
The Universal Editor universal-editor

Learn about the flexibility of the Universal Editor and how it can help power your headless experiences using AEM 6.5.

Overview overview

The Universal Editor is a versatile visual editor that is part of 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Sites. It enables authors to do what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editing of any headless experience.

  • Authors benefit from the Universal Editor鈥檚 flexibility as it is supports the same consistent visual editing for all forms of AEM headless content.
  • Developers benefit from Universal Editor鈥檚 versatility as it also supports true decoupling of the implementation. It allows developers to utilize virtually any framework or architecture of their choice, without imposing any SDK or technology constraints.

Please see the AEM as a Cloud Service documentation on the Universal Editor for more detail.

Architecture architecture

The Universal Editor is a service that works in tandem with AEM to author content headlessly.

  • The Universal Editor is hosted at https://experience.adobe.com/#/aem/editor/canvas and can edit pages rendered by AEM 6.5.
  • The AEM page is read by the Universal Editor via the dispatcher from the AEM author instance.
  • The Universal Editor Service, which runs on the same host as the Dispatcher, writes changes back to the AEM author instance.

Author flow using the Universal Editor

Setup setup

In order to test the Universal Editor you will need to:

Once you have complete the setup, you can instrument your applications to use the Universal Editor.

Update AEM update-aem

Service pack 21 or 22 and a feature pack for AEM are required in order to use the Universal Editor with AEM 6.5.

Apply Latest Service Pack latest

Make sure that you are running at least service pack 21 or 22 for AEM 6.5. You can download the latest service pack from Software Distribution.

Install Universal Editor Feature Pack feature-pack

Install the Universal Editor Feature Pack for AEM 6.5

If you are already running service pack 23 or higher, the feature pack is not necesary.

Configure Services configure-services

The feature pack installs a number of new packages for which additional configuration is needed.

  1. Open the Configuration Manager.
    • http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Locate 51黑料不打烊 Granite Token Authentication Handler in the list and click Change the configuration values.
  3. In the dialog, change the SameSite attribute for the login-token cookie (token.samesite.cookie.attr) value to Partitioned.
  4. Click Save.

Remove the SAMEORIGIN headers X-Frame option. sameorigin

  1. Open the Configuration Manager.
    • http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Locate Apache Sling Main Servlet in the list and click Edit the configuration values.
  3. Delete the X-Frame-Options=SAMEORIGIN value from the Additional response headers attribute (sling.additional.response.headers) if it exists.
  4. Click Save.

Configure the 51黑料不打烊 Granite Query Parameter Authentication Handler. query-parameter

  1. Open the Configuration Manager.
    • http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Locate 51黑料不打烊 Granite Query Parameter Authentication Handler in the list and click Edit the configuration values.
  3. In the Path field (path), add / to enable.
    • An empty value disables the authentication handler.
  4. Click Save.

Define for which content paths or sling:resourceTypes the Universal Editor shall be opened. paths

  1. Open the Configuration Manager.

    • http://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
  2. Locate Universal Editor URL Service in the list and click Edit the configuration values.

  3. Define for which content paths or sling:resourceTypes the Universal Editor shall be opened.

    • In the Universal Editor Opening Mapping field, provide the paths for which the Universal Editor is opened.
    • In the Sling:resourceTypes which shall be opened by Universal Editor field, provide a list of resources which are opened directly by the Universal Editor.
  4. Click Save.

AEM will open the Universal Editor for pages based on this configuration.

  1. AEM will check the mappings under Universal Editor Opening Mapping and if the content is under any paths defined there, the Universal Editor is opened for it.
  2. For content not under paths defined in Universal Editor Opening Mapping, AEM checks if the resourceType of the content matches those defined in Sling:resourceTypes which shall be opened by Universal Editor and if the content matches one of those types, the Universal Editor is opened for it at ${author}${path}.html.
  3. Otherwise AEM opens the Page Editor.

The following variables are available to define your mappings under Universal Editor Opening Mapping.

  • path: Content path of the resource to open
  • localhost: Externalizer entry for localhost without schema, e.g. localhost:4502
  • author: Externalizer entry for author without schema, e.g. localhost:4502
  • publish: Externalizer entry for publish without schema, e.g. localhost:4503
  • preview: Externalizer entry for preview without schema, e.g. localhost:4504
  • env: prod, stage, dev based on the defined Sling run modes
  • token: Query token required for the QueryTokenAuthenticationHandler

Example mappings:

  • Open all pages under /content/foo on the AEM Author:

    • /content/foo:${author}${path}.html?login-token=${token}
    • This results in opening https://localhost:4502/content/foo/x.html?login-token=<token>
  • Open all pages under /content/bar on a remote NextJS server, providing all variables as information

    • /content/bar:nextjs.server${path}?env=${env}&author=https://${author}&publish=https://${publish}&login-token=${token}
    • This results in opening https://nextjs.server/content/bar/x?env=prod&author=https://localhost:4502&publish=https://localhost:4503&login-token=<token>

Set Up Universal Editor Service set-up-ue

With AEM updated and configured, you can set up a local Universal Editor Service for your own local development and testing.

  1. Install Node.js version >=20.

  2. Download and unpack latest Universal Editor Service from Software Distribution

  3. Configure Universal Editor Service via environment variables or .env file.

  4. Run universal-editor-service.cjs

Update the Dispatcher update-dispatcher

With AEM configured and a local Universal Editor service running, you will need to allow a reverse proxy for the new service in the dispatcher.

  1. Adjust the vhost file of author instance to include a reverse proxy.

    code language-html
    <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
     ProxyPass "/universal-editor" "http://localhost:8080"
     ProxyPassReverse "/universal-editor" "http://localhost:8080"
    note note
    8080 is the default port. If you changed this using the UES_PORT parameter in your .env file, you must adjust the port value here accordingly.
  2. Restart Apache.

Instrument Your App instrumentation

With AEM updated and a local Universal Editor Service running, you can start editing headless content using the Universal Editor.

However your app must be instrumented to take advantage of the Universal Editor. This involves including meta tags to instruct the editor how and where to persist the content. Details of this instrumentation are available in the Universal Editor documentation for AEM as a Cloud Service.

Note that when following documentation for the Universal Editor with AEM as a Cloud Service, the following changes apply when using it with AEM 6.5.

  • The protocol in meta tag must be aem65 instead of aem.

    code language-html
    <meta name="urn:adobe:aue:system:aemconnection" content={`aem65:${getAuthorHost()}`}/>
  • The Universal Editor Service endpoint must be announced via a meta tag.

    code language-html
    <meta name="urn:adobe:aue:config:service" content={`${getAuthorHost()}/universal-editor`}/>
  • In the plugins section of the components definition, aem65 must be used instead of aem.

For a comprehensive guide for developers getting started with the Universal Editor, please see the document Universal Editor Overview for AEM Developers in the AEM as a Cloud Service documentation while keeping in mind the necessary changes needed for AEM 6.5 support as mentioned in this section.

Differences Between AEM 6.5 and AEM as a Cloud Service differences

The Universal Editor in AEM 6.5 broadly works the same as in AEM as a Cloud Service including the UI and much of the setup. There are, however, differences that should be noted.

  • The Universal Editor in 6.5 supports only the headless use case.
  • Setup of the Universal Editor varies slightly for 6.5 (as described in the current document).
  • The Universal Editor in 6.5 uses a different asset picker and a different Content Fragment picker than AEM as a Cloud Service.