Content Fragments - Configuration Browser content-fragments-configuration-browser
Learn how to enable certain Content Fragment functionality in the Configuration Browser to use AEM鈥檚 powerful headless delivery features.
Enable Content Fragment Functionality for your Instance enable-content-fragment-functionality-instance
Before using Content Fragments, you must use the Configuration Browser to enable:
- Content Fragment Models - mandatory
- GraphQL Persisted Queries - optional
- the Create option is not available for creating models.
- you cannot select the Sites configuration to create the related end point.
To enable content fragment functionality, you must do the following:
- Enable the use of content fragment functionality by way of the configuration browser
- Apply the configuration to your Assets folder
Enable Content Fragment Functionality in Configuration Browser enable-content-fragment-functionality-in-configuration-browser
To use certain Content Fragment functionality, you must first enable them by way of the Configuration Browser:
After creating models in a subconfiguration, it is NOT possible to move or copy the model to another subconfiguration.
A GraphQL endpoint is (still) based on a parent (root) configuration.
Persisted queries is (still) saved relevant to the parent (root) configuration.
Navigate to Tools, General, then open the Configuration Browser.
Use Create to open the dialog, where you:
Specify a Title.
The Name becomes the node name in the repository.
- It is automatically generated based on the title and adjusted according to AEM naming conventions.
- You can adjust it if necessary.
To enable their use select
- Content Fragment Models
- GraphQL Persisted Queries
Select Create to save the definition.
Apply the Configuration to your Assets Folder apply-the-configuration-to-your-assets-folder
When the configuration global is enabled for content fragment functionality, then applies to any Assets folder.
To use other configurations (that is, excluding global) with a comparable Assets folder, you have to define the connection. This connection is done by selecting the appropriate Configuration in the Cloud Services tab of the Folder Properties of the appropriate folder.