
Initial Sandbox Application initial-sandbox-application

In this section, you create the following:

  • The template that is used to create content pages in the example website.
  • The component and script that is used to render the website pages.

Create the Content Template create-the-content-template

A template defines the default content of a new page. Complex websites may use several templates for creating the different types of pages in the site. Further, the set of templates may become a blueprint used to roll out changes to a cluster of servers.

In this exercise, all pages are based on one simple template.

  1. In the explorer pane of CRXDE Lite:

    • Select /apps/an-scf-sandbox/templates
    • Create > Create Template
  2. In the Create Template dialog, type the following values and then click Next:

    • Label: playpage
    • Title: An SCF Sandbox Play Template
    • Description: An SCF Sandbox template for play pages
    • Resource Type: an-scf-sandbox/components/playpage
    • Ranking: <leave as default>

    The Label is used for the node name.

    The Resource Type appears on the playpage鈥檚 jcr:content node as the property sling:resourceType. It identifies the component (resource) that renders the content when requested by a browser.

    In this case, all pages created using the playpage template are rendered by the an-scf-sandbox/components/playpage component. By convention, the path to the component is relative, allowing Sling to search for the resource first in the /apps folder and, if not found, in the /libs folder.


  3. If using copy/paste, ensure that the Resource Type value has no leading or trailing spaces.

    Click Next.

  4. 鈥淎llowed Paths鈥 refers to the paths of pages which use this template, such that the template is listed for the New Page dialog.

    To add a path, click the plus button + and type /content(/.&ast;)? in the text box that appears. If using copy/paste, ensure that there are no leading or trailing spaces.

    Note: The value of the allowed path property is a regular expression. Content pages that have a path that matches the expression can use the template. In this case, the regular expression matches the path of the /content folder and all its subpages.

    When an author creates a page below /content, the playpage template titled 鈥淎n SCF Sandbox Page Template鈥 appears in a list of available templates to use.

    After the root page is created from the template, access to the template could be restricted to this website by editing the property to include the root path in the regular expression.



  5. Click Next.

    Click Next in the Allowed Parents panel.

    Click Next in the Allowed Children panel.

    Click OK.

  6. After you click OK and finish creating the template, notice the red triangles that show in the corners of the Properties tab values for the new playpage template. These red triangles indicate edits which have not been saved.

    Click Save All to save the new template to the repository.


Create the Template鈥檚 Rendering Component create-the-template-s-rendering-component

Create the component that defines the content and renders any pages created based on the playpage template.

  1. In CRXDE Lite, right-click /apps/an-scf-sandbox/components and click Create > Component.

  2. By setting the node鈥檚 name (Label) to playpage, the path to the component is


    which corresponds to the Resource Type of the playpage template (optionally minus the initial /apps/ part of the path).

    In the Create Component dialog, type the following property values:

    • Label: playpage
    • Title: An SCF Sandbox Play Component
    • Description: This is the component which renders content for An SCF Sandbox page.
    • Super Type: <leave blank>
    • Group: <leave blank>


  3. Click Next until the Allowed Children panel of the dialog appears:

    • Click OK.
    • Click Save All.
  4. Verify that the path to the component and the resourceType for the template match.

    note caution
    The correspondence between the path to the playpage component and the sling:resourceType property of the playpage template is crucial to the correct functioning of the website.

