OAuth2 Support for the Mail Service oauth2-support-for-the-mail-service
AEM as a Cloud Service offers OAuth2 support for its integrated Mail Service to allow organizations to adhere to secure email requirements.
You can configure OAuth for multiple email providers. Below are step-by-step instructions for configuring the AEM Mail Service to authenticate via OAuth2 with Microsoft庐 Office 365 Outlook. Other vendors can be configured in a similar manner.
For more information on the AEM as a Cloud Service Mail Service, see Sending Email.
Microsoft庐 Outlook microsoft-outlook
Go to and log in.
Search for Azure Active Directory in the search bar and click the result. Alternatively, you can browse directly to
Click App Registration > New Registration.
Fill in the information according to your requirements, then click Register.
Go to the created app, and select API Permissions.
Click Add Permission > Graph Permission > Delegated Permissions.
Select the below permissions for your app, then click Add Permission:
note note NOTE Permissions configuration may evolve over time. Work with Microsoft庐 if these do not work as expected. https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send
Go to Authentication > Add a platform > Web, and in the Redirect Urls section, add the below URLs - one with and one without a forward slash:
Press Configure after adding each URL and configure your settings according to your requirements.
Next, go to Certificates and Secrets, click New client secret and follow the on-screen steps to create a secret. Make sure to take note of this secret for later use.
Press Overview in the left-hand pane and copy the values for Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID for later use.
To recap, use following information to configure OAuth2 for the Mail service on the AEM side:
- The Auth URL, which is constructed with the tenant ID. It has this form:
- The Token URL, which is constructed with the tenant ID. It has this form:
- The Refresh URL, which is constructed with the tenant ID. It has this form:
- The Client ID
- The Client Secret
Generating the Refresh Token generating-the-refresh-token
Next, generate the refresh token, which is a part of the OSGi configuration in a subsequent step by doing the following:
Open the following URL in the browser after replacing
with the values specific to your account:code language-none https://login.microsoftonline.com/%3ctenantID%3e/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=%3cclientId%3e&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost&response_mode=query&scope=https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send%20email%20openid%20profile%20offline_access&state=12345`
When asked, allow permission.
The URL redirects to a new location, constructed in this format:
code language-none http://localhost/?code=<code>&state=12345&session_state=4f984c6b-cc1f-47b9-81b2-66522ea83f81#`
Copy the value of
in the example above. -
Use the following cURL command to get the refreshToken. Replace the tenantID, clientID, and clientSecret with the values for your account, and the value for
:code language-none curl --location --request POST 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantId>/oauth2/v2.0/token' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --header 'Cookie: buid=0.ARgAep0nU49DzUGmoP2wnvyIkcQjsx26HEpOnvHS0akqXQgYAAA.AQABAAEAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7Wevry9XPJSKbGVlPt5NWYxLtTl3K1W0LwHXelrffApUo_K02kFrkvmGm94rfBT94t25Zq4bCd5IM3yFOjWb3V22yDM7-rl112sLzbBQBRCL3QAAgAA; esctx=AQABAAAAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7Wevr4a8wBjYcNbBXRievdTOd15caaeAsQdXeBAQA3tjVQaxmrOXFGkKaE7HBzsJrzA-ci4RRpor-opoo5gpGLh3pj_iMZuqegQPEb1V5sUVQV8_DUEbBv5YFV2eczS5EAhLBAwAd1mHx6jYOL8LwZNDFvd2-MhVXwPd6iKPigSuBxMogAA; x-ms-gateway-slice=estsfd; stsservicecookie=estsfd; fpc=Auv6lTuyAP1FuOOCfj9w0U_5vR5dAQAAALDXP9gOAAAAwIpkkQEAAACT2T_YDgAAAA' \ --data-urlencode 'client_id=<clientID>' \ --data-urlencode 'scope=https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send https://graph.microsoft.com/Mail.Read https://graph.microsoft.com/Mail.Send https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read email openid profile offline_access' \ --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri=http://localhost' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \ --data-urlencode 'client_secret=<clientSecret>' \ --data-urlencode 'code=<code>'
Make note of the refreshToken and accessToken.
Validating the Tokens validating-the-tokens
Before proceeding to configure OAuth on the AEM side, make sure to validate both the accessToken and refreshToken with the below procedure:
Generate the accessToken by using the refreshToken produced in the previous procedure by using the following curl, replacing the values for
, and<refreshToken>
:code language-none curl --location --request POST 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenetId>/oauth2/v2.0/token' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --header 'Cookie: buid=0.ARgAep0nU49DzUGmoP2wnvyIkcQjsx26HEpOnvHS0akqXQgYAAA.AQABAAEAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7Wevry9XPJSKbGVlPt5NWYxLtTl3K1W0LwHXelrffApUo_K02kFrkvmGm94rfBT94t25Zq4bCd5IM3yFOjWb3V22yDM7-rl112sLzbBQBRCL3QAAgAA; esctx=AQABAAAAAAD--DLA3VO7QrddgJg7Wevr4a8wBjYcNbBXRievdTOd15caaeAsQdXeBAQA3tjVQaxmrOXFGkKaE7HBzsJrzA-ci4RRpor-opoo5gpGLh3pj_iMZuqegQPEb1V5sUVQV8_DUEbBv5YFV2eczS5EAhLBAwAd1mHx6jYOL8LwZNDFvd2-MhVXwPd6iKPigSuBxMogAA; x-ms-gateway-slice=estsfd; stsservicecookie=estsfd; fpc=Auv6lTuyAP1FuOOCfj9w0U_IezHLAQAAAPeNSdgOAAAA' \ --data-urlencode 'client_id=<client_id>' \ --data-urlencode 'scope=https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send https://graph.microsoft.com/Mail.Read https://graph.microsoft.com/Mail.Send https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read email openid profile offline_access' \ --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri=http://localhost' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=refresh_token' \ --data-urlencode 'client_secret=<client_secret>' \ --data-urlencode 'refresh_token=<refreshToken>'
Send a mail using the accessToken, so you can see if it is working properly.
Integration with AEM as a Cloud Service integration-with-aem-as-a-cloud-service
Create an OSGI property file called
with the following syntax:code language-none { authUrl: "<Authorization Url>", tokenUrl: "<Token Url>", clientId: "<clientID>", clientSecret: "$[secret:SECRET_SMTP_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET]", scopes: [ "scope1", "scope2" ], authCodeRedirectUrl: "http://localhost", refreshUrl: "<Refresh token Url>", refreshToken: "$[secret:SECRET_SMTP_OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN]" }
Fill in the
, andrefreshURL
by constructing them as described in the previous section. -
Add the following Scopes to the configuration:
note note NOTE Scopes may evolve over time. Work with Microsoft庐 if these do not work as expected. https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send
Create an OSGI property file
called com.day.cq.mailer.DefaultMailService.cfg.json
with the syntax below. Thesmtp.host
values reflects advanced networking configuration, as described in the Email Service tutorial.code language-none { "smtp.host": "$[env:AEM_PROXY_HOST;default=proxy.tunnel]", "smtp.user": "<user account that logged into get the oauth tokens>", "smtp.password": "value not used", "smtp.port": 30465, "from.address": "<from address used for sending>", "smtp.ssl": false, "smtp.starttls": true, "smtp.requiretls": true, "debug.email": false, "oauth.flow": true }
For outlook, the
configuration value issmtp.office365.com
At runtime, pass in the
refreshToken values
secrets using the Cloud Manager variables API or by using Cloud Manager to add variables. The values for the variablesSECRET_SMTP_OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN
should be defined.
Troubleshooting troubleshooting
If the mail service is not working properly, you, must regenerate the refreshToken
as described above, passing in the new value via Cloud Manager API. It takes a few minutes for the new value to be deployed.