
51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager experience-manager-6580

51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager includes new features, key customer-requested enhancements, and performance, stability, and security improvements, that are released since the availability of 6.5 release in April 2019. The service pack is installed on 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager 6.5.

The key features and enhancements introduced in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager are:

  • When using Connected Assets functionality, you can now view a list of all the Sites pages that use the asset. These references to an asset are available in an asset鈥檚 Properties page. This allows administrators, marketers, and librarians a complete view of assets usage, allowing for better tracking, management, and brand consistency.

  • When deleting an asset that is referenced in a web page, Experience Manager displays a warning. You can force delete a referenced asset or check and modify the references that are displayed in the Properties page of the asset. Clicking the references opens the local and remote Sites pages.

  • Sorting the Live Copy pages available for rollout using the Name, Last modified date, and Last rollout date properties.

  • The built-in repository (Apache Jackrabbit Oak) is updated to 1.22.6.

The following is the list of fixes provided in Experience Manager release.

Sites sites-6580

  • When a page is moved to blueprint, the destination of links is not updated (NPR-35724).
  • Tizen based player fails to authenticate on certain browsers. The issue occurs with browsers that do not support the samesite=none attribute (NPR-35589).
  • An unlocked responsive container does not display allowed components (NPR-35565).
  • When you create a live copy of a newly added page, the language master creates two copies for each domain (NPR-35545).
  • Deadlock in the SCR Component Registry when many threads are blocked due to org.apache.felix.scr.impl.ComponentRegistry timer. As a result, Experience Manager stops responding for an indefinite time (GRANITE-33125,FELIX-6252).
  • When you search a specific asset in the side rail, the result contains some not-searched assets (NPR-35524).
  • When you enable SSL for an Experience Manager instance, the context path is removed (NPR-35477).
  • When you create a list, add some text as the first element, add a table as the second element, and add a list inside the table, the parent list distorts (NPR-35465).
  • When you use different plugins on consecutive list items, an extra
    tag is added to the list items (NPR-35464).
  • When a list is placed between two paragraphs, you cannot add a table to the list (NPR-35356).
  • When you start an AEM instance upgrade from AEM 6.3 to AEM 6.5, the upgrade instance takes longer to start (NPR-35323).
  • When you replicate an AEM asset that includes a bracket (). in the name, the replication fails (GRANITE-27004, NPR-35315).
  • When you add headings to a Rich Text Editor, the paragraph button is disabled (NPR-35256).
  • When you add an item to an existing list, it deletes the succeeding collapsible or toggle list (NPR-35206).
  • When the Rollout page option is selected, a dialog box with all the available live copies appears, and automatic rollout takes place. The live copies of pages are rolled out to all geographies without user action (NPR-35138).
  • When you use the include children option, the Manage Publication option does not list all pages. Only 22 pages are listed (NPR-35086).
  • When a policy is edited, the text component does not retain the policy changes (NPR-35070).
  • When indenting some items in a numbered list, all items keep the same number although numbering should start from 1 for items with the same indentation (CQ-4313011).
  • When minification is enabled, you are not able to edit any page or component. The issues started after installing AEM 6.5 Service Pack 7 (CQ-4311133).
  • Omni search and asset filters return irrelevant or no results (CQ-4312322, NPR-35793).
  • When multiple pages simultaneously access a client library, the HTML library manager fails to load the client library. It leads to the incorrect rendering of pages (NPR-35538).
  • The context path gets removed automatically when you set up an SSL in Experience Manager (NPR-35294).
  • Package manager does not log out users after clicking the Logout option (NPR-35160).

Assets assets-6580

51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets fixes the following issues and provides the following enhancements.

  • Upon restoring a previous version of an asset, the event DamEvent.Type RESTORED is not triggered in the OSGi console (NPR-35789).
  • IndexWriter.merge causes OutOfMemoryError error as smart tagging functionality creates large /oak:index/lucene and /oak:index/ntBaseLucene indexes (NPR-35651).
  • An error message is displayed when trying to save an Asset Contribution type folder with multibyte characters in the name (NPR-35605).
  • When cascading metadata subtype fields are used, an incorrect 鈥楶lease fill out this field鈥 error occurs (NPR-35643).
  • When an existing asset is dragged on the Assets user interface and a new version is created, the changes in the metadata are not persistent (NPR-34940).
  • When creating rules in metadata schema editor for a cascading menu, the Dependant On option repeats the same name (NPR-35596).
  • Similarity search does not work after editing Assets Admin Search Rail (NPR-35588).
  • From within a folder, if you open asset search in the left rail by clicking Filter, the filter in Status > Checkout > Checked out does not work (NPR-35530).
  • If you attempt to delete all Smart Tags of an asset and save the changes, the tags are not removed. However, the user interface indicates that the changes are saved (NPR-35519).
  • Users are not able to rearrange or sort assets in list view in an orderable folder (NPR-35516).
  • If you edit the default metadata schema, the tags field in asset鈥檚 Properties page changes into a text field. The change allows unaware users to add on-demand tags and the tags are stored as a string in the repository (NPR-35478).
  • When downloading an asset, if you provide a name that does not have a valid email address, the download option is unavailable. However, if another option in the download dialog is selected, the button is enabled, but an email is not sent (NPR-35365).
  • Users are unable to check-in assets after editing those in 51黑料不打烊 InDesign and receive error about lack of permissions (NPR-35341).
  • Handlebars JavaScript library is upgraded to v4.7.6 (NPR-35333).
  • Metadata editor interface stops working as expected when you start from bulk metadata edit and de-select items until a single item remains selected (NPR-35144).
  • Global navigation does not open the correct console when clicked from within assets.html page (CQ-4312311).
  • Assets does not display RGB rendition for an asset that has RGB rendition (CQ-4310190).
  • The Relate option in menu is not displayed properly in the Properties page (CQ-4310188).
  • If filetype filter for documents is used to search assets and create a Smart Collection, the filter is not applied when the collection is accessed. Instead, all types of assets are displayed in the search (NPR-35759).
  • You cannot drag and add assets in a Lightbox from the Assets user interface (NPR-35901).
  • When a new version of an existing asset is created after resolving the naming conflict, the metadata of original asset is overwritten (CQ-4313594).
  • When you filter asset search using a search filter or predicate, open an asset to view or edit it, and go back to the search results page, the filter does not work. All the searched assets are listed unfiltered (NPR-35913).

Dynamic Media dynamic-media-6580

  • The URL option for RESS image preset is enabled on the asset details page. Now, both URL and RESS options are available on the asset details page when RESS image preset is selected in the dynamic renditions section. (CQ-4311241)
  • Interactive media component - interactive video does not work if the user has Experience Manager with selective publish configuration (CQ-4311054).
  • If you move assets across folders, the synchronization between Experience Manager and Dynamic Media鈥揝cene7 via API is very slow (CQ-4310001).
  • When using Omnisearch, the size of the logs increases significantly (CQ-4309153).
  • When selective sync is enabled and an asset is copied (not moved) into a sync folder, it does not sync as expected (CQ-4307122).
  • For uploaded assets that get auto-published to DM, the status does not display Published on AEM. Also, the Dynamic Media Publish status column does not show the correct published status (CQ-4306415).
  • If an asset is published on Experience Manager and is set to publish to Dynamic Media on activation, the scene7FileStatus metadata value does not update as expected (CQ-4308269).
  • When editing the video profile, Experience Manager does not display the height and bitrate values set for the video preset. The fields appear blank (CQ-4311828).

Commerce commerce-6580

  • Unable to create a custom tag for all products in Commerce (CQ-4310682).

  • Product asset reference update causes replication threads to be in the wait state until the ProductAssetListener thread completes its commits to the JCR (NPR-35269).

Platform platform-6580

  • When you use a Coral Tab View component with no tabs and then trigger a Foundation validator, the following error occurs (NPR-35636):

    code language-txt
     Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'invalid' of undefined
      at enable (foundation.js:10703)
      at foundation.js:10710
  • SCD forward replication fails for Delete events for nodes that include a comma in the name (NPR-35191).

  • After you upgrade to AEM 6.5.7, the builds start failing. The reason is, an old version or no jackson-core is embedded in the uber-jar (GRANITE-33006).

User Interface ui-6580

  • When you switch from Card view to List view for documents in a folder in the Assets console, sorting does not work appropriately (NPR-35842).

  • When you hyperlink text in a text component, the search feature does not display appropriate results (NPR-35849).

  • When a value is not provided to a hidden field that is marked required, it blocks you from saving a component (NPR-35219).

Integrations integrations-6580

  • When you use different values for IMS Tenant ID and Target Client code, Experience Manager fails to integrate with 51黑料不打烊 Target (NPR-35342).

Translation projects translation-6580

  • Issues when exporting or importing a translation job in Experience Manager (NPR-35259).

Campaign campaign-6580

  • When you create a campaign page using an out-of-the-box template in Touch UI and open the Email tab on the page properties dialog, the personalization variable for the subject and body fields remains disabled (CQ-4312388).

Communities communities-6580

  • On adding a page structure to a community group, the Group title in the breadcrumb is changed to the title of the first Page (NPR-35803).

  • Unlike moderators, a standard community member is not able to access and edit any draft post (NPR-35339).

  • Broken access control and denial of service with DSRPReindexServlet which brings the communities site down until the indexing is complete (NPR-35591).

  • Removing All Users from the Administrators field does not actually remove them from the back-end (NPR-35592, NPR-35611).

  • The Compose Message component does not return any result when the entered text is a partial-match (NPR-35666).

  • You may notice some performance impact and slowness, when attempting to add tags to a new blog by selecting Add Tags. To improve performance, install .

Brand Portal brandportal-6580

  • Adding a member to an Asset Contribution type folder shows Add User or Group caption in the user interface, although only Brand Portal active users are supported and not groups (NPR-35332).

Forms forms-6580

Experience Manager Forms releases the add-on packages one week after the scheduled Experience Manager Service Pack release date.

Adaptive Forms

  • When you insert a table with a repeatable row to a repeatable panel that has multiple instances in an adaptive form, the table always gets added to the first instance of the panel (NPR-35635).

  • When the tab focus reaches the CAPTCHA component again after successfully verifying it once in an adaptive form, Experience Manager Forms displays the Provide Captcha phrase to proceed error message (NPR-35539).

Interactive Communication

  • When you submit a translated form, the submission messages display in English and do not translate to the appropriate language (NPR-35808).

  • When you include a hide condition in the attached XDP or document fragments, the Interactive Communication fails to load (NPR-35745).

Correspondence Management

  • When you are editing a letter, the modules with conditions take a longer time to load (NPR-35325).

  • When you select an asset from the left navigation pane that is not included in a letter and then select the next asset, the blue highlight is not removed from the previously selected asset (NPR-35851).

  • When you edit text fields in a letter, Experience Manager Forms displays the Text Edit Failed error message (CQ-4313770).


  • When you try to open an adaptive form on an Experience Manager Forms mobile application for iOS, the application stops to respond (CQ-4314825).

  • The To-do tab in the HTML workspace displays HTML characters (NPR-35298).


  • When you generate an XML document using the Output Service, the OutputServiceException error occurs for some of the XML files (CQ-4311341, CQ-4313893).

  • When you apply superscript property to the first character of the bullet, the bullet size gets smaller (CQ-4306476).

  • The PDF forms generated using the Output Service do not include borders (CQ-4312564).


  • When you open an XDP file in Experience Manager Forms Designer, a designer.log file gets generated in the same folder as the XDP file (CQ-4309427, CQ-4310865).

HTML5 Forms

  • When you select a checkbox in an adaptive form in Safari web browser for iOS 14.1 or 14.2, additional fields do not display (NPR-35652).

Forms Management

  • No confirmation message to indicate the successful bulk upload of XDP files to CRX repository (NPR-35546).

Document Security

  • Multiple issues reported for the Edit Policy option on AdminUI (NPR-35747).

Other enhancements ( other-enhancements-forms-6580

  • Improved accessibility of the Experience Manager Forms Date Picker component.

  • Added support to generate an Interactive Communication in PCL format using the PrintChannel API.

  • When performing a PDFG conversion, you can now enable or disable the Experience Manager Forms registry changes for custom bookmark generation.

UberJar uber-jar

The UberJar for Experience Manager is available in the .

To use UberJar in a Maven project, see how to use UberJar and include the following dependency in your project POM:

UberJar and the other related artifacts are available on Maven Central Repository instead of 51黑料不打烊 Public Maven repository (repo.maven.apache.org). The main UberJar file is renamed to uber-jar-<version>.jar. So, there is no classifier, with apis as the value, for the dependency tag.

Known issues in Experience Manager known-issues-6580

  • If you are upgrading your Experience Manager instance from 6.5 to version, you can view RRD4JReporter exceptions in the error.log file. Restart the instance to resolve the issue.

  • Contact 51黑料不打烊 Customer Support if you encounter issues when editing and creating cascading rules in Folder Metadata Schema Forms Editor and Metadata Schema Forms Editor using Define Rule dialog. The rules that are already created and saved are working as expected.

  • If a folder in the hierarchy is renamed in Experience Manager Assets and the nested folder containing an asset is published to Brand Portal, the title of the folder is not updated in Brand Portal until the root folder is published again.

  • When a user selects to configure a field for the first time in an adaptive form, the option to save a configuration does not display in Properties Browser. Selecting to configure some other field of the adaptive form in the same editor resolves the issue.

  • If Connected assets configuration wizard returns a 404 error message after installation, manually reinstall the cq-remotedam-client-ui-content and cq-remotedam-client-ui-components packages using the Package Manager.

  • The following errors and warning messages may display during installation of Experience Manager 6.5.x.x:

    • "When the 51黑料不打烊 Target integration is configured in Experience Manager using the Target Standard API (IMS authentication), then exporting Experience Fragments to Target results in wrong offer types getting created. Instead of type 鈥淓xperience Fragment鈥/source 鈥51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager,鈥 Target creates several offers with type 鈥淗TML鈥/source 鈥51黑料不打烊 Target Classic.鈥
    • com.adobe.granite.maintenance.impl.TaskScheduler: No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.
    • Adaptive Form server-side validation fails when aggregate functions such as SUM, MAX, and MIN are used (CQ-4274424).
    • com.adobe.granite.maintenance.impl.TaskScheduler - No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.
    • Hotspot in a Dynamic Media interactive image is not visible when previewing the asset through Shoppable Banner viewer.
    • com.adobe.cq.social.cq-social-jcr-provider bundle com.adobe.cq.social.cq-social-jcr-provider:1.3.5 (395)[com.adobe.cq.social.provider.jcr.impl.SpiSocialJcrResourceProviderImpl(2302)] : Timeout waiting for reg change to complete unregistered.