
Forms Portal | Handling user data forms-portal-handling-user-data

AEM Forms Portal provides components that you can use to list adaptive forms, HTML5 forms, and other Forms assets on the AEM Sites page. In addition, you can configure it to display drafts and submitted adaptive forms and HTML5 forms for a logged-in user. For more information about Forms Portal, see Introduction to publishing forms on a portal.

When a logged-in user saves an adaptive form as a draft or submits it, they are displayed in the Drafts and Submissions tabs on the Forms Portal. The data for drafted or submitted forms is stored in the data store configured for AEM deployment. The drafts and submissions of anonymous users are not displayed on the Forms Portal page; however, the data is stored in the configured data store. See Configuring storage services for drafts and submissions.

User data and data stores user-data-and-data-stores

Forms Portal stores data for draft and submitted forms in the following scenarios:

  • The submit action configured in the adaptive form is Forms Portal Submit Action.
  • For submit actions other than Forms Portal Submit Action, the Store data in Forms Portal option is enabled in the Submission properties of the adaptive form container.

For every draft and submitted form for logged-in and anonymous users, the Forms Portal stores the following data:

  • Form metadata such as the form name, form path, draft or submission ID, attachments path, and user data ID
  • Form attachment as data bytes
  • Form data as data bytes

Depending on the configured data store persistence, drafts and submitted forms data is stored at the following locations.

Persistence type
Data store
AEM repository of Author and Publish instances
AEM repository of Author and remote AEM instances
AEM repository of Author instance and database tables
Database tables data, metadata, and additionalmetadata

Access and delete user data access-and-delete-user-data

You can access draft and submitted forms data for logged-in and anonymous users in the configured data stores, and if necessary, delete it.

AEM instances aem-instances

All drafts and submitted forms data in AEM instances (author, publish, or remote) for logged-in and anonymous users are stored in the /content/forms/fp/ node of the applicable AEM repository. Every time a logged-in or anonymous user saves a draft or submits a form, a draft ID or submission ID, a user data ID, and a random ID for each attachment (if applicable) is generated. It is associated with the respective draft or submission.

Access user data access-user-data

When a logged-in user saves a draft or submits a form, a child node is created with its user ID. For example, drafts and submissions data for Sarah Rose whose user ID is srose are stored in /content/forms/fp/srose/ node in AEM repository. Within the user ID node, the data is organized in a hierarchical structure.

The following table explains how the data for all drafts by srose is stored in AEM repository.

An exact structure like drafts is replicated for submitted forms for srose under the /content/forms/fp/srose/submit/ node.
All drafts and submissions by anonymous users are stored under the /content/forms/fp/anonymous/ node, which organizes drafts and submissions for all anonymous users under the draft and submit nodes.
Container node data for all drafts by the user
Organizes all attachments for the user based on draft ID
Contains an attachment for the selected ID in binary format
Organizes form metadata for the user based on draft ID
/content/forms/fp/srose/drafts/metadata/<draft ID>
Contains form metadata for the selected draft ID
Organizes forms data for the user based on user data ID
/content/forms/fp/srose/drafts/data/<user data ID>
Contains form data for the selected user data ID in binary format

Delete user data delete-user-data

To delete user data from drafts and submissions for a logged-in user from AEM systems completely, you must delete the user ID node for a specific user from the author node. Manually delete data from all applicable AEM instances.

Drafts and submission data for all anonymous users is stored within the common drafts and submit nodes under /content/forms/fp/anonymous. There is no method to find data for a particular anonymous user unless some identifiable information is known. In this case, you can search for information that identifies the anonymous user in the AEM repository and manually delete the node containing it from all applicable AEM instances to remove data from the AEM system. However, to delete data for all anonymous users, you can delete the anonymous node to remove drafts and submissions data for all anonymous users.

Database database

When AEM is configured to store data in a database, Forms Portal draft and submission data is stored in the following database tables for both logged-in and anonymous users:

  • data
  • metadata
  • additionalmetadata

Access user data access-user-data-1

To access drafts and submissions data for a logged-in and anonymous user in the database tables, run the following database command. In the query, replace logged-in user with the user ID whose data you want to access or with anonymous for anonymous users.

select * from metadata, data, additionalmetadatatable where metadata.owner = 'logged-in user' and metadata.id = additionalmetadatatable.id and metadata.userdataID = data.id

Delete user data delete-user-data-1

To delete drafts and submissions data for a logged-in user from the database tables, run the following database command. In the query, replace logged-in user with the user ID whose data you want to delete or with anonymous for anonymous users. To delete data for a particular anonymous user from the database, you must find it using some identifiable information and delete it from database tables containing the information.

DELETE FROM metadata, data, additionalmetadatatable USING metadata INNER JOIN data ON metadata.userdataID = data.id INNER JOIN additionalmetadatatable ON metadata.id = additionalmetadatatable.id WHERE metadata.owner = 'logged-in user'