
Custom special characters in Correspondence Management custom-special-characters-in-correspondence-management

Overview overview

Correspondence Management has built-in default support for 210 special characters that you can insert in letters with ease.

For example, you can insert the following special characters:

  • Currency symbols such as €,ï¿¥, and £
  • Mathematical symbols such as ∑, √, ∂, and ^
  • Punctuation symbols as ‟ and "

You can insert special characters in letters:


The admin can add support for more/custom special characters by customization. This article provides the instructions on how you can add support for additional, custom special characters.

Add or modify support for custom special characters in Correspondence Management creatingfolderstructure

Use the following steps to add support for custom special characters:

  1. Go to https://'[server]:[port]'/[ContextPath]/crx/de and login as Administrator.

  2. In the apps folder, create a folder named specialcharacters with path/structure similar to the specialcharacters folder (in the textEditorConfig folder under libs):

    1. Right-click the specialcharacters folder at the following path and select Overlay Node:


    2. Ensure that the Overlay Node dialog has the following values:

      Path: /libs/fd/cm/ma/gui/configuration/textEditorConfig/specialcharacters

      Overlay Location: /apps/

      Match Node Types: Checked

      note note
      Do not change the /libs branch. Any changes you do make may be lost, because this branch is liable to change whenever you:
      code language-none
      * Upgrade on your instance
      * Apply a hot fix
      * Install a feature pack
    3. Click OK and then click Save All. The specialcharacters folder is created in the specified path.

      After creating the overlay, verify the node structure tags. Each node created in /apps using the overlay should have the same class and properties as defined in /libs for that node. If any property or tag is missing in the node structure under /apps location, sync its tags with the corresponding node in /libs.

  3. Ensure that the textEditorConfig node has the following properties and values:

    table 0-row-3 1-row-3 2-row-3
    Name Type Value
    cmConfigurationType String cmTextEditorConfiguration
    cssPath String /libs/fd/cm/ma/gui/components/admin/createasset/textcontrol/clientlibs/textcontrol
  4. Right-click the specialcharacters folder at the following path and select Create > Child Node and then click Save All:


  5. Refresh the Text Editor\Create Correspondence UI page. The node that you have added is the last one in the list of Special characters in the UI.

  6. Click Save All.

  7. Changes in the special characters as required:

Complete the following steps
Add a custom special character
  1. Add a child node under "/apps/fd/cm/ma/gui/configuration/textEditorConfig/specialcharacters" with mandatory properties.
  2. Click Save All
  3. Refresh the Text Editor\Create Correspondence UI so you can see the changes.
Update an existing special character's properties
  1. Overlay the node to be updated as explained above and verify tags and classes.
  2. Change any values, such as caption, value, endValue, and multipleCaption.
  3. Click Save All.
  4. Refresh the Text Editor\Create Correspondence UI so you can see the changes.
Hide a special character
  1. Overlay the node to be hidden under "/apps/fd/cm/ma/gui/configuration/textEditorConfig/specialcharacters"
  2. Add sling:hideResource (Boolean) property to the node (under apps) to be hidden.
  3. Click Save All.
  4. Refresh the Text Editor\Create Correspondence UI so you can see the changes.
Hide multiple special characters
  1. Add the property "sling:hideChildren (String or String[])" to "/apps/fd/cm/ma/gui/configuration/textEditorConfig/specialcharacters".
  2. Add node names (special characters to be hidden) as values for the "sling:hideChildren" property.
  3. Click Save All.
  4. Refresh the Text Editor\Create Correspondence UI so you can see the changes.
Order special characters
  1. Add a child node under "/apps/fd/cm/ma/gui/configuration/textEditorConfig/specialcharacters" with mandatory properties.
  2. Add the "sling:orderBefore (String)" property to the newly created child node.
  3. Add the node name as the value before which the newly added special character is to be shown.
  4. Click Save All.
  5. Refresh the Text Editor\Create Correspondence UI so you can see the changes.