
Upgrade to AEM 6.5 Forms on JEE upgrade-to-aem-forms-jee

AEM Forms on JEE provides two types of installers: Full installer and Patch installer.

Full installer: You can use the AEM on JEE full installer to set up fresh AEM Forms instances or perform upgrades from AEM 6.5.x.x Forms on JEE to AEM Forms on JEE.

Patch installer: AEM on JEE patch installer is for customers already using AEM 6.5.x.x versions. You can use the patch installer to upgrade to the latest version of AEM Forms.

The following table depicts senarios for using full and patch installer.

Full and Patch installer scenario

Perform the following procedure to use the full installer to upgrade existing AEM Forms 6.5.x.x on JEE to AEM Forms on JEE:

  1. Download the AEM 6.5 Forms on JEE installer from the . You require a valid Maintenance & Support contract to use the installer.

  2. See to learn about the checks to perform to ensure a successful upgrade.

  3. See to learn and perform the tasks that ensure the upgrade runs correctly with minimal server downtime.

  4. Depending on your existing environment and application server, choose one of the following documents and follow the instructions.

Direct upgrade from LiveCycle ES2, LiveCycle ES3, AEM 6.0 Forms, AEM 6.1 Forms, AEM 6.2 Forms to AEM 6.5 Forms is not available. You can perform an intermediate upgrade to one or more versions of LiveCycle or AEM Forms and then upgrade to AEM 6.5 Forms. For the list of intermediate versions and corresponding upgrade instructions, see Choose an upgrade path.
