
GraphQL Persisted Queries - enabling caching in the Dispatcher graphql-persisted-queries-enabling-caching-dispatcher

If caching in the Dispatcher is enabled then the CORS Filter is not needed, and so that section can be ignored.

Caching of persisted queries is not enabled by default in the Dispatcher. Default enablement is not possible as customers using CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) with multiple origins need to review, and possibly update, their Dispatcher configuration.

The Dispatcher does not cache the Vary header.
Caching of other CORS-related headers can be enabled in the Dispatcher, but might be insufficient when there are multiple CORS origins.
For detailed documentation about the Dispatcher, see the Dispatcher Guide.

Enable caching of persisted queries enable-caching-persisted-queries

To enable the caching of persisted queries, define the Dispatcher variable CACHE_GRAPHQL_PERSISTED_QUERIES:

  1. Add the variable to the Dispatcher file global.vars:

    code language-xml
To achieve individual ETag header computation on the cached persisted queries (for each response that is unique) the FileETag Digest setting has to be used in the dispatcher configuration virtual host configuration (if it does not already exist):
code language-xml
<Directory />
  FileETag Digest
To conform to the Dispatcher鈥檚 requirements for documents that can be cached, the Dispatcher adds the suffix .json to all persisted query URLS, so that the result can be cached.
This suffix is added by a rewrite rule, once persisted query caching is enabled.

CORS configuration in the Dispatcher cors-configuration-in-dispatcher

Customers using CORS requests, might need to review and update their CORS configuration in the Dispatcher.

  • The Origin header must not be passed to AEM publish via the Dispatcher:

    • Check the clientheaders.any file.
  • Instead, CORS requests must be evaluated for allowed origins at the Dispatcher level. This approach also ensures that CORS related headers are set correctly, in one place, in all cases.

    • Such a configuration should be added to the vhost file. An example configuration is given below; for simplicity, only the CORS-related part has been provided. You can adapt it for your specific use cases.
    code language-xml
    <VirtualHost *:80>
       ServerName "publish"
       # ...
       <IfModule mod_headers.c>
           Header add X-Vhost "publish"
            ################## Start of the CORS specific configuration ##################
            SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Origin') == ''"  CORSType=none CORSProcessing=false
            SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Origin') != ''"  CORSType=cors CORSProcessing=true CORSTrusted=false
            SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Access-Control-Request-Method') == '' && %{REQUEST_METHOD} == 'OPTIONS' && req_novary('Origin') != ''  " CORSType=invalidpreflight CORSProcessing=false
            SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Access-Control-Request-Method') != '' && %{REQUEST_METHOD} == 'OPTIONS' && req_novary('Origin') != ''  " CORSType=preflight CORSProcessing=true CORSTrusted=false
            SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Origin') -strcmatch 'https://%{HTTP_HOST}*'"  CORSType=samedomain CORSProcessing=false
            # For requests that require CORS processing, check if the Origin can be trusted
            SetEnvIfExpr "%{HTTP_HOST} =~ /(.*)/ " ParsedHost=$1
            ################## Adapt the regex to match CORS origin for your environment
            SetEnvIfExpr "env('CORSProcessing') == 'true' && req_novary('Origin') =~ m#(https://.*.your-domain.tld(:\d+)?$)#" CORSTrusted=true
            # Extract the Origin header
            SetEnvIfNoCase ^Origin$ ^https://(.*)$ CORSTrustedOrigin=https://$1
            # Flush If already set
            Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Origin
            Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
            # Trusted
            Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true" "expr=reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'true'"
            Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "%{CORSTrustedOrigin}e" "expr=reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'true'"
            Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET" "expr=reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'true'"
            Header always set Access-Control-Max-Age 1800 "expr=reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'true'"
            Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Access-Control-Request-Method, Access-Control-Request-Headers" "expr=reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'true'"
            # Non-CORS or Not Trusted
            Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "expr=reqenv('CORSProcessing') == 'false' || reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'false'"
            Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Origin "expr=reqenv('CORSProcessing') == 'false' || reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'false'"
            Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Methods "expr=reqenv('CORSProcessing') == 'false' || reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'false'"
            Header unset Access-Control-Max-Age "expr=reqenv('CORSProcessing') == 'false' || reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'false'"
            # Always vary on origin, even if its not there.
            Header merge Vary Origin
            # CORS - send 204 for CORS requests which are not trusted
            RewriteCond expr "reqenv('CORSProcessing') == 'true' && reqenv('CORSTrusted') == 'false'"
            RewriteRule "^(.*)" - [R=204,L]
            ################## End of the CORS specific configuration ##################
       <Directory />
           # ...
       # ...