
Private folder in 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets private-folder

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You can create a private folder in the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Manager Assets user interface that is available exclusively to you. You can share this private folder to other users and assign various privileges to them. Based on the privilege level you assign, users can perform various tasks on the folder, for example, view assets within the folder or edit the assets.

Private folder has at least one member with Owner role.

Private folder creation and sharing create-share-private-folder

To create and share private folder:

  1. In the Assets console, click Create from the toolbar and then choose Folder from the menu.

    Create assets folder

  2. In the Create Folder dialog, enter a title and name (optional) for the folder, and select Private option.

  3. Click Create. A private folder is created.


  4. To share the folder with other users and the assign privileges to them, select the folder, and click Properties from the toolbar.

    info option

    note note
    The folder is not visible to any other user until you share it.
  5. In the Folder Properties page, select a user from the Add User list, assign a role to the user on your private folder, and click Add.


    note note
    You can assign various roles, such as Editor, Owner, or Viewer to the user with whom you share the folder. If you assign an Owner role to the user, the user has Editor privileges on the folder. In addition, the user can share the folder with others. If you assign an Editor role, the user can edit the assets in your private folder. If you assign a viewer role, the user can only view the assets in your private folder.
    note note
    Private folder has at least one member with Owner role. Therefore, administrator cannot remove all the owner members from a private folder. However, to remove the existing owners (and administrator itself) from the private folder the administrator must add another user as owner.
  6. Click Save. Depending on the role you assign, the user is assigned a set of privileges on your private folder when the user logs in to Assets.

  7. Click Ok to close the confirmation message.

  8. The user with whom you share the folder receives a sharing notification. Log in to Assets with the credentials of the user to view the notification.


  9. Click Notifications to open a list of notifications.

    List of notifications

  10. Click the entry for the private folder shared by the administrator to open the folder.

To create a private folder, you require Read and Modify access control permissions on the parent folder under which you want to create a private folder. If you are not an administrator, these permissions are not enabled for you by default on /content/dam. In this case, first obtain these permissions for your user ID/group before attempting to create private folders.

Private folder deletion delete-private-folder

You can delete a folder by selecting the folder and selecting Delete option from the top menu, or by using Backspace key on your keyboard.

delete option in top menu

If you delete a private folder from CRXDE Lite, then redundant user groups are left in the repository.
If you delete a folder using the above method from the user interface, then the associated user groups are also deleted.
However, the existing redundant, unused, and auto-generated user groups can be removed from the repository using clean method in JMX in the author instance (http://[server]:[port]/system/console/jmx/com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.team%3Atype%3DClean+redundant+groups+for+Assets).