
Creating Pages creating-pages

Learn how to create new pages for your website using the Sites console.

Before you begin creating new pages, become familiar with how your pages are organized in AEM.

Access Privileges access-privileges

Your account needs the appropriate access rights and permissions to create pages.

If you encounter any problems, please contact your system administrator.

Creating a New Page creating-a-new-page

Unless all pages have been created for you in advance, you must create a page before you can start creating content:

  1. Open the Sites console.

  2. Navigate to the location where you want to create the new page.

  3. Open the drop-down selector using Create in the toolbar, then select Page from the list:

    Creating a page

  4. From the first stage of the wizard, you can either:

    • Select the template you want to use to create the new page, then select Next to proceed or Cancel to abort the process.
    • Templates are supported for both the Page Editor as well as for the Universal Editor.

    Selecting a template for a new page

  5. From the final stage of the wizard, you can either:

    • Use the three tabs to enter the page properties you want assigned to the new page, then select Create to actually create the page.

    • Use Back to return to template selection.

    Key fields are:

    • Title:

      • This is displayed to the user and is mandatory.
    • Name:

      • This is used to generate the URI. If not specified, the name is derived from the title.
      • If you supply a page Name when creating a page, AEM validates the name according to the conventions imposed by AEM and JCR.
      • You cannot submit invalid characters in the Name field. When AEM detects invalid characters, the field is highlighted and an explanatory message shown to indicate the characters that need removing/replacing.
    note tip
    See Page Naming Conventions.

    The minimum information required to create a page is the Title.

    Providing page title

  6. Tap or click Create to complete the process and create your new page. The confirmation dialog asks whether you want to Open the page immediately or return to the console (Done). Select one to end the page creation process.

    Page creation success

If you return to the console, you can see your new page:

Resulting new page

If you create a page using a name that already exists at the same location, AEM creates the page with a variation of the name specified by appending a number. For example, if beach already exists, the new page becomes beach1.
Once a page has been created, its template cannot be changed unless you create a launch with a new template, though this will lose any existing content.