
DSRP - Relational Database Storage Resource Provider dsrp-relational-database-storage-resource-provider

About DSRP about-dsrp

When AEM Communities is configured to use a relational database as its common store, user-generated content (UGC) is accessible from all author and publish instances without the need for synchronization nor replication.

See also Characteristics of SRP Options and Recommended Topologies.

Requirements requirements

The default storage configuration is now stored in conf path(/conf/global/settings/community/srpc/defaultconfiguration) instead of etc path (/etc/socialconfig/srpc/defaultconfiguration). You are advised to follow the migration steps to make defaultsrp work as expected.

Relational Database Configuration relational-database-configuration

MySQL Configuration mysql-configuration

A MySQL installation may be shared between enablement features and common store (DSRP) within the same connections pool by using different database (schema) names and also different connections (server:port).

For installation and configuration details, see MySQL Configuration for DSRP.

Solr Configuration solr-configuration

A Solr installation may be shared between the node store (Oak) and common store (SRP) by using different collections.

If both the Oak and SRP collections are used intensively, a second Solr may be installed for performance reasons.

For production environments, SolrCloud mode provides improved performance over standalone mode (a single, local Solr setup).

For installation and configuration details, see Solr Configuration for SRP.

Select DSRP select-dsrp

The Storage Configuration console allows for the selection of the default storage configuration, which identifies which implementation of SRP to use.

On author, to access the Storage Configuration console

  • Sign in with administrator privileges

  • From the main menu

    • Select Tools (from the left-hand pane)

    • Select Communities

    • Select Storage Configuration

      • As an example, the resulting location is:
      note note
      The default storage configuration is now stored in conf path(/conf/global/settings/community/srpc/defaultconfiguration) instead of etc path (/etc/socialconfig/srpc/defaultconfiguration). You are advised to follow the migration steps to make defaultsrp work as expected.


  • Select Database Storage Resource Provider (DSRP)

  • Database Configuration

    • JDBC datasource name

      Name given to MySQL connection must be the same as entered in JDBC OSGi configuration

      default: communities

    • Database name

      Name given to schema in init_schema.sql script

      default: communities

  • SolrConfiguration

    • Host

      Leave this value blank if running Solr using the internal ZooKeeper. Else, when running in SolrCloud mode with an external ZooKeeper, set this value to the URI for the ZooKeeper, such as my.server.com:80

      default: <blank>

    • Solr URL


    • Solr Collection

      default: collection1

  • Select Submit.

Zero downtime migration steps for defaultsrp zerodt-migration-steps

To ensure that the defaultsrp page works as expected, follow these steps:

  1. Rename the path at /etc/socialconfig to /etc/socialconfig_old, so that system configuration falls back to jsrp(default).
  2. Go to defaultsrp page , where jsrp is configured. Click the submit button so that new default configuration node is created at /conf/global/settings/community/srpc.
  3. Delete the created default configuration /conf/global/settings/community/srpc/defaultconfiguration.
  4. Copy the old configuration /etc/socialconfig_old/srpc/defaultconfiguration in place of the deleted node (/conf/global/settings/community/srpc/defaultconfiguration) in the previous step.
  5. Delete the old etc node /etc/socialconfig_old.

Publishing the Configuration publishing-the-configuration

DSRP must be identified as the common store on all author and publish instances.

To make the identical configuration available in the publish environment:

  • On author:

    • Navigate from main menu to Tools > Operations > Replication

    • Double-click Activate Tree

    • Start Path:

      • Browse to /etc/socialconfig/srpc/
    • Ensure Only Modified is not selected.

    • Select Activate.

Managing User Data managing-user-data

For information regarding users, user profiles and user groups, often entered in the publish environment, visit:

Reindexing Solr for DSRP reindexing-solr-for-dsrp

To reindex DSRP Solr, follow the documentation for reindexing MSRP, however when reindexing for DSRP, use this URL instead: /services/social/datastore/rdb/reindex

For example, a curl command to reindex DSRP would look like this:

curl -u admin:password -X POST -F path=/ https://host:port/services/social/datastore/rdb/reindex