
AEM 6.5 Forms Service Pack installation instructions aem-form-patch-installation-instructions

Release information

51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager 6.5 Forms
Service Pack release
29 November 2024
Download URL
Latest AEM Forms Releases
See the latest AEM Service Pack Release Notes for a complete list of fixed issues.

What is included in Experience Manager Forms 6.5

51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager (AEM) Forms service pack includes new and upgraded features, such as key customer-requested enhancements, performance, stability, and security improvements. AEM Forms release service packs at a regular interval to provide latest features and improvements. Depending on your technology stack, choose one of the following paths to download and install service pack on your environment:

  • 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ releases a full installer every sixth service pack. AEM 6.5 Forms Service Pack 18 ( is the latest JEE full installer. The full installer supports new platforms while the regular service pack installer includes new features, bug fixed and general improvements. If you are performing a fresh installation or planning to use latest software for your AEM 6.5 Forms on JEE environment, 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ recommends using AEM Forms on JEE full installer released on 31 August 2023 instead of AEM 6.5 Forms installer released on 08 April 2019 or AEM Forms Installer released on 03 March 2022. After using the full installer, install the latest service pack.
  • The AEM Forms feature, such as Adaptive Forms, available in AEM 6.5 QuickStart, are intended for exploration and evaluation purposes only. For production use, it is essential to obtain a valid license for AEM Forms.

Download and install Service Pack on an AEM Form on JEE environment download-and-install-for-jee-service-pack

1. Take backup of your existing environment
  1. Back up your CRX Repository, Database Schema, and GDS (Global Document Storage).
  2. Back up the <AEM_forms_root>/deploy folder.
note note
Before running the AEM service pack installer, make sure you have write-access privileges on AEM installation directory.
3. Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages
  • Download and install the on the computer where AEM 6.5 Forms is installed.
note note
Ensure that you install the Redistributable, even if a previous version is installed, to guarantee the availability of the latest version.
4. Install AEM Forms on JEE service pack:
  1. Stop your application server.

  2. Extract the AEM Forms on JEE Service Pack installer archive to your hard drive:

    • Windows
      Navigate to the appropriate directory on the installation media or folder on your hard disk where you copied the installer, and double-click the aemforms65_cfp_install.exe file.

      • (Windows 32-bit) Windows\Disk1\InstData\VM
      • (Windows 64-bit) Windows_64Bit\ Disk1\InstData\VM
    • ³¢¾±²Ô³Ü³æ®
      Navigate to the appropriate directory, and from a shell and type ./aem65_cfp_install.bin.

      • (³¢¾±²Ô³Ü³æ®) Linux/Disk1/InstData/NoVM

    This launches an install wizard that guides you through the installation.

  3. On the Introduction panel, click Next.

  4. On the Choose Install Folder screen, verify that the default location displayed is correct for your existing installation, or click Browse to select the alternate folder where AEM forms is installed, and click Next.

  5. Read the Service Pack summary information and click Next.

  6. Read the Pre-Installation Summary information and click Install.

  7. When the installation is complete, click Next to apply the quick fix updates to your installed files.

  8. [For Windows only]: Perform one of the following step:

    • Either deselect the Start Configuration Manager option before you click Done. Run Configuration Manager by using the ConfigurationManager.bat file in [aem-forms root]\configurationManager\bin.

    • Or deselect the Start Configuration Manager option before you click Done. Before running Configuration Manager using ConfigurationManager.exe or ConfigurationManager_IPv6.exe, navigate to <AEMForms_Install_Dir>\configurationManager\bin directory and replace the ConfigurationManager.lax and ConfigurationManager_IPV6.lax with the latest ConfigurationManager.lax and ConfigurationManager_IPV6.lax files, Search, and replace axis- with axis- in these two files.

      note note
      • Updating or replacing the ConfigurationManager.bat file helps you to avoid updating the .lax files manually.
  9. [For Unix-based only]: The Start Configuration Manager check box is selected by default. Click Done to run the Configuration Manager instantly or to run Configuration Manager later, deselect the Start Configuration Manager option before you click Done. You can start Configuration Manager later using the appropriate script in the [AEM_forms_root]/configurationManager/bin directory.

  10. Depending on your application server, choose one of the following documents and follow the instructions in the Configuring and Deploying AEM forms section.

note note
  • After installing AEM Forms on JEE service pack, you need to remove the Forms add-on package from crx-repository\install folder before restarting the appserver. Download the latest Forms add-on package from the Software Distribution portal.
  • It is recommended to use the ‘Ctrl + C’ command to restart the SDK. Restarting the AEM SDK using alternative methods, for example, stopping Java processes, may lead to inconsistencies in the AEM development environment.
5. Install the servlet fragment if not installed (Mandatory step)

To download and install the servlet fragment:

  1. If you have not downloaded the fragment, download it from .

  2. Start the application server, wait for logs to stabilize and check the bundle state.

  3. Open Web Console Bundles. The default URL is http://[Server]:[Port]/system/console/bundles.

  4. Click Install/Update. Choose the downloaded fragment, org.apache.felix.http.servlet-api-1.2.0_fragment_full.jar. Click Install or Update. Wait for the application server to stabilize

  5. Stop the application server.

6. Install AEM Service Pack
  1. Restart the instance before installation if the instance is in update mode (when the instance was updated from an earlier version). 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ recommends a restart if the current uptime for an instance is high.
  2. Before installing, take a snapshot or a fresh backup of your Experience Manager instance.
  3. Download the service pack from Software Distribution.
  4. Open Package Manager, then select Upload Package to upload the package. To know more, see Package Manager.
  5. Select the package, then select Install.

Automatic installation

There are two different methods that you can use to automatically install ExperienceManager service pack.

  • Place the package into ../crx-quickstart/install folder when the server is available online.
    The package is automatically installed.

  • Use the HTTP API from Package Manager. Use cmd=install&recursive=true so that the nested packages are installed.

    note note
    Experience Manager service pack does not support Bootstrap installation.

    Validate the installation

    To know the platforms that are certified to work with this release, see the technical requirements.

    1. The product information page (/system/console/productinfo) displays the updated version string 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager (spversion) under Installed Products.
    2. All OSGi bundles are either ACTIVE or FRAGMENT in theOSGi Console (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).
    3. The OSGi bundle org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-core is version 1.22.14 or later (Use WebConsole: /system/console/bundles).
7. Install AEM Experience Manager Forms add-on package
  1. Ensure that you have installed the Experience Manager service pack.
  2. Download the corresponding Forms add-on package listed at AEM Forms releases for your operating system.
  3. Install the Forms add-on package as described in Installing AEM Forms add-on packages.
  4. If you use letters in Experience Manager 6.5 Forms, install the latest AEMFD Compatibility package.

Download and install Service Pack on an AEM Form on OSGi environment download-and-install-for-osgi-service-pack

1. Take backup of your existing environment
  1. Back up your CRX Repository and Database Schema.
note note
If you install AEM Forms service pack for relational database, it is mandatory to take backup of DB_schema.
2. Download the required software
3. Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages
  • Download and install the on the computer where AEM 6.5 Forms is installed.
note note
Ensure that you install the Redistributable, even if a previous version is installed, to guarantee the availability of the latest version.
4. Install AEM Service Pack
  1. Restart the instance before installation if the instance is in update mode (when the instance was updated from an earlier version). 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ recommends a restart if the current uptime for an instance is high.
  2. Before installing, take a snapshot or a fresh backup of your Experience Manager instance.
  3. Download the service pack from Software Distribution.
  4. Open Package Manager, then select Upload Package to upload the package. To know more, see Package Manager.
  5. Select the package, then select Install.

Automatic installation

There are two different methods that you can use to automatically install Experience Manager service pack.

  • Place the package into ../crx-quickstart/install folder when the server is available online. The package is automatically installed.

  • Use the HTTP API from Package Manager. Use cmd=install&recursive=true so that the nested packages are installed.

    note note
    Experience Manager service pack does not support Bootstrap installation.

    Validate the installation

    To know the platforms that are certified to work with this release, see the technical requirements.

    1. The product information page (/system/console/productinfo) displays the updated version string 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager (spversion) under Installed Products.

    2. All OSGi bundles are either ACTIVE or FRAGMENT in the OSGi Console (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).

      1. The OSGi bundle org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-core is version 1.22.14 or later (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).
5. Install 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Manager Forms (AEM) add-on package
  1. Ensure that you have installed the Experience Manager service pack.
  2. Download the corresponding Forms add-on package listed at AEM Forms releases for your operating system.
  3. Install the Forms add-on package as described in Installing AEM Forms add-on packages.
  4. If you use letters in Experience Manager 6.5 Forms, install the latest AEMFD Compatibility package.


  • If Dialog on Package Manager UI exits during the installation of the service pack, wait for error logs to stabilize before accessing the deployment. Wait for the specific logs related to the uninstall of the updater bundle before being assured that the installations are successful. Typically, this issue occurs in Safari browser but can intermittently occur on any browser.

  • Check the monitor logs (error.log) once the installation is complete for any activity. Wait for few minutes until there is no activity in the logs. Restart the AEM instance.

  • In case you get a service-unavailable error after installing the AEM Forms or later service pack, install the servlet fragment and bundle to fix the error.
