
Asynchronous Operations asynchronous-operations

To reduce negative impact on performance, 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manger processes certain long-running and resource-intensive operations asynchronously as background operations. Asynchronous processing involves enqueuing multiple jobs and running them in a serial manner subject to the availability of system resources.

These operations include:

  • Deleting many assets
  • Moving many assets or assets with many references
  • Exporting/importing asset metadata in bulk
  • Fetching assets, which are above the threshold limit set, from a remote Experience Manager deployment
  • Rolling out Live Copies

You can view the status of asynchronous jobs from the Background Operations dashboard at Global Navigation > Tools > General > Jobs.

By default, asynchronous jobs run in parallel. If n is the number of CPU cores, n/2 jobs can run in parallel, by default. To use custom settings for the job queue, modify the Async Operation Default Queue Config and the Async Operation Page Move and Rollout Config from the web console.
For more information, see .

Monitor the Status of Asynchronous Operations monitor-the-status-of-asynchronous-operations

Whenever AEM processes an operation asynchronously, you receive a notification in your inbox and via email (if enabled).

To view the status of the asynchronous operations in detail, navigate to the Background Operations page.

  1. In the Experience Manager interface select Global Navigation > Tools > General > Jobs.

  2. In the Background Operations page, review the details of the operations.

    Status and details of Asynchronous operations

    To determine the progress of a particular operation, see the value in the Status column. Depending upon the progress, one of the following statuses is displayed:

    • Active: The operation is being processed

    • Success: The operation is complete

    • Fail or Error: The operation could not be processed

    • Scheduled: The operation is scheduled for processing a later time

  3. To stop an active operation, select it from the list and click Stop from the toolbar.


  4. To view extra details, for example, description and logs, select the operation and click Open from the toolbar.


    The job details page is displayed.


  5. To delete the operation from the list, select Delete from the toolbar. To download the details in a CSV file, click Download.

    note note
    You cannot delete a job if its status is either Active or Queued.

Configuring Asynchronous Job Processing Options configure

There are several options around asynchronous jobs that can be configured. The following examples show how this can be done using the configuration manager on a local development system.

OSGi configurations are considered mutable content and any such configurations must be deployed as a content package for a production environment.

Purge Completed Jobs purging-completed-jobs

AEM runs a purge job every day at 01:00 to delete completed asynchronous jobs that are more than a day old.

You can modify the schedule for the purge job and the duration for which details of completed jobs are retained before they are deleted. You can also configure the maximum number of completed jobs for which details are retained at any point of time.

  1. Log in to the AEM SDK Quickstart Jar鈥檚 AEM Web console at https://<host>:<port>/system/console as the admin user.

  2. Navigate to OSGi > Configuration

  3. Open the 51黑料不打烊 Granite Async Jobs Purge Scheduled Job job.

  4. Specify:

    • The threshold number of days after which completed jobs are deleted.
    • The maximum number of jobs for which details are retained in history.
    • The cron expression for when the purge should run.

    Configuration to schedule the purging of asynchronous jobs

  5. Save the changes.

Configure Asynchronous Asset Delete Operations configuring-synchronous-delete-operations

If the number of assets or folders to be deleted exceeds the threshold number, the delete operation is performed asynchronously.

  1. Log in to the AEM SDK Quickstart Jar鈥檚 AEM Web console at https://<host>:<port>/system/console as the admin user.

  2. Navigate to OSGi > Configuration

  3. From the web console, open the Async Process Default Queue Configuration.

  4. In the Threshold number of assets box, specify the threshold number of assets/folders for asynchronous processing of delete operations.

    Asset delete threshold

  5. Check the option Enable email notification to receive email notifications for this job status. for example, success, failed.

  6. Save the changes.

Configure Asynchronous Asset Move Operations configuring-asynchronous-move-operations

If the number of assets/folders or references to be moved exceeds the threshold number, the move operation is performed asynchronously.

  1. Log in to the AEM SDK Quickstart Jar鈥檚 AEM Web console at https://<host>:<port>/system/console as the admin user.

  2. Navigate to OSGi > Configuration

  3. From the web console, open the Async Move Operation Job Processing Configuration.

  4. In the Threshold number of assets/references box, specify the threshold number of assets/folders or references for asynchronous processing of move operations.

    Asset move threshold

  5. Check the option Enable email notification to receive email notifications for this job status. For example, success, failed.

  6. Save the changes.

Configure Asynchronous MSM Operations configuring-asynchronous-msm-operations

  1. Log in to the AEM SDK Quickstart Jar鈥檚 AEM Web console at https://<host>:<port>/system/console as the admin user.

  2. Navigate to OSGi > Configuration

  3. From the web console, open the Async Page Move Operation Job Processing Configuration.

  4. Check the option Enable email notification to receive email notifications for this job status. For example, success, failed.

    MSM config

  5. Save the changes.
