Mixed Media Sets mixed-media-sets
Mixed Media Sets let you provide a blend of images, Image Sets, Spin Sets, and videos in one presentation.
Mixed Media Sets are designated by a banner with the word MixedMediaSet. In addition, if the Mixed Media Set is published, then the publish date, indicated by the World icon is on the banner along with the last modification date, indicated by the Pencil icon displays.
Quick Start: Mixed Media Sets quick-start-mixed-media-sets
To get you up and running quickly with Mixed Media Sets, follow these steps:
Start by uploading the images and videos for your Mixed Media Sets. If necessary, create your Image Sets and Spin Sets. Because users can zoom on images in the Mixed Media Set Viewer, be sure you account for zooming when you choose images. Make sure that the images are least 2000 pixels in the largest size.
See Dynamic Media - Supported raster image formats for a list of formats supported by Mixed Media Sets.
To create a Mixed Media Set, from the Assets page, go to Create > Mixed Media Set and then name the set, choose the assets, and choose the order the images appear.
See Work with Selectors.
Set up Mixed Media Viewer presets, as needed.
Administrators can create or modify Mixed Media Set Viewer Presets. To see your mixed media with a viewer preset, select the mixed media set, and in the left-rail drop-down menu, select Viewers.
To create or edit viewer presets, navigate to Tools > Assets > Viewer Presets.
Select the Mixed Media Set and you can preview it. To examine your Mixed Media Set in the selected Viewer, select the thumbnail icons. You can choose different Viewers from the Viewers menu, available from the left rail drop-down menu.
Publishing a Mixed Media Set activates the URL and Embed string. In addition, you must publish the viewer preset.
Link URLs to your Web Application or Embed the Video or Image Viewer.
51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets creates URL calls for Mixed Media Sets and activates them after you publish the mixed media sets. You can copy these URLs when you preview assets. Alternatively you can embed them on your web site.
Select the Mixed Media Set, then in the left rail drop-down menu, select Viewers.
See Link a Mixed Media Set to a web page and Embed the Video or Image Viewer.
If necessary, you can edit Mixed Media Sets. In addition, you can view and modify Mixed Media Set properties.
Upload assets uploading-assets
Start by uploading the images and videos for your Mixed Media Sets. Remember that users can zoom on images in the Mixed Media Set Viewer. As such, choose images with this zoom ability in mind. Make sure that the images are least 2000 pixels in the largest size.
In addition, if you want to add spin sets or image sets to the mixed media set, create them as well.
See Dynamic Media - Supported raster image formats for a list of formats supported by Mixed Media Sets.
Create Mixed Media Sets creating-mixed-media-sets
You can add images, Image Sets, Spin Sets, and videos to your Mixed Media set. Make sure your files, image sets, and spin sets are ready to publish before you add them to the Mixed Media Set.
When you add assets to your set, they are automatically added in alphanumeric order. You can manually reorder or sort assets after they have been added.
To create Mixed Media Sets:
In Assets, navigate to where you want to create a mixed media set, and select Create, and select Mixed Media Set. You can also create the set from inside a folder that contains your assets. The Mixed Media Set Editor displays.
In the Mixed Media Set Editor, in Title, enter a name for the Mixed Media Set. The name appears in the banner across the Mixed Media Set. Optionally, enter a description.
note note NOTE When creating the mixed media set, you can change the mixed media set thumbnail or allow Experience Manager to select the thumbnail automatically based on the assets in the mixed media set. To select a thumbnail, select Change thumbnail and select any image (you can navigate to other folders to find images as well). If you have selected a thumbnail, then decide that you want Experience Manager to generate one from the mixed media set, select Switch to Automatic thumbnail. -
To select assets that you want to include in your Mixed Media Set, select the Asset Selector. Select them and select Select.
With the Asset Selector, you can search for assets by typing in a keyword and selecting Return. You can also apply filters to refine your search results. You can filter by path, collection, file type, and tag. Select the filter and then select the Filter icon from the toolbar. Change the view by selecting the View icon and selecting List View, Column View, or Card View.
Reorder the assets by dragging them up or down the list (must select the Reorder icon), as necessary.
If you want to add thumbnails, select the + thumbnail icon next to the image and navigate to the thumbnail you want. When done selecting all the thumbnail images select Save.
note note NOTE If you want to add assets, select Add Asset. -
To delete an asset, select the corresponding check box and select Delete Asset.
To apply a preset, select Preset in the upper right corner and select a preset to apply to the assets.
Select Save. Your created Mixed Media Set appears in the folder you created it in.
Edit Mixed Media Sets editing-mixed-media-sets
You can perform various editing tasks to assets in Mixed Media Sets directly in the user interface as you would any asset in Assets. You can also perform the following actions in Mixed Media Sets:
- Add assets to the Mixed Media Set.
- Reorder assets in the Mixed Media Set.
- Delete assets in the Mixed Media Set.
- Apply viewer presets.
- Change the default thumbnail.
To edit Mixed Media Sets:
Do any one of the following:
Hover over a Mixed Media Set asset, then select Edit (pencil icon).
Hover over a Mixed Media Set asset, select Select (checkmark icon), then select Edit on the toolbar.
Select a Mixed Media Set asset, then select Edit (pencil icon) on the toolbar.
In the Mixed Media Set Editor, do any of the following:
To reorder assets - In the left panel, select Assets (picture icon), drag an asset to a new location.
To add assets - On the toolbar, select Add Asset. Navigate to the assets. For each asset that you want to add, hover over the asset鈥檚 image (not the asset鈥檚 name), then select the checkmark icon. In the upper-right corner, select Select.
To delete an asset - In the left panel, select Assets (picture icon), then select the asset. On the toolbar bar, select Delete Asset.
To sort assets by their name in ascending or descending order, in the left panel, select Assets (picture icon). To the right of the Assets heading, select the up or down caret icons.
note note NOTE -
To delete an entire Mixed Media Set, from any viewing mode (such as Card View or Column View) navigate to the Mixed Media Set. Hover over the asset, then select the checkmark icon so you can select it. Press Backspace on the keyboard, or select More (three dots) on the toolbar, then select Delete.
You can edit the assets in a Mixed Media Set by navigating to the set. In the left rail, select Set Members, then select the Pencil icon on an individual asset to open the editing window.
Select Save when you are done editing.
note note NOTE -
To edit the assets in a Mixed Media Set - Navigate to the Mixed Media Set. Select (do not select) the set so you can open it in the Experience Manager Set Preview page. In the left rail, select the down caret to open the drop-down list, then select Set Members. In the Set Members page, hover on an asset, then select Edit (pencil icon) to open the editing page.
To delete an entire Mixed Media Set - From any viewing mode (such as Card view or Column view), navigate to the Mixed Media Set. Hover on the set, then select Select (checkmark icon). Press Backspace on your keyboard, or select More (row of three dots), then select Delete.
Preview Mixed Media Sets previewing-mixed-media-sets
See Preview assets for details on how to preview Mixed Media Sets.
Publish Mixed Media Sets publishing-mixed-media-sets
See Publish assets for details on how to publish Mixed Media Sets.