Share collections share-collections
A collection represents a group of related assets stored together in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets Brand Portal. The users can create smart collections by applying omnisearch or facet search to filter out related assets and store them together for easy access and further sharing it with other Brand Portal users.
Collections are shared as link by way of an e-mail. Everybody with access to the share link can open the collection. However, shared e-mails can be forwarded to anyone. Additionally, shared links are temporary and accessible for a limited duration only. Alternatively, users can be invited as permanent members to collections. There are the following types of users for the collections:
Administrators can share or unshare a collection with authorized Brand Portal users. They can invite other users to a specific collection and define their role in that collection. In addition, administrators can create public collections.
Editors are allowed to create and share collections. They can invite other users to a specific collection and define their role in that collection. In addition, they can also share collections, if they have been invited to the collection as an editor or owner.
Viewers can create private collections only. They cannot share a collection even when they were invited as owners.
Share a collection share-collection
Following are the steps to share a collection with the authorized Brand Portal users:
Log in to your Brand Portal tenant. By default, the Files view opens which contains all the published assets and folders.
From the quick navigation on the top, click Collections.
From the Collections console, do one of the following:
Hover the pointer over the collection that you want to share. From the quick action thumbnails available for the collection, click the Settings icon.
Select the collection that you want to share. From the toolbar at the top, click Settings.
In the Collection Settings dialog box, select the users with whom you want to share the collection and select the role for the user to match their global role. For example, assign the Editor role to a global editor, the Viewer role to a global viewer.
Alternatively, to make the collection available to all the users irrespective of their group membership and role, make it public by selecting the Public Collection check box.
note note NOTE However, non-admin users can be restricted from creating public collections, to avoid having numerous public collections so that system space can be saved. Organizations can disable the Allow public collections creation configuration from General settings available in the admin tools panel. The editors cannot change a public collection to a non-public collection and therefore do not have a Public Collection check box available in the Collection Settings dialog.
Click the Add button to add the user, and then click Save. The collection is shared with the users.
note note NOTE A user鈥檚 role governs access to the assets and folders inside a collection. If a user does not have access to assets, an empty collection is shared with the user. Also, a user鈥檚 role governs the actions available for collections.
Unshare a collection unshare-a-collection
To unshare a previously shared collection, do the following:
From the Collections console, select the collection you want to unshare.
From the toolbar at the top, click Settings.
In the Collection Settings dialog box, under the Members section, click the x symbol next to users to remove them from the list of users having access to the collection.
A warning message appears. Click Confirm to unshare the collection.
Click Save to apply the changes.
Once the user is removed from the shared list, the unshared collection is removed from the user鈥檚 Collections console.