
Header (Block)


The header block is loaded by default in the boilerplate project into the <header> element.
Out-of-the-box it provides code for a responsive navigation but it is like most blocks very likely to be extended or adjusted on the per project basis.

The header block is usually not referenced by authors but is loaded automatically on every page.

The content for the navigation is loaded as a fragment and is by default authored in a nav (or nav.docx) document, and structured primarily into three sections for branding, navigation sections (nested <ul>) and tools.

The nav document has its own lifecycle and when previewed or published applies to all pages that use a given navigation.

It is not uncommon to have multiple nav documents for a site eg. one per locale / language or section of a site.


Content Structure:


This code is included in Boilerplate, there is no need to copy it.
