
Add repeatable sections to a form

Adaptive Forms Block provides the capability to add or make a section or a component of a form repeatable. This allows users to enter information multiple times for the same type of data, making it easier to collect information like work experience or educational background.

For example, consider a form used to collect information about a person’s work experience. You may have a repeatable section for capturing details of each previous job. The repeatable section would typically contain fields such as company name, job title, dates of employment, and job responsibilities. The user can add multiple instances of the repeatable section to enter information about each job they have held.

By the end of this article, you learn to:

Create a repeatable section

Creating a repeatable section in a form offers users the ability to input multiple instances of the same set of data, allowing for the efficient collection of repetitive information. To create a repeatable section in a form:

  1. Go to your Edge Deliver project folder on Microsoft SharePoint or Google Workspace and open your spreadsheet.

  2. Add a form field with the type property set to fieldset

  3. Specify Name of the field. The name property is used to create a repeatable section.

  4. Enable repeatability by setting repeatable to true.

  5. Specify a descriptive label for the field. It serves as the heading for the repeatable section.

    Refer to the image below for an illustration of an employment history section within a job application form.

  6. For each field you want to include in the section, set its Fieldset property to the same name you chose in step 3.

    For instance, designate experience in the Fieldset property of all relevant fields to be included in the employment history section.

    example of a repeatable section field and its properties

  7. Use to preview and publish the sheet. The repeatable section is added to form.

    Underneath the repeatable section, users find an intuitive Add button, facilitating the addition of multiple sections with ease.

    repeatable section, Add button, to add multiple sections

Setting Minimum and Maximum Repetitions

In form design, it’s beneficial to set minimum and maximum repetitions for repeatable sections. By doing so, you establish control and consistency while guiding users effectively. To set minimum or maximum number of repetitions:

  1. Go to your Edge Deliver project folder on Microsoft SharePoint or Google Workspace and open your spreadsheet.

  2. For a field of type fieldset and repeatable property set to true:

    • set the min property to specify the minimum number of times the section can be repeated.

    • set the max property to specify the maximum number of times the section can be repeated.

    Set the min and max property to specify the number of times the section can be repeated

  3. Use to preview and publish the sheet.

    On adding a repeatable section, users find an intuitive Delete icon, making it easier to remove repeatable sections. Once added, these sections cannot be decreased to fewer instances than specified by the min property. This ensures adherence to the minimum requirement set for the form’s completion.

See also
