content that has never been uploaded before.

    h. Select Extract at the top right of the screen.

  2. When the extract is complete, click Go to the target folder.


Resolve Keys to referenced values

To correctly use Keys, User Preferences must reference a specific map as the Root Map. Inside this map is a collection of Keys, grouped together inside a topicgroup. Opening the map and the topics resolves the Keys to the values that this map references.

  1. Specify a Root Map.

    a. From the Keys screen, open a map.

    b. Configure User Preferences.

    c. Click the User Preferences icon on the top toolbar.

    Top Toolbar

    d. Click the key icon to specify a Root Map that will be used to resolve Keys.

    e. Select the checkboxes for any desired Assets.

    Assets Dropdown

    f. Click Select.

    g. Save the User Preferences.

  2. Navigate to the Map View.

  3. Open the specified map.

The Keys are resolved.

Add a new keydef manually

  1. Open a map with a specified Root Map.

  2. Select a Key.

    Key Dropdown

  3. Insert a new keydef.

    a. Click in a valid location in the map.

    b. Select the Keydef icon on the top toolbar.

    Keydef Toolbar

    c. In the Insert Keydef dialog, enter a unique value for Keys that makes sense for the definition you are creating.

    d. Click Insert.

  4. Add topicmeta within the keydef.

    a. Click the Insert Element icon on the top toolbar.

    Keydef Toolbar

    b. In the Insert Element dialog, search and select 鈥渢opicmeta鈥.

  5. Add keywords within the topicmeta.

    a. Click the Insert Element icon on the top toolbar.

    Keydef Toolbar

    b. In the Insert Element dialog, search and select 鈥渒eywords鈥.

  6. Add a keyword within the topicmeta.

    a. Click the Insert Element icon on the top toolbar.

    Keydef Toolbar

    b. In the Insert Element dialog, search and select 鈥渒eyword鈥

  7. Type the value for the keydef into the keyword.

In the map, your keydef should now look something like this:

Keydef Finished

Configure a keydef as a snippet

Snippets are small content fragments that can be reused across various topics in your documentation project. Instead of manually generating each keydef, you can configure a single keydef as a snippet.

  1. Select a keydef element in the map.

  2. In the contextual menu, click Create Snippet.

  3. In the New Snippet dialog, add a Title and Description.
    You may also wish to remove existing keys or keyword definitions from the Content.

  4. Click Create.

  5. On the left panel, select Snippets.

  6. Drag and drop the snippet you just created from the Snippets panel to the map.

  7. Update the keydef as needed using Content Properties.
    When saved and refreshed, this set of Keys will be available for any user who has defined a map that contains the same Root Map.
