
XML Editor Configuration

If you work in a restrictive environment, you can choose which features your authors are able to see by customizing the Editor Configuration within a specific Folder Profile. Applying this Folder Profile can change the look and feel of the Editor itself, the CSS Templates, the Snippets available, and the Content Version Labels.

Sample files that you may opt to use for this lesson are provided in the file xmleditorconfiguration.zip.

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Customize the default Editor UI Configuration

You can always download the default UI configuration to your local system, make changes to it in the text editor of your choice, and upload it again.

  1. From the Navigation screen, click the Tools icon.

    Tools Icon

  2. Select Guides on the left panel.

  3. Click the Folder Profiles tile.

    Folder Profiles

  4. Select a Folder Profile.

  5. Click the XML Editor Configuration tab.

  6. Click Download Default.

    Download Default

You can now open and modify the content in a text editor. The AEM Guides Installation and Configuration Guide contains samples of how to remove, customize, or add functions to the UI configuration.

Upload the modified XML Editor Configuration

After customizing the UI configuration, you can upload it. Note that a sample configuration file ui-config-restricted-editor.json is provided with the set of supporting topics for this lesson.

  1. Within the Folder Profile, click the XML Editor Configuration tab.

  2. Under XML Editor configuration, click Upload.


  3. Double-click the file for your modified UI configuration, or as shown here, the provided sample file.

    Sample Config File

  4. Click Save in the top left corner of the screen.

You have successfully uploaded the modified UI configuration.

Customize the CSS Template layout

As with the UI configuration, you can download the CSS template layout. You can open it in a text editor and make modifications to customize the look and feel of your topic before uploading.

  1. From the Navigation screen, click the Tools icon.

    Tools Icon

  2. Select Guides on the left panel.

  3. Click the Folder Profiles tile.

    Folder Profiles

  4. Select a Folder Profile.

  5. Click the XML Editor Configuration tab.

  6. Under CSS Template layout, click Download.

    Dowload CSS

You can now modify and save the CSS content in a text editor.

Upload the modified CSS Template layout

After customizing the CSS Template layout, you can upload it. Note that a sample file css-layout-ONLY-draft-comment-change.css is provided with the set of supporting topics for this lesson. This file contains only the Draft Comment Change, whereas css-layout-draft-comment-change.css is the entire file, available to you for testing or review purposes only.

  1. Within the Folder Profile, click the XML Editor Configuration tab.

  2. Under CSS Template layout, click Upload.

    Upload CSS

  3. Double-click the file for either your own custom CSS layout or the provided sample file shown here.

    Sample CSS File

  4. Click Save in the top left corner of the screen.
    You have successfully uploaded the customized CSS Template layout.

Edit XML Editor Snippets

Snippets are reusable pieces of content that can be specific to a product or group. Note that sample Snippets are provided with the support files for this lesson.

  1. From the Navigation screen, click the Tools icon.

    Tools Icon

  2. Select Guides on the left panel.

  3. Click the Folder Profiles tile.

    Folder Profiles

  4. Select a Folder Profile.

  5. Click the XML Editor Configuration tab.

  6. Under XML Editor Snippets, click Upload.

    Upload Snippets

  7. Choose your own Snippets or use the samples provided.

    Sample Snippet

  8. Click Save in the top left corner of the screen.

You have successfully added new Snippets to the Editor.

Customize XML Content Version Labels

By default, authors are allowed to create labels of their choice, and associate them with topic files. This may lead to different variations on the same label. To avoid inconsistent labeling, you can also choose from lists of predefined labels.

  1. From the Navigation screen, click the Tools icon.

    Tools Icon

  2. Select Guides on the left panel.

  3. Click the Folder Profiles tile.

    Folder Profiles

  4. Select a Folder Profile.

  5. Click the XML Editor Configuration tab.

  6. Under XML Content Version Labels, click Download.

    Download Labels

You are now ready to customize the labels as required.

Upload XML Content Version Labels

Once you have downloaded and modified the labels, you can upload the XML Content Version Label topic. You may choose to use the sample file labels.json, provided with the set of supporting topics for this lesson.

  1. Within the Folder Profile, click the XML Editor Configuration tab.

  2. Under XML Content Version Labels, click Upload.

    Upload Labels

  3. Double-click the file for either your own custom labels or the provided sample file shown here.

    Sample Labels File

  4. Click Save in the top left corner of the screen.

You have successfully uploaded custom XML Content Version Labels.
